
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My Breast Cancer Journey Update!


 From my last post, here. I had an appointment for an ultrasound early this month. The tech who tried to take snaps of my right breast couldn't see the mass that the MRI yielded. So, she suggested I do a mammogram instead. By mid April, I had done my mammogram and was waiting on my results.

Today, I was taking my father to his doctor's appointment. You see, his doctor is also the same one that my husband and I go to. A very kind, caring and understanding one too! While he was getting ready to talk about my Dad's results from lab, he said, that he had greats news for me...

Basically, the results from my recent mammogram showed, that the breast calcification that was seen in my earlier MRI, was no longer visualized. That it was benign and that my continued care would be to just follow up on my annual mammogram!

I left my Dad's doctors appointment high on life!! I was thanking God all the way home and I am still thanking him. Along with the doctors who took such great care of me! This has truly been a blessing!! 

Thank you for following my breast cancer journey and your continued support and prayers. This experience has come full circle. I'm am so much more thankful now and what this experience has taught me a long the way. 

Please get your annual mammogram done and if you ever do experience a positive result. Never think you are alone. There are so many people who are willing to fight with you and for you. God being your main cheerleader!

Thank you so much for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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