
Friday, October 20, 2017

Lots of Goodies in the Mail!!

Today, was one of those days that well... everything decided to happen all at once. Yesterday, I got a call from my postal person, because I had some boxes. I wasn't able to get them, until today and more boxes came in...Hehe. Christmas all over again!

Today's mail haul...
 A Candy Candy tin tray, more miniature drink vending machines, a Macoto compact mirror, unicorn figurine and a unicorn toothpick holder, a little blue bear, chenille baby posedoll and carriage, Little Factory doll fashion, and a ceramic puppy coin bank.
 A lovely vintage tin tray with the anime characters from Candy Candy. In lovely condition, and I was very surprised to win it too. It will be added to my shop later today.
 This amazing adorable big eyed puppy inside a coffee bag, coin bank. Still has its original stopper too. Also, to be added to my shop. Can you believe no one wanted this cutie? I'm just as shock as you are!
 This lovely Macoto T. compact mirror with "Cinderalla" anime art. To be added to my collection. Sorry, couldn't resist. Hehe.

 This lovely Chenille pose doll bunka baby with pillow and stroller. I will add it to the shop soon too. In excellent condition.

 A vintage Tommy and Tina jewelry accessories and shell case. I will have to think about whether to sell this one or not. I love the necklace and the rings most.
 Yup, I caved and got more of these teeny tiny vending machines. The set to be exact. I will sell a few via IG, if anyone is interested, just DM me there!
 Holy Moly Mother of all that is Unicorn Kitsch!! Yup, won this guy and will definitely try to decide if he will be listed in my shop. Excellent condition too!

 I also got a baby one. Yippee! A keeper of course.
 The whole family taking a portrait. Just adorable. I just noticed the toothpick holder is a bit larger than the vase. Ha.
 I finally received my Bitter Squeaks Mini Bear in Blue. I didn't realize how small he was, until he arrived. I wish I could collect them all too, darn. Oh well.

 Love the packaging and he is so articulate and cute. I will have to add a bow to him and take him with me everywhere, perhaps shopping?!
 I could probably make him wear some dolly clothes too? Ohhh, more later!
 I wanted to share this, I found it in one of my jewelry boxes. If I recall right, they were a set of clips, I bought at a Mom and Pop store locally, and only loved this pair. I probably gave away the others. But, kept these because of the anime galaxy eyed gals that look a lot like "Snow White" in them! Haha.
They're so glittery too, so you know they were made in the 90s!

Also, after picking up Taby from school, we went through the southern side of the island and found these amazing swells in Merizo at Billybay. Whoa. You can't tell from the video, but the waves, looked like a Tsunami coming in. They were very high!

Thanks for visiting! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Irene, my IG is ggsdolls! Many hugs and thank you for commenting, Gigi
