
Friday, October 27, 2017

Paper Mate Dolls by Afrocat!

Today, I received a much anticipated box. Inside, three dolls created by the talented "Paper mate Doll" artists of Afrocat!

I was told by a dear sweet friend and fellow collector Marcelo of Brazil, about their release. He told me that Afrocat had just listed them for order! These amazing rubber made dolls similar to their artwork by the same name, from S. Korea. A bit of a foreword, back in 2013 or so, I had found these amazingly cute Paper Doll stickers and makeup case here. I fell in love with the cute dolls that were drawn. At the time, I had hoped, that they would make actual dolls. After some time, they had become very popular, so popular, they made cellphone cases, stationary, bags, etc. available.

Now, they've finally created and released rubber type dolls! What!! Yup! I couldn't help but order them all. Oh boy! Now, I'm so glad I did. They arrived safely to me from South Korea...
 As I opened the box, look at the cute sticker tape along the bubble wrap too! Awe, just adorable. Inside, Julie in pink, Alice in blue, and Sally in green. They even added two gifts for my purchase, isn't that just so kind and sweet! Yay, thank you Afrocat!

 Each doll has her own story to tell, with sweet faces and lots of love. Just read them!
 I love Julie's sweet face, with her blonde hair tied and pink and white dress, she reminds me of many of those cute blonde little girls, I grew up reading about from America.
 Alice wears a blue dress with a white apron, and her lovely auburn hair, just reminds me of a favorite doll long ago, with bows on her hair. I think she is the sweetest!

 Sally is adorable in her green and white dress with apron, and wears a headband. She is just so sweet. Sadly, I don't know if my version has a defect, but a bit of her hair paint is off and judging by the box, it didn't rub off on the plastic... Something I will need to let Afrocat know.

 Each doll is holding a sweet white sheep. Just adorable. The gifts, were two sticker and memo stationary sets. They will definitely be used!
 I will have to think about which one, I will want to take out of the box. LOL, I know these dolls will become very popular fast! I've already seen a few shop owners in Japan, showcasing them on IG. Ha.
Which one do you like best? Which doll calls to you? All three called to me, but I'm finding myself drawn to Alice more. Hehe. Below, Sally and the makeup case I got back in 2013. Just so sweet. Just amazing to have this wish, come true! Yay for Afrocat!
Two quick pics, of Bitter Squeaks mini bear, in a vest I found that fits him, from Remco's Heidi dolls. Also, the plaid fashion that I got for Francine. She fits it nicely too!
 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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