
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Bendable Dolls from Germany!

I recently came across and auction via ebay from Germany of a 1970s bendable doll. I've seen another collectors doll, but wearing a different fashion.

This doll was listed as a DDR Mod Doll from the 60s. She is about 14 inches/ 36cm tall.
 She arrived with cake on dust, and needing some TLC. First, I took off her fashion which is a crochet top with pants, top held with a lady bug brooch. Probably not original to the outfit. I washed her hair and used Simple Green to take off most of the gunk on her face. Then, I quickly washed the face with soap, to make sure there was no cleaner residue. It definitely helped with the caked on dust and dirt.
 Here she is before/after. I had some buttons sewn on, which are vintage doll buttons and then added thick thread to lock buttons down. Her hair is very soft, shiny, and pliable. I've never felt synthetic doll hair feel so soft. Perhaps, human hair?  I took a photo of her body makeup. Her head is made of soft vinyl, but her body, hands, and feet are ceramic. Limbs are made of cotton, stuffed and have wire inside to allow easy bending and movement.
 Here she is after clean up.
 I touched up the paint on the ceramic parts of her body and her shoes. Sadly, she was damaged on her ankle and re-glued by previous owner. Still, she looks amazing. I have seen this type of bendable doll twice before.

This was my first bendable doll from Germany. Here's what she looked like before. Then, I changed her eyes and added eyelashes. I re-did her arms, since her original bendable arms and hands were like chicken feet.
 She is quite different from the other bendable doll, this doll has a ceramic head and upper torso, with wire arms and legs. Her feet are felt, and her pants are sewn onto her, and tied at the waist. As you can see from the body photo. Her hair is probably mohair and styled like a Bouffant. She is probably an earlier bendable doll, about 1960s.
 These dolls were usually played with Bodo Hennig dollhouse furniture, because these furniture pieces were a nice size for 1/6 scale dolls.
 Here is a post card I found via ebay Germany, that showcases a similar bendable doll, as my first one.
Lovely mod blouse or top, long slender legs, with the same felt shoes or feet. I will put both dolls up for sale via my Etsy shop. Be on the look out for posts via instagram for sale notices.

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

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