
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fun with Shrink Plastic!

I found a shrink plastic sheets at my local Goody Store/Daiso! I decided to give it a go, and had to do some tweaking here, and there to get it to where I am happy with my creation...

This was late October, of course, it looked pretty easy, right?! Not quite. LOL
 My first attempt above, was pure luck! I can print the images I would like to create. I wanted to try the cute ceramic Unicorns, I had photographed. First, I used an translator app to figure out what the directions at the back said or how too.

First step: after choosing the image you would like to print on the shrink plastic, you have to tell your printer the size of the shrink plastic that will be printed on. Luckily, our HP ink jet printer had the "small photo" size, which is the closest to the size of the shrink plastic. Make sure the shrink plastic has the shiny side faced up, so that the side to be printed on, will be on the rough side. You can choose to print two on one sheet, etc. I did two of the same image.
Second step: once the image is printed. Be sure not to smudge or smear the image on the rough side. Now, its ready to be cut. I like to cut around the image and depending on whether you are going to make a pin brooch or pendant, will determine if you need to put a hole in it or not. At this point, if it is a pendant, you can use a hole punch tool to make the hole.

Third step: You will need foil about the size of the flat pan you will use to bake on. Take the foil and wrinkle it up. Why? not sure. It helps the shrink plastic perhaps not to stick to it or the pan, is what I'm guessing. I used my toaster oven to do this. I set the toaster oven to Bake at 350 degrees, and on toast or about 7 minutes or less. Be sure to place the rough side of the shrink plastic down on the foil, with the glossy side up on the pan.
(Time Lapsed video of the process.)

Fourth step: Once you see the image shrink, it may curl up, don't be alarmed, just allow it to happen, eventually, it will straighten itself out in a bit. Watch it carefully, because it sometimes happens pretty quickly. After that, with a baking mit, remove the pan, and try to slid the images onto a book that is opened, allow the images to drop into that page and quickly close the book. Use your weight to press on the book as it is closed, then put or apply another book or something with weight onto the book. This process allows the shrink wrap to set straight and flat. After about a minute, open the book and slowly remove the shrink plastic. It should be set and cooled off by now. (Note: sometimes it sticks to the pages of the book, slowly remove it.)

Last step: You will need to seal the image. You can use several items to seal the rough side of the image. I used Mr. Super Clear UV Gloss spray to seal. Here is a video to show you examples of the other sealants, thanks to Lorien's Craft Box. After it is dried and sealed, you can create your cute jewelry pendants, pin brooches, or key chains!
 After my first attempt, the unicorns turned out nicely. I was surprised. So cute. But, sadly, they were too tiny, and I wanted to make pins out of these, but didn't have the glue for the pin backs. Ugh.
 When, I printed and made others, I didn't place them correctly in the pan and yup, they curled and didn't go straight, trial and error. This is why its important to have them placed on the rough side, with the glossy side up.
 Today's attempt much better. I made pendants and upcycled the necklaces that haven't sold in my shop. Now, you can have a ggsdolls creation pendant along with the original vintage pendant. These will be added to the shop soon.

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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