
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Summer has Begun!

 Sara started summer since this past Monday. She has had a great online school year and her grades are even better than they were in 7th grade when the pandemic began. The island is slowly opening up and I see tourists coming back to our little island. So much is going on, some good and some not so good. I pray for the family affected by gun violence. I hope our elected leaders find better solutions...

May is on its way out, and life has been blessed to be busy. I recently found some adorable vintage goodies and have been blessed to work on some commissions as well. This vintage Jr Elf book titled, "Bunny Blue" is a fave. I finally had an opportunity to buy one. It arrived safely to me and talks about this little blue bunny and his adventures. You see he lives in a toy box with other toys that belong to Hope Ann. At night when she is asleep they come to life. Sound familiar? Yup, like "Toy Story". Haha. But this particular bunny lost his big satin bow. He goes on a quest to find it.

You will have to read the book to find out more. But, mostly I love the graphics. There is just something about vintage art for children back then. Just like the toys, more details, more simple, yet endearing. It's one of Jr Elf books lovely editions for sure! I've also become a bit obsessed with 1940s and 50s toy rattles. I found this adorable blue one in the best condition, that I've seen. He will be a part of my collection. The one after it, came from a lot of rattles I found on ebay. I've restored the others and they have sold already, but this one I am still deciding to keep or not. Haha!

Next, I found these mint in package blue craft leaves made in Japan. They will be great to make a wreath with or use in some crafting project. I have a few listed for sale in my Etsy shop. I don't need them all. I've also fallen in love with these French Victorian ring caskets made with glass. Basically, jewelry box for your rings. Inside it has lovely satin lined pillows and the top has a building lined with flags and the words, "Exposition 1900" on it. They also make them without the famous French building or landmarks. But this was one of the cheapest ones I've found thus far. They can be very expensive. But definitely a unique piece of French History. Reminds me of Bridgerton the Netflix series. Or at least that era.

This lovely 80s Victorian wood doll pull toy, I got for my collection, and look at this adorable set of Green Arnart kitties! They were all at a decent price, so I figured why not! Haha! Than, I found this lot of American Greetings card books from the 60s and 70s. Do you recall them? I do. Back in the early 70s, I was probably about 4 years old, my sister had a few of these books and I remember reading one. I thought it was about Adam and Eve. I remember looking at the book and thinking, "Aww, it's about God and bible stories." I recall reading it thinking it was a story or something. Now as an adult, I was searching for this book for the last 3 years since recalling it. But, never found it under Children's religious books, and that's only because it wasn't...

Instead it was a card book about a couple's anniversary!!! Oh my goodness, in my mind as a little kid, I thought it was the story about Adam and Eve. I must've been a lot younger, cause, I don't even think I could read it. I was only guessing what it said!! LOL In this lot above, I found it again and I'm so happy. Mostly because it was a book from my childhood. Probably something my parents got as a gift and my sister kept it. It was an Anniversary card for a married couple, and not about Adam and Eve. Though it was drawn like the couple are Adam and Eve. Too cute!

I've kept a few and listed a few of the card books in my Etsy shop. This groovy Radio Shack Genie Lamp was an awesome find online. I never knew one existed. It's similar to the Magic Eight ball toy. But this lamp, used batteries. Sadly, it doesn't work. Still it is a lovely piece of toy history. I also adopted this adorable Rushton vintage sleepy bunny from a dear friend in Germany. She even added a little cute duckling. So adorable and Sara claimed it too! Haha! The bunny is the 3rd one in my Rushton collection of its style.

This amazing groovy ceramic wall art is made by Ron Chereskin. I was drawn to it for its grooviness. Love the colors and the lady looks a lot like High Fashion Lina! Definitely a keeper. Now to find a spot on my wall for it. Also an update to my little sleepy Rushton kitty...

I was able to get him done in pink fur with blue felt paws and feet. He turned out lovely. I will cherish him. I still have his original fur and will keep it for now. In case I decide to put him back together. He had blue ears at first, but that did not turn out the way I liked so I made it all pink instead. He is such a cutie and I love him very much!

My little babies all napping... I have two other items I will share in my next post. One is a commission, that is so far quite interesting to say the least! More on that one soon and also a rare find for a Rushton!

More next time!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Interview with The Vintage Unicorn!!


 Interview with a Collector - ggsdolls blog Series 

      I decided to start something new on my blog and share some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and creatives, that have become friends of mine on my blog and share with you what they collect and why?

    For the month of May, this blog interview is with the gorgeous, the_vintage_unicorn on Instagram or commonly known as Jess.

     Jess and her favorite fake Rushton Bunny.

     Jess is from the Midwest area of the United States. She used to be a sales 

associate at a  department store before she became a stay at home mom. How 

long have you been selling vintage?  Jess ~ "I have been selling online since 

2001." Jess started her vintage Instagram account back in 2014. This is where  

she sells, and shares her vintage collection. Jess, first encountered a rubber 

face bear in 2015 while antiquing in Oklahoma. "He was huge! I bought him  

for seventeen dollars, and I still have him in my collection. The following year I 

came across two bunnies. One was a Rushton bunny that I purchased 

at an estate sale for one hundred dollars." ~ Jess

    Jess, "I made this custom for myself using a rubber face that was sold for crafting and painted 
the face.  The expressions on their face is what I love about them. They are so sweet and adorable. 
Even thought they are a bit creepy, I still love them."

This bunny above is one of Jess' favorites.    

     Jess ~ "I was skeptical to purchase at first as I thought it was expensive at the time. 
 But this bunny was in pristine condition. I fell in love with her adorable face & honestly 
rarely saw them for sale.  So I purchased her. I thought about selling them at one point,  
but then I thought if I let them go I probably won't come across more. So in my collection 
they stayed."  

 Her biggest Rushton Bear.

      "I have always collected vintage toys & plushes. Mostly from the 80s and early 90s. 
I felt collecting rubber faces would fit in with my aesthetic. Bunnies, kitties and bears are 
my favorites. It's hard to pick only one because I love them all just as much!" ~ Jess

   She found these two in amazing condition just before the craze.

     Jess ~ "The expression on their face is what draws my attention. They are all so 
sweet, unique and beautifully painted. I didn't know much about them until I met friends 
on Instagram who also collect them. I am thankful for them sharing their knowledge & 
their collection. Now I'm always searching for more rubber faces mostly at estate sales 
& antique stores." 

 She thinks this is one of her most unique rubber face plush.

     "I will sometimes sell them but usually end up keeping them. They are truly difficult to 
let go and there are so many different ones. I always get asked, 'If I would sell?' But, as 
their popularity has grown so much these last couple of years. I think it's nice to see that 
they are loved again by many more." ~ Jess

A photo of her first rubber faces.  

 Jess ~ "A mix of different rubber faces as my collection grew. 

Even though some are not real Rushtons these "fakie" bears are still among my favorites."

 "My biggest & most expensive bear I purchased she is like new." ~ Jess

 One of my favorite fake Rushton bears.
    Jess ~ "I even love the 'fakie' handmade rubber faces. I find them so unique and just 
as adorable. I'm not sure how many I have but I am happy to say my collection continues 
to grow." I truly enjoyed interviewing Jess, and learning more about her collection and 
how it all started. Give the_vintage_unicorn a follow on instagram, you won't be 
disappointed. Jess often finds rare items to sell and share! Her instagram account 
is one of my faves to follow!
Until next month y'all for our next interview with a collector! 
 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, May 16, 2022

Blessings In Disquise!

 So many good things and some maybe not so good. But, I try to believe in hope when it comes to many things that can devastate a person's life. I pray for peace in a world that has war... I pray for comfort for those who do not see the light when there is darkness... I pray for kindness when all we might see is hate...

There is always a reason for what life gives us. Sometimes it may not be exactly what we want, but it may be what is needed. Even when we may not see it, until much later. But always have hope, no matter what. Because it is in hope that we find the light we need to make it through life.

Kindness is what I try to express, because I believe that it is something that will be reflected. I recently, received the most kindest gesture from a collector and dear friend, who is young and wise beyond her years. She was having a few bad days the past year or so and as a friend, I offered a shoulder, kind words, and advice, that I would bestow upon my own children if need be. This friend did something so touching I was honestly, beside myself, when she offered it. I knew of only 3 collectors who owned one of my ISOs. She was one of them. She one day simply said, I would like for you to have this plush. Of course, I was speechless. But, I refused because it was a plush I knew she loved so much. In the end, I said, I would buy it or I could trade. This was truly the kindest act I have ever experience in my entire life thus far!! But, I didn't feel right in accepting it. So, I offered an equal value in trade and she agreed.

I have been searching for this cutie for over 5 years, and I had almost given up hope of ever locating one. Until now. I traded a rare plush for this cutie and I am still pinching myself, that perhaps I may wake up and it is all just some kind of dream... Thank you my dear sweet friend for an amazing trade! I will cherish her and bless you for your kind gesture. T_T

The rare Rushton Co. Sleeping Kitty, this version from the 1950s, as it has the orange sponge stuffing inside her. She has slight plastic degradation on one side of her face an eyelids. She is truly precious no matter what. I will take my time and restore her. I am still in disbelief that I have her!!

I will share more of the kitty after I restore her. Found these two Tsukuda Yes No Minny Rummy Dolls. Both have been listed in my shop and the brunette already sold. In lovely condition too! I was commissioned to restore this lovely Granny plush also by Rushton. She just needed a good wash, some touch up to her face paint and a few embellishments on her hat and purse. I also restored her pink felt shoes! Now, she is ready to go back to her Mom!

I also bought more fake cakes by AuntBecky'sshop on Etsy! I needed to have these two Victorian style 2 tiered cakes in blue and green. They are just adorable and perfect for props with dolls and plushies!! Can't wait to do them and hopefully soon!

Some rare ceramics found too! This lovely coin bank that is a Frankenstein Cat in blue! LOL He's already listed in my Etsy shop. Also this adorable bunny in a boot. Also a coin bank, she has been adopted already!

This adorable clown toy rattle, I added to my Etsy shop and it sold in minutes! Love its style too! Always nice to find new old rattles. Below, this lovely Glico anime girl badge. It has a graduated type acrylic window, so that the artwork behind it looks almost 3D. You can remove the card and put something else in its place.

 Last, I restored this adorable Stinky skunk also by Rushton Toy Co. Poor baby had plastic degradation on his face. His white fur was dark from years of dirt and missing fur in a lot of areas. I was commissioned to replace the fur and repaint the face. He turned out lovely and is already on his way home to his Mom. 

I hope that you all find the light, when you feel there is only darkness. It is there, but we just need to look harder.

Thank you for listening ~ ggsdolls