
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mini Family Vacay!

Sam has one more week of leave for the year. So, we decided to take him to Narita and show him around. Like my mini vacay with the girls back in January! Here.

 The fun begins... We started our journey on early this Sunday morning, leaving the house at 3am to get to the airport by 4am. Yup. We made it on the flight, First Class for all of us. It was really nice too. In 3 hours we would be in Japan, once again. Yippee!

 We arrived safely and after getting the wheelchair, we were through immigration in no time. We did our usual ritual, and got our US currency exchanged to yen and I noticed beside the window, were little origami cranes and stars, with a little sign that said, "Welcome to Japan, Take One." So, I did, well I took two. A crane, and a star, one for each of the girls. Sara holding the crane, the one she chose. We took our shuttle bus to the hotel and put our bags in the holding area.
We missed the City bus, so we opted to taking a taxi to the mall first. The plan was to go to the Temple first, then, to the mall. But, that didn't happen. So, off to the mall we went.
 Sam had fun checking this store out an instrument store. There were a few DJ toys inside! LOL
 We went to Book End and Daiso first. Sadly, Book End this time didn't really have any vintage goodies, I would have wanted to get. I saw mostly, a lot of fidget spinners. Oh well. But, at the Daiso, I did find a few items I could use for later. Yay! I also got loads of candies for Sara to give to her friends and for us to snack on when we get home!

For lunch we ate at the same restaurant that our family friend's took us too, back in January. We wanted Sam to experience the place.
 Cheese fries, Four cheese pizza, Seafood pasta, meat sauce spaghetti, and shrimp spaghetti. All delicious too and different.

 Afterwards, the girls wanted to play at the arcade...
 We tried a few games, sadly no wins... Oh well.

 We walked down and saw a few more stores. I did go to the vintage candy shop again, just to see if there was anything new or old I should say. Afterwards, we decided to get donuts from Mister Donut. They were all delicious too, with water to wash it all down!

After we left the mall. We decided to get back to the hotel for check in at 3pm. But, we sat outside the maill, and it took forever for the shuttle bus to arrive. When it did, we went straight to the counter after drop off, and checked into our rooms. Sam and I ended up napping, and the girls just relaxed watching movies or playing games. By 6pm, we got ready to eat dinner in the restaurant of the hotel.
 Yummy buffet variety for dinner, a bit expensive, but, Sam wanted to try it. Sorry, I didn't take any photos of that one. Ugh. I must've been out of it. Waking up at 3am does that to you. Haha. After dinner, we did check out the little shop in the lobby and the Gatcha machines too. Hehe.
 Just a quick shot of some of the goodies from the Vintage Candy shop at the mall. I did take a little friend with me for company... I left the TV on and by 9pm Japan time, like 10pm Guam time. We all fell asleep.
The plan for tomorrow, try to get to the Naritasan Temple for Sam... get back to the hotel before check out, shower, change and be ready to catch the shuttle for the airport by 12pm or so...

That's what we try to plan?! Part Two is here.

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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