
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Today's Project and Goodies in the Mail!

I've been working on finding replacement furniture for Tadie's house, before I can put it back together and take some photos of Tadie in her home!! Here's what I've been working on and goodies that came in Today's mail!!

From Monday's post here... I got these amazing Vero or Modella kitchen furniture pieces that are 1/12 in scale.
So... I cleaned them up and refurbished them to look similar to Tadie's Kitchen sink and cabinet below.
(Not my photo above: from Catalog.)
 Slightly different, but it will do the job... Now, to find a fridge and stove...?

Below, I got these amazing Modella style Knoll inspired tulip chairs in orange thru etsy! (3 piece stackable cantilever chair by Steen Ostergaard. Helly Nr. 514. Panton era. VINTAGE 1970s)
It came pretty quickly from Germany too! I decided to use them in a shoot with the Penny Brite Kitchen piece below!

 Sadly, the Penny Brite set is a bit large to use as a kitchen set for Tadie's house! Even these lovely orange chairs are a bit big, more so for  probably 1/6 scale dolls like Blythe or Licca maybe?

 Still it was nice to put a little scene together and take some pics of Tadie in it!!

Then, I received some long awaited Vintage Tomy Smaller Home potted plants thru ebay! I've been wanting to get one for some time, just never really got around to it... I recently won 3! Yup, and will sell one or two of them, when the third comes in the mail! LOL

Lastly, these amazing Washi Tapes from Japan of Macoto Takahashi's Retro girls and Retro animals!! I saw them recently come up as I did my usual searches on Yahoo Japan, and wow! They are so kawaii!! I can't wait to use them and hopefully create some cute things too!! More on them soon!
 I got one with retro cute animals left, and one with retro cute ladies or girls on the right! They sold for 400yen each, and were a part of a special limited edition release back on September 20, 2015. According to the site they are sold out.
 Too cute, I may be a little apprehensive to use them?!... Naw! LOL

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Lovely job on the sink and cabinet! I love that Penny Brite kitchen! I didn't know it even existed! haha

    1. HI Dear Amy,

      Thank you so much dear! I appreciate it! It is a great set too! hugs, gg
