
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Maimai Outside!

I decided to keep two of those cute snail girls, from my last post, here. Maimai is her name. I had a good response to her via IG and sold out the rest. I hope to try to get more in.

So, outside I went to take some photo shots of this awkwardly cute snail girl!

 Maimai in the second photo, had a random red ant crawling on her. I posted it via instagram and had a comment by a friend that said, the red ant was checking her out! Too funny!
 I did a 2nd photo shoot outside just this morning...

She's quite unique and fun to photograph too! Haha.

On Monday, I received this lovely vintage ceramic planter of a giraffe and baby. Similar to my swan and baby planter.
 By Napco, this planter is made in Japan around 1960s. Marked, 9957.
 Side by side are the two planters. Just adorable. I may decide to sell both soon.

 Who can resist that adorable baby face!

I hope to have the Maimai gatchas in early next week. So, stay tuned to instagram for them to be posted for sale!

Have a beautiful week dear fellow collectors!!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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