
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Day After Christmas...

Oh my goodness, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas?! Mine was simple, and very special too! I woke up early as usual and realized that I hadn't put the 'Santa' present under the tree?! What!!! Yup. It was already 6:17am. So, I didn't bother putting on my glasses and rushed out to tape the name tag on from Santa, and place it front and center. Then, I went back into my bedroom and the rest is history. We all started opening presents about 8:30am.

I had gotten some special gifts this year, Sam gave me a very special card, and it definitely made me realize he does know how much I do for him and the girls. Yesss. But, it is nice to be told thanked too! Ha. Taby, since having a job, has been truly giving this year. She got each of us gifts of things we could use, Sam a massage seat and replacement band for his watch, Sara her Bendy game, she's been wanting since a few years ago, and for me she gave a lovely wall art, that reminds me a lot of our vintage Waifs and Big eyed litho prints by Margaret Keane, she got me a chair!!

 Lovely print made in the USA, not vintage but definitely retro. I love her. She will be great on my wall along with all the other waifs. Just adorable too! The other was this lovely retro chair. You see a earlier last year, I had spotted a chair, I think I posted it here on my blog... I did, here! Well, we tried going back for it, it was long gone, and we've been back to Ross looking for that very same style, nothing. They never brought it back. So, Taby knew I had wanted a chair to place by my display cabinet so that I may sit, and admire my collection or just to relax and read a book or sew. She did! She basically bought a chair from Ross and modified it all by herself. She got some scrap wood from Home Depot, free, and bought parts, even borrowed her Father's tools to make this special chair just for me! I didn't know anything about it, until we went over to my Mother in-law's to open gifts there!!

I love it, and even took out my orange pillow, also bought at Ross, that I've been saving for this very chair!! Haha. A wonderful Christmas indeed and I'm so proud of Taby for being so creative all on her own. Also, today's mail yielded some anticipated boxes!! Yay! I got these two cute roly poly type coin banks for my shop. I've already listed it in my Etsy shop. Each will be sold separately.   Sadly, this box, that I was hoping to arrive on Christmas Eve, but didn't. Because, I guess my postal lady, scanned it before actually contacting me for pickup, until today. Even worse, the fawn was damaged inside. Noooo!!

 I was able to adopt this cutie from a dear friend, to go with my blue fawn. When she arrived, this was the state she was in. I was devastated. Her ear was shattered, and her neck line crack, but not all the way through, whew. I wasn't even sure I could fix her, with all those tiny little pieces. The box had not sustained any damage, but inside the fawn was loose, I don't know if someone else had opened up the box first, before I did. Maybe at customs perhaps? Who knows, ugh. I immediately took her into my room, and started to work on her. After about 2 hours later, I was able to get her to this point...

 A close up of her ear and base of the neck. It was the best I could do, and I still love her. The shocking part, was how big she was!! She is even larger then my blue deer. I didn't think there were various sizes for this style figurine!! LOL I guess she is a Mommy fawn to my blue fawn. Ha! Still lovely and a great addition to my fawn collection. She won't be able to fit into my display case. So, she will be on my dresser for now...
A wonderful Christmas indeed!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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