
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Did You Know?

 I made this quick vid to talk about "Plastic Degradation" also called, "Vinyl Plague" from a fellow collector. Basically, it's rubber/plastic degrading over time. Some say it's not a disease and can't be passed on to other dolls or toys, but from my experience, it can!

As with everything, time, temperature, and sunlight can degrade vintage items. Rubber/Plastic is one of them. So, it may not be a disease, and can't be caught by other dolls or toys, but, it can affect them if they are stored in the same plastic container or enclosed container. 

Thanks to "Wakarimasen" on Instagram who shared her knowledge about what can happen to Furga Dolls. "They develop darker spots that grow over time. It can be temporarily cured by exposure to sun with a mixture of oxy cream, but will come back eventually. They say it's an additive that degrades due to the lack of airflow, (typically dolls stored in closed containers.)"

From my experience, I left a vintage German made rubber doll in the same bin as the same type of rubber doll in perfect condition. One was a bit darker, but that was before I knew what was happening to it. After about a year, I took them out because I decided to sell one of them. Upon inspection, the other doll that was perfect, had soiling on her clothes, and her face and body started to become dark just as the other doll was before. So, does this mean the "Plastic Disease" can be a disease? Possibly or perhaps, because they were in the same container and in close proximity to each other, the degradation of one doll possibly contaminated or increased degradation of the other doll in the process as well.

Maybe someone in our community can experiment and tell us what their results wield. But ultimately, don't store degrading dolls with perfect ones, is the answer from my experience! Haha!

As with all things in time, they degrade. So enjoy them while you can! Generally, they should last your lifetime!

Thank you for watching! ~ ggsdolls

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