
Monday, April 25, 2022

Interview with ladyducklingprincess!

 Interview with a Collector - ggsdolls blog Series 

  I decided to start something new on my blog and share some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and creatives, that have become friends of mine on my blog and share with you what they collect and why?

    For the month of April, my next blog interview is with the beautiful, ladyducklingprincess on Instagram or commonly known as Sui.

    Sui is from the lovely country with dreamy castles and scenery of Düsseldorf, Germany. She currently works at a financial institution and soon to be home maker. She began collecting vintage rubber face toys since 2015, about 7 years ago. Sui was always interested in vintage things,  especially vintage clothing. She used to listen a lot to Melanie Martinez's music, and from an interview Melanie gave, she became smitten by vintage toys too. She searched for them on eBay and found vintage rubber faces and toys she liked. By then her second and third stuffed animals toys were Rushton toys. They were the little crying baby and then a Molly Cottontail.  She also collects Sailor Moon toys and memorabilia, 1980s and 90s toys and vintage pastel dresses. 


     How do you describe your collection and what draws you to this aesthetic? "I like the small twist between creepy and cute. I find them so more detail than today‘s stuff. They make me  happy and I love to be surrounded by them." Wonderful Sui, now that brings me to my next question... What is it about the vintage cute kitsch aesthetic that distinguishes it from other toys/novelties of the same era? "They look unique and special. Particularly the face expression is outstanding. Here in Germany the toys  from back then are quite boring you just found dolls and teddy bears. So I have to order all toys overseas from Japan or the U.S."

      Tell us a bit more about your collection Sui, how it started and how it has evolved too? "I stopped counting. But because you asked, I will count them now. So I own 32 Rushtons, 21 other plushies, and  rubber faces (Steiff, Gund, Knickerbocker, Mexico toys) and 5 dolls, along with a few squeaks and ceramics. But I  focus more on plush toys. I always buy and resell toys, because I don’t like it so stuffed and space is always rare. I like it more to display them nicely. I always look for rubber face and Rushton toys." How does your family and friends feel about your collection? "They like it and support me 100%. All my family members collect many different things. And an extra shout out to my husband, who always supports and loves my hobby. We share the love of collecting toys. He collects all Batman related things, and also 80‘s/90‘s stuff like Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles or Walkmans." 


     What is the most favorite item in your collection and why is it so special? "It’s definitely my chubby Queenie Quack, my big yellow bunny, and my lamb. These three are really special  to me and I would never give them away. They are special for me because, I searched so long for them and two of them were presents from my husband." Though Sui may not have a shop set up, generally, she may post items for sell on her Instagram. What is the most unique or unusual item you have come across? "The most unusual item I came across and own is a pink rubber face bunny with a creepy face, and I think it's handmade body. I find it pretty cool and unique." 

    If there was an item that would be free of charge, what would it be and why? "The big white sleeping bunny from Rushton. It‘s definitely my biggest ISO." Have you noticed the popularity of vintage rubber face stuffed animals, why do you think the popularity is so high nowadays? "Oh yeah, there’s a really great increase in popularity. The prices go through the roof. For example, I got my  Molly Cottontail bunny for one hundred fifty dollars including shipping and customs six years ago, now it‘s around one thousand dollars!!! I think popularity went up because of Instagram. A lot of people share them and many other toy collectors come across them. Plus, Melanie Martinez always pushes Rushton Toys into popularity. Back then, when she started she was more into baby vintage toys like Roly polys, Fisher Price, Crying bears and a few Squeaks. Since a few years she’s into Rushton and lots of fans want to own them as well." 

    Is there anything else you would like to add? "When I started I really loved the small vintage toy community. Lately, it got bigger and bigger. And sadly I noticed that a lot of people get jealous, fight over toys and started drama. That makes me really sad, because we all collect the same and share the same passion. A nice collection can’t grow over night. It takes years and patience. So I would wish for the future, that we all keep calm and relax." 


Truly a very touching sentiment Sui, and we all can hope for that dear! Thank you so much to the wonderful Sui, and be sure to follow her on Instagram at ladyducklingprincess!


Until next month my dear friends! When I interview a fellow US collector!


Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls 

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