
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Taking Our Guests Around Island!

We are truly blessed, it started 2 years ago, we had guest tenants from Japan, The Nakamura family. This is their 3rd year now staying at our guest house! Mind you, we often get many guests from Japan, Russia, Korea, Stateside and even right here on Guam!

But it is rare we are able to bond with them, as most of our guests have their own plans of what they want to see on our island, and that is perfectly fine with us. We are just glad that they want to stay all the way down south at our little cottage!

Sara my youngest has become close friends with their daughters Honoka and Yuina. They have sent airmail letters to each other and while in Japan for one of our day visits they took us to a mall. So, our families now have become close and good friends.

This year we decided to take them around to see the Christmas lights display, as we did with them last year, and then to an area hike that even we, have not gone too?!

 The girls above stopping to take a quick pic by Santa. This was at the Tumon Outdoor Lights display.

 The girls enjoying, "Christmas in Hagatna" display of miniatures at Agana Shopping Center.

 Sara and Yui below enjoying the 'Frozen' Display!
 We also took them to see the Governor's House Christmas Lights display. It was a really nice evening, not raining this year. Whew! I stayed back in the car while Sam took them around with the girls. Sorry, no pics of that one, except for an earlier pic I took the first time we went thru below!

 The next day we went to Ritidian Point, our northern most beach area that is right by the military base in Andersen. We rarely go here, mostly because the drive is far, about an hour, besides we have our family beach so it is just more of a convenience than anything else. Ha!
 Still Ritidian Point boasts about its pristine beaches with white sands and almost undeveloped land. Many tourists come here too. There is also a wildlife reserve as well. We met up with our guide, Jared from University of Guam. He took us on an hour tour below the cliff line area to see the caves.

 Jared and Sam below as we take a break and talk about the area. He shares with us how the Ancient Chamorros made medicine and gathered water to drink. This was also the first cave he took us into.

 The second cave above and below. Much larger and with more pictographs left behind by Ancient Chamorros. Sadly, wasps were found making their homes over the pictographs and so the reserve decided to net the entrance to the cave to keep them out. So far, it is working, but they are afraid to remove the mud daubers homes, for fear it will damage or ruin the pictographs.

 Inside the cave, you can barely see the pictographs.

 Yup, my sketchers enjoyed the walk too!
 Above and below the view you see heading down into the cliff line area where the beaches are. The Nakamura family following behind us. It was a great hike, and a nice little visit into the past...

We made a quick stop to see the South Pacific Peace Memorial park. It was on the way down to the restaurant so we decided to just make a quick stop!
 There is a small building as a temple for those who want to pray for the souls that died there.
 Sam and I have always wanted to visit. The landmark below is a symbol of hands in prayer. You can read more about it here. It was a very humbling experience, even the other visitors there were all being prayerful. I felt a sense of peace and calmness being there.

On to Old Town Chinese Restaurant for lunch, and enjoyed each others company! We hope The Nakamura family enjoyed their stay with us and the places we visited too?!

The Ritidian Wildlife Reserves is open weekdays and if you call ahead of time you can book a tour, the hike is an hour or so depending on the area. The Christmas lights displays, at Tumon were up since late November and are available for viewing until early January. Same for the miniature display at Agana Shopping Center and Governor's House Display. It is all free to the public and visitors too!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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