
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Vinyl Artists Gatcha!

As of late, many of my fellow collectors via IG are smitten by the latest release of "Vinyl Artist Gatcha" or VAG by Hinatique called, "Morris, The Cat with Antlers". Too funny. I was thinking they were just cute deer. But, literally it says, the cat with antlers! Ha. Cat lovers and Deer lovers will smitten too!
 I saw them earlier in October, and then many on instagram are posting their cuties that they got. So, I decided to track some down. Sadly, no one online has them, they all sold out! Even the one's released in the States. I was able to snag this one, a blind box through an online shop in California. It arrived to me and I got the blue coat version.
 He/she is adorable. You can't really tell if they are boy or girl cats. I really wanted the pink coat and cream coat version. I know if I look carefully they will show up via Yahoo Japan. Sadly, they can cost a lot more than buying them straight from the Gatcha machine, darn. Oh well.
 I am hoping to get a set in and for any who might be interested, email me. I may have extras I can let go of. Three are already claimed.
 I got these yummy cookies via Goody Store. I've seen them before, but this time decided to get a box and try em' out. Yum too! Furuta Blueberry yogurt cookies. The cookie parts are like those Butter cookies in the blue tin. They just melt in your mouth, and the blueberry cream inside is just delish.
 I may have to get another box next time! I also got these gummies, actually, a few weeks ago. Kabaya Pureral Peach Gummi. They are different. I love the smell, they really do smell of peaches. But, not so much the taste. Definitely interesting, that's for sure.
 Warning if you visit often, you'll be in trouble. Yup, I went back to the online shop and found more goodies to buy. Tee hee!
 I ordered this cute Sally book style purse case, and an iphone 6 case. They added a gift, little stationary again! Thank you Afrocat!
 I opened the iphone case, and didn't realize, it was the wrong size! What?! Yup, my iphone is a 6s not the 6+/6s+. Ugh NOooooo! Yup. I immediately put it back into the plastic. Oh well, I had to write Afrocat. I messaged them through the website asking to exchange. But, next day no answer. So, I went in and wrote through the contact email they have. That same day, I got a faster response. Basically, I had ordered the correct size for my phone, but who ever packed my stuff, put in an iphone 6+ instead of the iphone 6s. So, Afrocat emailed me that it was their mistake and I would have the correct one shipped out and they already gave me tracking for it. Awesome! They even allowed me to keep the iphone 6+ case. Anyone interested? Thank you Afrocat for the quick fix on this. I can't wait. I really wanted the papermate doll holding a dolly or bear. But sadly, they sold out. This is still nice and I will have a case to change out too.

Now, onto this lovely Sally's Nurse Play purse case. I fell in love with the look and design. They are like children's golden books, with an adjustable strap and you can have it hang like a clutch, do a wrist strap, or hand bag. Awesome!
 There are two other designs. Can't wait to use this for those quick trips to the store or to pick up the girls. I'm trying not to go back to Afrocat's website for a bit... I'll end up being tempted to buy something else! LOL

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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