
Monday, September 25, 2017

Mini Family Vacay Part Two

You can read part one here!

I woke up first. It was about 5am in Japan and already 6am Guam time. We decided or should I say, I decided on us having breakfast first, take the shuttle bus or a taxi to the Narita-san Temple, and then a taxi back in time for us to pack, and get to the airport by 2pm, at least.

I got showered, changed and was ready to go. Sam and the girls did also. We decided to eat breakfast in the hotel and their breakfast buffet was delish, much more choices too. (Sorry again no photos.) We got the desk attendant to call us a cab. When we were dropped off at the entrance to the temple. It was only about 7:30am. A good thing too. The air was nice and crisp, the roads busy, but, not where the temple was. High school or perhaps Middle school aged students in their school uniform heading to class. Mostly elderly people starting their day walking through the temple grounds.

 The entrance. We decided to take Sam to the temple first, then maybe, we would walk down Omote Sando street.
 School girls walking by. I also noticed that in one of my shots, this girl was bowing. So sweet. Glad I caught it too.

 Once up the first flight of steps, which I actually did, sorry, just happy I was able to do it too. Last time, I couldn't. Taby showed me the lantern at the entrance way. Not, that I would miss it, but, it was, what was underneath, that I would've, if she hadn't shown me...

 This amazing gold dragon!
 Opposite of the dragon, were zories, and shoes tied to the gate.

 A pond with Koi fish and turtles...
 I made it up the second flight of steep stairs. Whew. That's a long ways down too.

 At the top, the huge temple. People were still cleaning it inside and around the park grounds.

 Sam was taking a lot of videos. Sara decided to go back down to Taby and Sam. I just waited for them at the top.
 I watched as an elderly couple burned incense and waved their hands to allow the smoke from the incense, cleanse them. It was very peaceful to watch.

Sam and the girls decided they wanted to walk around some more. I decided to stay by the temple and just people watch and wait for them. So, I took some video.
 I saw a man with his dog walk through and some kids from a visiting school in Australia perhaps, wanted to pet the dog. The man let them too. But, I could tell the dog didn't look comfortable being touched. Then, beautiful music played over a PA system, and an announcement that could be heard from the temple. I tried to upload the video I took, but I guess with the length and time, blogger would not allow its size. Ugh.

 After about 35minutes, they returned. Sam telling me all about the beautiful garden they had just walked through and the trails. He took a lot of videos and said, he couldn't wait to show them to me. They also saw a lake on the other side and another temple area. I was glad he enjoyed himself and the girls too. We started to descend from the main temple, and made our way up Narita-san Omote Sando street. I had forgotten that it was on a slope upward and even with me having rested my feet. I couldn't make the walk up. We just saw a few shops, and decided we'd better turn around and head back to the hotel to get ready for our flight back. But, at least Sam got to see the temple and that's what mattered to me.

 On the walk back down to find a taxi, we spotted this vintage Japan Postal mail box! Cool. I wonder if I took a photo of it last time? Memory is bad these days. LOL. Once we got back to the hotel. We got ready and caught the next shuttle bus to the airport. It was only 11:30am by then. We ate lunch and then, decided that Taby and I would do some last minute browsing. Sam, found his favorite game, the massage chair and we left him and Sara, along with our bags.

 Sara didn't want to go with us, she said her feet hurt. So, she stayed drawing on her ipad. When we walked away from them, we found this next to the Lawsons store... A long row of Gatcha vending machines!! OMG
 We were on the top floor and there was mostly, gatcha machines and food shops or restaurants on this floor.
 Taby and I decided to walk back to Sam and Sara, but just a quick stop to the observation deck.

It was a nice sunny day, about 80 degrees or so, warm too. Then, back inside we went and back to Sam and Sara. But, of course I made sure to stop at the gatcha machines for some toys and I'm glad I did too. I will share my loot next post!

All in all, it was a good family mini vacation. My goal of showing Sam, the beauty that can be found in just Narita was accomplished. I think we may do this trip again in the future...

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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