
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mail, Projects and Other Things...

It's been pretty busy the past two days! I didn't have a chance to post a goody that came in the other day! Then, a project that I finally finished working on! Lastly, my husband's 3rd shoulder surgery!!

 This vintage lovely pink acrylic Miyako Maki pencil case is too die for! I love the graphics on it. This one is quite different from others I've found. Seems cheaply made as far as the case itself, only because I am used to thicker plastic, vinyl, with a magnetic closure... The acrylic is soft in feel and inside the ruler, magnifier, divider is very flimsy and may break easily, if not careful. From age maybe?
 I love the case more for the artwork on it, of a Lovely retro girl! Still dreamy, so I shouldn't complain! Ha!
 This lovely gal, I haven't shared with you at all?! Until now! LOL... I was able to adopt her from the lovely Shoko of Milbee Toys website some time ago! She is quite expensive for my taste, but a tan mermaid, who can resist!! Hello not me! She came in a nude color, so I've been trying to get brave enough to paint her and I finally did!!
 I used light blue spray paint, acrylic pink paint, and then sealed her with Mr. Super Clear flat spray. I added a cute white flower hair clip and now she is just so cute! I could've left her nude in color, but I wanted her to be the mermaid she is meant to be!!

Finally, it has been in the cards as of late. Since my husband last two shoulder surgeries, it was inevitable, we had gotten a third opinion, and this doctor suggested another surgery... This time, we did this here on good ole' Guam soil! Not the Philippines, and not Stateside...

Basically, the doc went in, cleaned up some more scar tissue in hopes that it will help his muscle move more freely. We can only hope, right?! It was a 3 to 4 hour procedure, so I stayed close by and patiently waited for the call that he was done!
 While waiting, I listened to music caught up on emails and Tadie kept me company...
 It felt like we waited forever...
 So, when I left the condo to get lunch, I also stopped by my favorite 100yen store and picked up this below, Yum! Tohato Almond Caramel Corn puffs!! Never had them before?!
It tastes somewhat bitter because of the almond flavoring, I guess? Still it was different!
My husband's surgery was done by 3pm. We left for home and he is resting, we can only hope this works out a little better?!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Tadie is great company, I'm sure! :) You know I found a Tadie on France Ebay...? But sadly the auction ended before the seller could reply if they were willing to sell to US... :( Very sad and frustrating. My husband just didn't understand! LOL Hope your husband feels better soon and this surgery did the trick!

    1. Hi Dear Amy,
      Thank you so much dear for your kind words here! I truly appreciate it. I hope it works this time around also? Like they say, "Third time's a charm!" LOL. Oh, I saw the very same auction, and that Tadie was gorgeous! I agree, the auction was stopped before anyone got a chance to ask about it?! I think an early bird probably offered a million bucks?! Just my guess... I hope you are able to find one dear? or Someone, decides to reproduce her!! Hint, hint! many dolly hugs, gg

    2. Funny you say something about someone reproducing her. The people making the repro Kiraz dolls, Mamzelle De Paris, have announced they are working on a new doll for 2016. You have no idea how much I am hoping it is Tadie! haha But a part of me hopes it's not....? Strange. Anyways, I would still love an authentic vintage one. :)

    3. HI Dear Amy, I agree with you on this one. At the same time, I know it will be nice to have an affordable one for others^_~ much love dear, gg
