
Saturday, November 28, 2015

An Awesome Stay-cation Guam! Part Dos

Part One here! On Saturday, there were so many things going on, that not everything we had originally planned to do panned out. Tabytha went to hang out at a friend's house. So, I dropped her off, and Sam was headed to take photos of the Car Show that was happening at 11am. Sadly, he came back sooner, and said, the event was practically dead, and came back to the apartment.

So, the new plan was for me to get Taby. Then, we'd head out to the "Autumn Festival" that happens only once a year! I picked up Taby. But then, we got a text to meet up with Nana at Caprisiosa's Restaurant.

We decided to go to her first then, hopefully we'd still make the Festival? Below, we went over to the "Christmas in Hagatna" miniature display, in the same area as the restaurant!

 The story basically, is about the Quinata family, who started to collect and display these amazing trains and miniature Christmas town at The Friar on Guam. They would do this yearly, to help raise funds for the Capuchin Priests on island. As years past, the families collections grew and they would hold these displays for free to the whole island, and donations were always welcome. They would even have light refreshments for the visitors who would come to enjoy the display as they placed their donations in a box beside the exit. Though the family doesn't always do this yearly nowadays, when they do have it, many Locals and tourists flock to see it, if they know about it!
 Tabytha caught on camera above! She was in a better mood and actually allowed me to take another photo! LOL
Above, behind us was a wall with nutcrackers! Cool!

After we left Hagatna, we made our way down to the "Autumn Festival" in Tumon. As we got closer to where we would find parking for the event, there was a long line of cars trying to get into the same place we were going too. Sadly, we didn't even bother trying to turn into the area...

Instead we went to Micronesia Mall, and stayed for the light show!
 Dancing lights as music plays, and a train ride too! So Festive!

We left for home by Sunday morning. It was a really nice getaway. Now back to the real world! LOL

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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