
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year is almost Here!

Whoa, time flies when you are having fun, eh?! LOL 2016 is just a few days away... The Christmas weekend was good, very busy with all the family gatherings, but I'm glad that's one holiday down and one more to go... Whew!

In other news, I posted thru flickr my dessert plate pic remember? from my last post here. Well, during the Christmas weekend, I got a few likes and then, IIia, asked for me to share my pic in a group called, "In Explore", and then even commented, "Superb Capture"! I was very flattered and thought it was so sweet of her!

A day or so later... my inbox was blowing up from all the faves! I am quite in shock... 10,749views already, 104 likes?! I wasn't even trying to be artistic, I just wanted to remember the sweets I was eating, Whoa! I am very flattered that many liked the photo, a heart-felt 'Thank you', and much love to you all for viewing it as well!

On to the usual stuff I blog about... LOL! Today's mail! A small packet from yahoo Japan...
 A lovely anime girl case filled with a Lot of Girly Glico goodies!

Each an every Glico item was bubble wrapped with care, but took a lot of time to open! Ha!

 A few of the pieces below I will keep for my collection...
All the girly glico goodies above, some for the shop, some for my collection! I've already listed a few pieces, so be sure to check it out! I have many extras, including some cute tiny dressers I also have in my collection available for sale too!
Above, the case has a mirror inside. I haven't found a case like this for awhile...I will add the Anime girl case in the shop soon! So be on the look out!

On Sunday a dear friend from Japan and her family came to stay at our guesthouse! They brought Taby and Sara all the goodies you see from Daiso below!
 Cute felt making animal kits! Wow, can't wait for us to try them out!
 Loads of Japanese food erasers and a Kaitan sushi fish key chain!
I had to separate a set for each of the girls...

Then, a tenant from last month lost her damaged Samsung Galaxy Note II behind the guesthouse sofa. We messaged her about it and she said we could throw it away since it had a cracked display. It was still working after we charged it. We were able to refurbish it and I was having fun playing with it, using the paper artist app below!
Just a few of the pics I took with it and became artistic with... LOL

Also, my top Instagram pics for #2015bestnine!!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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