
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

What is Fair in Collecting? Updated


Over 50 years of living this life, and sometimes things don't surprise me. But this recent experience did! I've posted before about what is fair in collecting back in 2018 in my original blog post here. Though it is out there in cyberspace, many have not read it or know of it. Especially, those who are new to collecting and don't read blogs much, because it's easier to youtube it or tiktok it. So, I will share it again!!

 - Do what is fair and right, when collecting

We are all looking for the same vintage items. As a collector you can't force others not to buy something because you want the same item. Guess what everyone does too! But, should someone else find it or win it instead of you, you should not hate the person, disrespect or bully them for it. Collecting is just that, we find great deals, great. If someone else beats us to the great deal, oh well, it wasn't meant to be yours, be happy for them! You will eventually find it yourself, in time. "Have patience young Padawan!"

 - Be courteous with one another. When you ask another collector if they are or aren't interested in an item, that you may want for yourself. Be honest, you can kindly ask that other collector. Whether it's between friends or just a fellow collector, let one another know. That way in the end, your friend and on a future item find, you'll both get the best price for that vintage find. I think this is a bit of a give an take situation between mostly close collector friends and it can be helpful and nice. But, I'm sure there is the opposite and things can get nasty too. If that happens, then the earlier rule is the best way to go.

  -  Share your knowledge about things you find. I'm an advocate for sharing what I find. It is my hope that from what I share, if it can help others in their pursuit of finding the same item or have more knowledge about that item, then I'm for it! This one has changed a bit for me, because some of the younger collectors feel you "NEED" to tell them where you bought it or how you got the item. For those of us who have been doing this for years, honestly, we don't owe 'anyone', an explanation. You need to learn what to do and how to, that's what we have done. We didn't just ask someone for the answers. We did the years of searching and research and worked at it. So, with that being said, Yes, share the knowledge about an item is fine, but we are not obligated too, and there should be no pressure.

 - Be mindful of others feelings and have respect for one another as collectors. Though I may have said, all is fair in our love of collecting. Still be mindful of others, and don't say or share things that may hurt them, just to get back at them or for whatever reason. It's just plain wrong. Okay, so you won that item. Don't show off, and don't brag about it either. I'm a firm believer of Karma, and what you put out into the world, is exactly what you will get back. Just think first, "Would I want something like that done to me?"

 - Don't burn your bridges. When you become close to other collectors, that's great and you've made a good friend. They probably helped you find an ISO, or even directed you to one they had in their collection themselves and are offering it to you. Having a person you can relate to helps, and having one that loves the same things you do, is even better and a blessing! You have to remember, everyone is different and the way we all communicate with one another is different too. It's okay, if your not social, nothing wrong with that. But please don't force yourself on others either. We have many talents, gifts, and knowledge we can share or gain from one another. If there was a minor misunderstanding try your best to work it out. Most often it is just miscommunication. But, if that person, won't forgive or forget. Let it be and move on. It is a lesson learned, and that's life. One thing I've learned is that you can forgive, and talk it out with one another. Sometimes that works too, so try, it doesn't hurt!

 - Collectors as sellers.  As collectors we all want the best deals, doesn't everyone? But, you also have to remember that we were not sellers at first, we are buyers just like you. Please be courteous to the seller you are buying from. Asking for a cheaper deal or questioning their items or prices, is just an insult. Come on guys, if you were at a Gap Store or Walmart, do you go up to the cashier and barter for a cheaper price? The person you are buying from is a small business, at most, a collector themselves trying to make back what they spent on that item, and the work they put into getting it or fixing it. Please read some of the examples given on, "11 Etiquette to observe when buying from a dealer." Numbers 1, 4, 5, 8, and 9." (Sadly, the website needs renewing and is currently down.)

- Collectors as Buyers. Updated. Do not ask or force a seller to tell you who bought that item you missed out on and where they are from. That is none of your business and sellers shouldn't be giving out buyers information either. It's in your agreement with the selling website not too. That's the reason certain places do not show who the winner is or buyers names. Buyers should not bully or try to guilt trip other buyers because they missed out on an item.  It's sold, let it go and move on. You can't tell a seller who not to sell too! Just because, you don't want that person to buy it, because they have the money for that item and you don't. That's wrong too! How would you like someone doing that to you? Please, think before you say or do things. Sometimes when you are upset, angry things get said or done and honestly it hurts everyone, in the end.

- For the love of collecting, Be kind. It makes a difference in our world nowadays, where there is so much violence, hate, bullying, and lies. Being kind matters... Kindness, matters. We all love, what we love and collect, what we collect. Enjoy it and be kind to others when you are collecting. It makes for a better world, a better people, better community and life...

Just my take. If I find other points to add, I will update it here. Just remember, let's make collecting fun and safe. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you feel is 'Fair in Collecting'? Comment below.

 Thank you again for reading my little blog! ~ ggsdolls

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