
Saturday, October 28, 2017

An Amazing Book by Tomoko Nakamura!

Oh my goodness! Was my reaction to a book I just received yesterday in the mail. Believe it or not, I stumbled upon a follower via IG last week, because as I was searching through other collectors photos and collections, I was naturally drawn to hers. I decided to message her because she had a photo of a book, I had not seen or knew about. When she replied to me via DM, it was a book she had written!? What, oh my goodness, how did I not know about this book... Ugh. So, politely, I told her she had an amazing collection and I made it my goal to find myself a copy.

Titled: "Colorful! American Junk Catalog" by Tomoko Nakamura, 2006. That same day I searched and with the amazing power of the internet, google translator and Amazon Japan, I did! Yeehaw!

I ordered the book and in less than a week it arrived! So over the rainbow happy!!  A Precursor: Taby had found, back in April an app "Google Translator", you could use to help translate, signs, paragraphs, etc. So, while we were in Japan last April she used it. I needed it to see if I could use it to translate the book. It works! Yesss! Just in case you'd like to use it. Not great, but it will do. Available in the App store for free.

Now on to this amazing book...

Tomoko had written about her collection of American junk that she fell in love with. Mind you this was printed in Japan, and released back in 2006. I'm guessing probably a few of the reasons why Rement recreated many of the cute ceramic miniatures in its collections, as well. Like the duck cup you see in the photo! Tomoko noticed there is a whole nother world of collectors of what we call "Kitsch", in a nutshell, the cheap stuff sold back in the day, mostly cute adorable nursery and baby ceramics and things. She talks about her collection and more in detail to what American Mothers loved.
 It's quite fitting that all this stuff that was geared towards Mom's of the 50's, 60's, and so on in America, yet is still, popular today in the age of 'all things cute'. In the book, you will see many lovely photos and in color too! All from Tomoko's collection. From Rubber made squeak dolls, to lovely vintage greeting cards, Rushton plushies, and my favorite, cute ceramic cups, like Miss Cutie Pie, Miss Priss, etc.!
 Using the app, I hover over the page and google translates it. I am able to read what it says, sometimes the translation isn't perfect, but I get the gist of it.

 I enjoyed reading some of my favorite parts of her collection she wrote about. Just like my dear friend, Pamela Klaffke with her book on kawaii things. Definitely a keeper for those of us who love kitsch.
Tomoko's book, when found is both a wealth of knowledge to all collectors around the world, and lovers of Kitsch alike!
Now, time to make breakfast and read some more of this book!

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls


  1. This book looks great, looking at some of the photos I'd say that you have many of the items shown, kitsch and cute are definitely great in my eyes. Glad you were able to translate the book so easily x

    1. It is dear! LOL, yeah some of the cuties. But majority of her collection, I've seen from you, and many of our fellow collector friends. Just neat! Many hugs dear, Gigi
