
Monday, July 25, 2022

Interview with bluu.squeaks!!


 Interview with a Collector - ggsdolls blog Series 

      Here's my monthly series on my blog where I share some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and creatives, that have become friends of mine and what they collect and why?

    For the month of July we are back in the United States, and my blog interview is with the extremely talented bluu.squeaks, on Instagram or commonly known as Bee 

    My name is Baylee, but I go by Bee on my socials bluu.squeaks on Instagram and tiktok. I am 23 years old and from a small town in Michigan called, Fowlerville. I work from home and I am so blessed to have a supportive family that lets me do so. I help care for my handicap sister who has CP (Cerebral Palsy) and I babysit on the side when I can. I love spending time with the people, and staying close to my family and friends. As a teen I loved old Hollywood so much my room was Marilyn Monroe and I collected vintage cameras, clothes, jewelry, and paper dolls. Around that time I was 14 years old, and was introduced to vintage toys. My first vintage toy was a Sun Rubber Co Chubby doll. I wasn’t all up on research at the time and didn’t know where to start. But at 15, shortly after I had come across Bitter Squeaks Instagram and went down this little rabbit hole of Mobley and Kate Harts creations. I was a huge fan of the squeaks! 


    I was always blown away at their details and the animal figures I fell in love with. They’re so nostalgic and remind me of characters you would see in an old Disney cartoon! As for Rushton I was introduced to them by various artists such as Mark Ryden and Melanie Martinez. I became quite obsessed. I loved the variety of different animals, colors, clothing, and the creepy cuteness about them. They definitely are pretty iconic and hold a big place in my heart. I value the detail, quality, and love put into these items. Sadly, you can’t get toys with this much quality in my opinion. They are exceptional to competing toy brands from that time like My Toy and Gund. Don’t get me wrong the quality is there but the whimsical and fairy tale aspect of them is so strongly and perfectly illustrated by Rushton, to me! 

    My art is incredibly influenced by Rushton and Disney! My mind is constantly blooming with ideas on how to blend the two together! I’ve always imagined a place like Disney where you’d get to take photos with life sized Rushtons and just have everything Rushton! The rides, food, merchandise, toys! I love getting creative and trying to bring these ideas to life with my art. My collection has definitely evolved! I started out with squeaks and ceramics like Lefton and Napco. I gradually started my collection with the rubber faced toys and has continued strong to this day. My family and friends are very supportive with my hobby and my love for the kitschy cuteness of vintage toys and ceramics. I’m incredibly blessed for their support and watchful eye on things I may be looking for or might want to add to my collection. 

    When I was starting out, I was scared to be judged or made fun of. But, I have to say I’m incredibly grateful to have such loving and supportive family and friends that love seeing me happy. My favorite item of my collection would have to be my Molly Cottontail. She reminds me of myself in a weird way. (Not to mention my love for bunnies) I’ve always thought that if I had to choose an item or character from my collection that best described me in my own silly little whimsical way would have to be her. I’d say she’s my Toysona HAHA! I have no idea how to put it into words, but it just makes sense to me. 


    An item I would love to own would have to be the Rushton Omar Octopus. I think he is just so cute and incredibly unique! I know he’s a big ISO for so many people. His charm has just captured so many hearts and I certainly hope someday I’ll at least get to see one in person. Oh goodness! I have seen a huge increase in popularity and demand for Rushton, Lefton, Edward Mobley or pretty much anything kitschy vintage! It’s becoming so trendy and it’s a HUGE craze! I’ve seen people recreate Rushton like handmade faces onto teddy bears! It’s crazy how inspirational Mary Rushton and her creations have become! I feel it’s appealing to so many today because of the creepy cute aesthetic of them. Some have this soft cute vibe to them, and others look kind of like a toy like Chuckie… waiting for you to turn the lights off and become sinister! But also I feel that’s another reason for popularity. Of course you have famous people posting about them as well and that has most certainly boomed the popularity of vintage kitsch. But, who can blame em’? Kitschy items have definitely stolen my heart and wallet! Haha! Not to mention my house as well! 

    My experience in collecting and sharing my collection with others has been a bumpy road. I feel like every collector can somewhat agree it sometimes gets too much. I feel people lately have gotten so caught up in this ideology with some collectors trying to one up each other or fighting over items that so many people are commonly on the search for and going as far as blackmail. I have also had experience with some people who try to cancel each other over jealousy. It hurts my heart to see people fight or jealousy driven people bring down good people over these items. 

    I always try to pop in on my friends in the community to see how they’re doing and how they feel about life and what not. But what outweighs the bad is getting comments and messages of love and support on my content and art! Comments like, “your posts make me smile!” Or “Your photos/art make me so happy!” I cherish the feeling of knowing my photos and art inspire others and make people smile! I am so incredibly blessed for the kindness spread with my close friends and followers in the community and being able to root for one another with our accomplishments. There’s trolls from time to time. But what I do makes me so happy and brings me incredible joy! And if I can help others feel that way then, I’m glad I’m doing something that makes people happy.


Thank you so much Baylee for allowing me to interview you and you sharing your collection with us! A few months ago I had commissioned Bee create a lovely digital art piece for me above, the sleepy kitty. This was before I was able to acquire a sleepy kitty, and Bee did an amazing job of capturing how I wanted to see my kitty too! 


If you'd like to have her do an art piece for you, just contact her through Instagram for a commissioned piece. You won't be disappointed. I love her other original Rushton digital art pieces as well!


Until next month guys, for another interview! Happy Collecting!


Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Upcycled Goodwill Find!

     The past week, I worked on the adorable Goodwill piece I took home with me from Jacksonville in my post here.

    I was trying to find a replacement ballerina for the third spot missing one. But, sadly, this style of ballerinas are not so easily found. So, I thought perhaps I could use cake topper ballerinas. Nope, only because their legs would hit each other as they twirled. So, I remembered I had a pink rose cabochon that was given as a gift from a purchase some time ago. I searched my drawer of treasures and finally found it.

    This will take the place of the missing ballerina. Now, to find my Dremel to make the hole... While trying to remember where that tool was, I began painting the top of the Gazebo. I liked the gray but wanted it to match the rest of the music box. So I painted it white. I touched up just the white parts of the gazebo as well, and left the pink as it was also nice that it was dinged up in some areas. Only because it gave it some character and history of once being loved by a little girl perhaps. I also began sewing new pink sheer tutus for the ballerinas, since one was missing hers. So I had to make em' match.

After not being able to find the Dremel tool, that my husband misplaced. He suggested I heat a nail and just melt the hole into the cab. So I did. Sure enough it fit right into the metal peg for what would have been the 3rd ballerina's spot. I glued down all the items onto each of the pegs. While that dried, I began to add this lovely pink lace trim around the gazebo. Than, I added some Meyercord sticker decals around it. Last, I added some pastel pink and blue sheer ribbons to each of the arches.

I winded up the music box and even though the song, "Music Box Dancer", played slightly a bit slow, it was still lovely to see the ballerinas rotate as if they were dancing around underneath the gazebo. Even the rose rotated, how precious. Haha. I can imagine the little girl who once owned this music box, must have loved it a lot and played with it often. But as she grew up, it was time to let go of it or perhaps because she misplaced one ballerina she that she took from it to play with, and in the end lost it. If only a vintage piece could speak. LOL Maybe not, we might get freaked out! Ha! Above, the before and after shot of the gazebo music box.

Well, either way, this adorable music box has many more years to be enjoyed. For now, it will stay with me! Have a great weekend dear friends!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, July 18, 2022

Commission to Space!!

    Well, not really. But one that is space related to a famous family TV show titled, "Lost in Space". No, not the Netflix version, but the good old 1965 version of the TV series. I was commissioned by a fan back in April of this year, named, Robert M. He simply messaged me via Etsy on my Restoration listing asking if I would be interested in transforming a vintage plush chimp he had into the character, "Debbie the Bloop" from the TV series for his collection.

     Of course I was a bit taken aback, only because, my listing was for restorations, and not a complete transformation of a plush into something else. So, I wrote him back asking if I was just to change out the ears? He explained himself better and he sent me photos of Bloop to help. I was somewhat hesitant at first, but the idea of just trying was in my head before I knew I could even make the idea become reality...    

    When the plush chimp arrived, I removed all stuffing and as per usual washed and cleaned her up. I had to wait a week for the black fur to arrive from my supplier. I began immediately when the fur came in, working on her by removing her face and ears to begin the process of creating the dome shaped head that Bloop has. I drew out the pattern for both her head and ears, and began cutting the fur. I had sewn the dome head and decided that foam and stuffing would work to my advantage in creating the dome head Bloop's character had. In the photos above, Bloop's dome head is actually a hat. I thought of creating that at first, like you would with ears for a hat that perhaps, a Blythe doll would wear or one for Cosplay. But, that was not what Robert had wanted. He wanted her head to become this character. I was somewhat fighting within myself, because I restore vintage and didn't want to take away from this vintage plush. In the end, it is what the customer wants that is my job. So, I began the journey of creating 'Bloop'.

    Creating the ears for Bloop was a bit of a conundrum. LOL I knew I could create the pointy ears with wire and the fur fabric, so I did. But, how could I incorporate it onto the existing ears... It was a lot of trial and error. I had completed it up to this point. The head was a bit high, so I took it in some on the top of Bloop's head.
The wires created a perfect high point tip and was sewn into the side of the head with the ears. My first attempt was worthy but, the ears were missing something, I wasn't sure what?! So, I asked my kids, and Tevin suggested I use prosthetic elf ears. It was like a TADA moment!! A light bulb or more like lightening hit me! Yesss! I thanked Tevin for the idea and went to my local Halloween store, of course after calling them, if they had any, and they did in two styles too!! Yippee! Robert also asked me to add more fur around Bloop's hands and feet.

    Early June, I began the idea, hoping that the elf ears would work! But, when I got them home. They were a lot smaller than I had hoped. Ugh. Yes, I did measure the ears before buying them, but I wasn't sure how to incorporate them onto the ears I had already completed. The idea of abandoning what I had created thus far was something I didn't want to walk back at first. So, I decided to cut the elf ears into parts and painstakingly sew and glue them onto the ear that was already on Bloop... My second attempt.

    After sharing the photos with Robert, he was very kind and told me, he thought the ears could be a lot more uniformed. Honestly, I agreed with him. He had wanted me to "Go for the Gold!" was his expression, and my head was still in the save the originality of the chimp mode. Robert made me fully understand that he was okay if I had to cut the ears or alter them. Once I was able to let go of the idea of it being a restoration project, and more of an 'imagineering' one, like that of Disney! I finally, let go. He even liked the idea of the elf ears and did his research to find me ones that were large enough to fit on this Bloop. Sure enough by mid June he had found a set in the UK. Now, I just had to wait for them to arrive to me in the mail. In the meantime, my family and I had gone on our family vacation. When I returned home, sure enough the elf ears were in the mail. Inside the box, was Robert's suggestions along with a diagram of what he wanted and a print out of the actor who played Will and Bloop.

    I truly appreciated the fact that he gave me a bit more instructions as to how we could manage the elf ears and realize them onto Bloop. I began working on Bloop this past week, and here was the end results below. At first, I painted the ears to match skin color as it was a very pale skin tone. But then realized it needed to be more of an orangey brown to match her face, hands and feet skin tone. So I repainted them, and thanks also to Sara who noticed it first and gave me her critique on them. Thanks my girl! Third times the charm!!

The Chimp above before and Bloop after. She looked more like the Bloop she was meant to become. I took photos and shared them with Robert. He was thrilled and appreciated the work I had done. Bloop is now on her way to her forever home. I am so thrilled to have been taken outside of my comfort zone and was able to help realize something that was just an idea a few months ago, into something that is now a reality. I truly appreciate Robert M. for giving me the opportunity to challenge myself and my skills of restoring. Debbie will be forever a plush who has gotten me to believe in myself and what I can make possible.

    It is in being challenged that we find the faults in ourselves and what can be imagined as well. We only need awesome people like Robert to help us realize our true skills. You know what Rob, you are like Walt Disney, your belief in me, made Bloop a reality, and for that I thank you sir!! Robert even shared with me his other reason for wanting Bloop created. But, I won't share what that is yet, until after the event. I hope to be in contact with him to find out how it all went... Bloop's story will continue!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, July 15, 2022

Settling in...

 It feels great to be back home. Since we've gotten back, I must admit I miss being at Disney. It was so much fun and just to be out an about. After we got back to Jacksonville. I did do some quick shopping at the local Goodwill there.

We had gone to the one closer to Kalani's apartment. That's where I found this lovely ballerina music box below. It was caught between a plastic bin fill with stuff and the metal shelf it was on. I tried to turn to pull it out, but not luck. Then, Taby came over and she asked me what I was trying to do. In one just a few seconds, she was able to get it out. Looking closely at it, I figured I could upcycle it and make it cute again. So, that's what I left that store with. In the second Goodwill we made it too, it was closer to the beach side of JAX. So, the video you see above is what I took, while in there. I found this adorable crib planter music box, but it was missing something on top. Not sure what it might have been though?

But, from some other examples online it may have been a ceramic sheep or bear? I also saw these matching vases, and lots of cute things, but nothing I wanted to go home with. So it was just the adorable music box. She is in a lovely gray and pink color, and is missing just one ballerina. So I will see if I can find a replacement or use something else to fill in the space. I may repaint part of it and add some other embellishments. I think also too because we had gone to the stores after 12pm, most of the early risers got the goodies already.

Yup, $5.99 is what I got it for. Still not so bad and it still works too! Just too cute! When I picked up a pink slip box from the mail, I got this lovely TV tray for kids. I found it before leaving for my trip. In Canada, it is a lovely vtg plushies dream tin tray. It got beat up a bit, but still adorable. I can't wait to display this piece in my side of the room soon! It's quite large too! It's also funny how things you had in your ISO show up right when you are needing the cash for other things... I found this lovely Cortendorf girl wall plaque. This one in particular is a lovely piece because she looks a lot like Tadie Muz! I was surprised to win it prior to my trip also and she arrived safely to me from WA! Yay!

The past year and half, I've been leaning more and more towards baby items, no surprise, right?! LOL I got myself these 2 lovely Washi tape on Etsy. One with adorable nursery vtg kitsch art, and the other of course with Meyercord cute animals. Great for adding a bit of cuteness to your scrapbook or decor! What do you think? I received this adorable bisque 1920s style girl before I left. She can hold a tiny bouquet of flowers. In this case, the seller put some purple dry flowers. Too cute! And, I also found this lovely pull toy Deer, a mint in package toy from Toys R Us. Gosh, the memories...

This Irwin roly poly doll rattle came with her original box. I found him available on an IG seller's account. She has been added to my Etsy shop too. Love her colors and the box's graphics too! Yup, another Meyercord decal below. Large size too. Minty and from Canada. He is a great addition to my little Meyercord collection. I also found this lovely carnival plush kitty. His multi-colored body and face was what drew me. Definitely unique and adorable. I've added him to my shop as well.

These adorable pin or badges in Japan, I got Monday. I believe the Bambi pin is about late 1950s, made by Walt Disney, as it has the WDP initials on the back. A great addition to my toy jewelry collection. At the same time I found the Bambi pin, I found these 2 ballerina pins. Both made by the same company I believe. I have the pink ballerina in my collection already, so this will be my 2nd pin. The blue is newest to me, as I haven't seen this style, until now. Too cute!
They are just extra special to me. Well, I need to get into working on commissions now. As I have a few on there way. I hope you all are having a great summer, no matter what you decide to do.

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls