
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Interview with The Vintage Unicorn!!


 Interview with a Collector - ggsdolls blog Series 

      I decided to start something new on my blog and share some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and creatives, that have become friends of mine on my blog and share with you what they collect and why?

    For the month of May, this blog interview is with the gorgeous, the_vintage_unicorn on Instagram or commonly known as Jess.

     Jess and her favorite fake Rushton Bunny.

     Jess is from the Midwest area of the United States. She used to be a sales 

associate at a  department store before she became a stay at home mom. How 

long have you been selling vintage?  Jess ~ "I have been selling online since 

2001." Jess started her vintage Instagram account back in 2014. This is where  

she sells, and shares her vintage collection. Jess, first encountered a rubber 

face bear in 2015 while antiquing in Oklahoma. "He was huge! I bought him  

for seventeen dollars, and I still have him in my collection. The following year I 

came across two bunnies. One was a Rushton bunny that I purchased 

at an estate sale for one hundred dollars." ~ Jess

    Jess, "I made this custom for myself using a rubber face that was sold for crafting and painted 
the face.  The expressions on their face is what I love about them. They are so sweet and adorable. 
Even thought they are a bit creepy, I still love them."

This bunny above is one of Jess' favorites.    

     Jess ~ "I was skeptical to purchase at first as I thought it was expensive at the time. 
 But this bunny was in pristine condition. I fell in love with her adorable face & honestly 
rarely saw them for sale.  So I purchased her. I thought about selling them at one point,  
but then I thought if I let them go I probably won't come across more. So in my collection 
they stayed."  

 Her biggest Rushton Bear.

      "I have always collected vintage toys & plushes. Mostly from the 80s and early 90s. 
I felt collecting rubber faces would fit in with my aesthetic. Bunnies, kitties and bears are 
my favorites. It's hard to pick only one because I love them all just as much!" ~ Jess

   She found these two in amazing condition just before the craze.

     Jess ~ "The expression on their face is what draws my attention. They are all so 
sweet, unique and beautifully painted. I didn't know much about them until I met friends 
on Instagram who also collect them. I am thankful for them sharing their knowledge & 
their collection. Now I'm always searching for more rubber faces mostly at estate sales 
& antique stores." 

 She thinks this is one of her most unique rubber face plush.

     "I will sometimes sell them but usually end up keeping them. They are truly difficult to 
let go and there are so many different ones. I always get asked, 'If I would sell?' But, as 
their popularity has grown so much these last couple of years. I think it's nice to see that 
they are loved again by many more." ~ Jess

A photo of her first rubber faces.  

 Jess ~ "A mix of different rubber faces as my collection grew. 

Even though some are not real Rushtons these "fakie" bears are still among my favorites."

 "My biggest & most expensive bear I purchased she is like new." ~ Jess

 One of my favorite fake Rushton bears.
    Jess ~ "I even love the 'fakie' handmade rubber faces. I find them so unique and just 
as adorable. I'm not sure how many I have but I am happy to say my collection continues 
to grow." I truly enjoyed interviewing Jess, and learning more about her collection and 
how it all started. Give the_vintage_unicorn a follow on instagram, you won't be 
disappointed. Jess often finds rare items to sell and share! Her instagram account 
is one of my faves to follow!
Until next month y'all for our next interview with a collector! 
 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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