
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Summer has Begun!

 Sara started summer since this past Monday. She has had a great online school year and her grades are even better than they were in 7th grade when the pandemic began. The island is slowly opening up and I see tourists coming back to our little island. So much is going on, some good and some not so good. I pray for the family affected by gun violence. I hope our elected leaders find better solutions...

May is on its way out, and life has been blessed to be busy. I recently found some adorable vintage goodies and have been blessed to work on some commissions as well. This vintage Jr Elf book titled, "Bunny Blue" is a fave. I finally had an opportunity to buy one. It arrived safely to me and talks about this little blue bunny and his adventures. You see he lives in a toy box with other toys that belong to Hope Ann. At night when she is asleep they come to life. Sound familiar? Yup, like "Toy Story". Haha. But this particular bunny lost his big satin bow. He goes on a quest to find it.

You will have to read the book to find out more. But, mostly I love the graphics. There is just something about vintage art for children back then. Just like the toys, more details, more simple, yet endearing. It's one of Jr Elf books lovely editions for sure! I've also become a bit obsessed with 1940s and 50s toy rattles. I found this adorable blue one in the best condition, that I've seen. He will be a part of my collection. The one after it, came from a lot of rattles I found on ebay. I've restored the others and they have sold already, but this one I am still deciding to keep or not. Haha!

Next, I found these mint in package blue craft leaves made in Japan. They will be great to make a wreath with or use in some crafting project. I have a few listed for sale in my Etsy shop. I don't need them all. I've also fallen in love with these French Victorian ring caskets made with glass. Basically, jewelry box for your rings. Inside it has lovely satin lined pillows and the top has a building lined with flags and the words, "Exposition 1900" on it. They also make them without the famous French building or landmarks. But this was one of the cheapest ones I've found thus far. They can be very expensive. But definitely a unique piece of French History. Reminds me of Bridgerton the Netflix series. Or at least that era.

This lovely 80s Victorian wood doll pull toy, I got for my collection, and look at this adorable set of Green Arnart kitties! They were all at a decent price, so I figured why not! Haha! Than, I found this lot of American Greetings card books from the 60s and 70s. Do you recall them? I do. Back in the early 70s, I was probably about 4 years old, my sister had a few of these books and I remember reading one. I thought it was about Adam and Eve. I remember looking at the book and thinking, "Aww, it's about God and bible stories." I recall reading it thinking it was a story or something. Now as an adult, I was searching for this book for the last 3 years since recalling it. But, never found it under Children's religious books, and that's only because it wasn't...

Instead it was a card book about a couple's anniversary!!! Oh my goodness, in my mind as a little kid, I thought it was the story about Adam and Eve. I must've been a lot younger, cause, I don't even think I could read it. I was only guessing what it said!! LOL In this lot above, I found it again and I'm so happy. Mostly because it was a book from my childhood. Probably something my parents got as a gift and my sister kept it. It was an Anniversary card for a married couple, and not about Adam and Eve. Though it was drawn like the couple are Adam and Eve. Too cute!

I've kept a few and listed a few of the card books in my Etsy shop. This groovy Radio Shack Genie Lamp was an awesome find online. I never knew one existed. It's similar to the Magic Eight ball toy. But this lamp, used batteries. Sadly, it doesn't work. Still it is a lovely piece of toy history. I also adopted this adorable Rushton vintage sleepy bunny from a dear friend in Germany. She even added a little cute duckling. So adorable and Sara claimed it too! Haha! The bunny is the 3rd one in my Rushton collection of its style.

This amazing groovy ceramic wall art is made by Ron Chereskin. I was drawn to it for its grooviness. Love the colors and the lady looks a lot like High Fashion Lina! Definitely a keeper. Now to find a spot on my wall for it. Also an update to my little sleepy Rushton kitty...

I was able to get him done in pink fur with blue felt paws and feet. He turned out lovely. I will cherish him. I still have his original fur and will keep it for now. In case I decide to put him back together. He had blue ears at first, but that did not turn out the way I liked so I made it all pink instead. He is such a cutie and I love him very much!

My little babies all napping... I have two other items I will share in my next post. One is a commission, that is so far quite interesting to say the least! More on that one soon and also a rare find for a Rushton!

More next time!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. A nice selection of items.

    The 1900 World's Fair was held in Paris, which I presume the casket was a souvenir for.

    in the same years the Olympics were held in Paris, & ended up being almost a sideshow for the World's Fair.

    1. Hi Richard, and thank you so much for your thoughts on the casket. I agree with you. Hugs, Gigi
