
Monday, March 31, 2014

Shiori in McD's Doll Jackets!!

I've had a few McD's promotional toys stored away for some reason or another, and recently decided to see if any of the jackets off of Barbie or Bratz dolls fit Shiori!!?

 and Yes they do!! Yippee! Above a fashion scene barbie short striped jacket fits Shiori nicely in this cute maid/ witch style look on her!! I added some cabochon bows!! Below, in a Bratz girlz jacket. A bit short on sleeves, but otherwise cute to use!

I also received in the mail some cute animal felt Christmas ornaments to add to my growing collection!!
 Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blue Miniature Typewriter Found!!

I've been on the hunt for the same blue typewriter you see in one of my posts about Miner's Rooms in Miniature here! Finally, out of the blue, (so to speak!!LOL) I found one thru etsy just by accident!! I don't even recall what I was looking for that it showed up on google!? Now, I have 4 colors to choose from to use in my Miner's Rooms!
 Above, the package from etsy arrived to me safely today! The seller even included an extra gift, a miniature magazine! Nice!
 Finally, the blue typewriter! Similar to the others I have. It's funny how most are sold as Barbie accessories, but they are way too tiny for Barbie's hands to use!!LOL

Below, The back side of the typewriter has the letters "PK" encircled and 'Hong Kong'. The keys are just a sticker of the type letters.
 The platen is made of metal and movable. It slides left or right, but because its attached at the center to the base of the typewriter, its tricky to even bother placing a miniature piece of paper into it.

 Above, my miniature typewriter collection for the Miner's Rooms. The green is very different from the other three. Amazing 1960s pieces!! Funny, I learned how to use a typewriter in my Business Class in High School. Glad I took the class, but sad that these machines are obsolete!!

Below, some Bratz boyz clothing n accessories came in for Shiori. Some pieces fit, some are a bit short. I'll see if they are keepers?!!
 Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Volks Who's That Girl? Fashions!

I decided to get some 27cm fashions thru Volks Japan website. To see if they'd fit Flourite? They were shipped quickly and arrived to me earlier the past week!
 I was able to snag these cute goodies and they were much more affordable then buying Momoko fashions! The fashions are for "Who's that Girl?", and the different Fashion Lines are called, "Natural Love", "Jasmine Doll" and "Chelsea Hearts".  I got a cute short coat, matching camisole top, plaid skirt, two hats, and mittens! Each were less than 1,000yen each!! Yes, Score!! But sadly, the skirt does not fit(Maybe Heukdan will fit it?), and the camisole top is a bit tight in chest fit. So, if you decide to get any of these goodies, make sure the tops are stretchy, and skirts too! Still the hats fit nicely, and are so much more affordable to get at 800yen or less!!

Then, I also ordered from TTYA on etsy, cute sweatpants in green below! I've always loved TTYA fashions, but was only braved enough to order these pants below to see how long it would take to get to me!!? About, 14 days or less, whew!

Flo in the sweatpants fashion and Volks hat. Top from Bratz boyz...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

One Twelve Scale Room for Shiori...

I've been meaning to take out my Irwin Decorator rooms sets and just create a room that Shiori could live in...Today was finally the day! I had some free time, so I decided to take out my Irwin Decorator sets and just shuffled things around a bit and put all the pieces into matching parts. For example, all the shelves went into one box, and all the wall panels, etc. When I was done, I created this vintage/modern little space for Shiori!!

 I was even able to use the Sunbonnet Art frames in the room! Yippee!
 I used one of my vintage furniture pieces from Germany a daybed/sofa above, along with Irwin Decorator set, shelf, wall panels, table/ used as a coffee table.
 I also used an Irwin window panel, door and mod panel. The shelf above the sofa is actually a print out of modern art placed inside it!

 I made the mod Lee artwork you see on the wall of "Big Eyed" dancers. I had a photo frame from my Miner's set that was missing artwork, so I re-created this vintage mod piece of art!

 Shiori looks so comfortable in this space reading her morning paper...

 She decided to get herself a cup of coffee and move to a brighter spot to read!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, March 17, 2014

Just A Quick Post!

I received these cute Momoko boots on Saturday and just wanted to retake some shots of Shiori in the acrylic heart!!
 I couldn't help it, but had to get a pair of boots for Flourite! They arrived safely to me...Now, to put them on her!!LOL!
Then, I decided to retake some shots of Shiori in the acrylic heart I had. I wanted to use something behind her to add some decor to the plain heart. So, I put some paper diolies, I had, behind her and redress her in a cute lace top, grey panties and socks...

I then, took some outdoor shots...

"A tiny angel is born, from hopes, dreams, and wishes!
 Hanging from a tree, the wind carries this tiny angel through the air...

...and it lands in an unlikely place.

Upon, a prickly plant! We can only hope that someone will find her and take this sweet angel home..."
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Things for my Unoa Lite!

Today's mail was a bit late. It actually arrived on Guam last week Friday, but was mis-routed to another PO close by, then, sent back to our Main PO, then to Honolulu! Yup, and Honolulu re-routed it back to the correct PO...a whole week of travel and finally!
 Items above from Petworks Store Global, were some extra items I just had to have for Flo! I ordered two more pairs of Momoko shoes, a knitted hat, and skinny jeans for Flourite!
 Above, I also ordered thru Jiajia on etsy this lovely denim dress. Luckily, Jia had one already made and shipped quickly. Still anything that comes from China takes 20 days or more to receive...ugh. But there are so many cute things made in China, Thailand or Singapore for dolls now, that sometimes they are worth every penny, and the long wait!!
 Above, I got these umbrella picks for my plastic dollhouse, thru etsy, I can add other colors for the patio area! I really need to break out my plastic dollhouse again to showcase all the stuff that has come in for it!! Soon, I promise!

 Above and below, the two pairs I got for Flourite. A pair of brown pointed heels, and a pair of pink maryjanes. I really wanted a black pair, but they sold out-_-; Sadly, the skinny jeans didn't fit Flourite...So, Taby got them for her Momoko!
 Flourite dressed in the Jiajia dress, purple stockings, pink maryjanes, and knitted hat!

 Also, I wanted to share, that I redressed my Aram Doran Doran doll Heukdan in Bratz girlz clothing! Yup, they fit!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's Mail!!

I received a small packet via Japan today with some cute things to share...
 Mail day today, was small and sweet. I won thru Yahoo Japan a vintage plastic container in pink made in Japan, a cute Arrietty keychain, and a "Wake Up" Pink haired Momoko!!
 The cute Studio Ghibli "The Secret World of Arrietty" keychain is of cute Arrietty and a sugar cube, complete with ant!LOL
 Made to look childlike, this Arrietty is for Sara. I noticed the past few weeks Sara had been going around the house pretending she had a tiny Arrietty in her hand. So, why not give her one she could actually hold! She was tickled to finally have a real Arrietty in her hands to play around the house with!!
 This lovely, rather large, plastic container, I found while searching thru the retro vintage items on Yahoo Japan. I didn't think it would be so large and of course wanted it for my collection. I noticed many things different with this version...
 The lid has a different design as compared to my other containers and the floral design is unique as well. My other containers were made in China, and this one is made in Japan.
My container collection is about complete. I'm still debating on whether I want the pink one to be this large or wait til' I find a similar sized one like the others?

 I was very surprised to win this gal above/below, and cheap! I've been watching Momoko's via auction and they can go really high. But I guess because she was 'Used', no one in Japan wanted her?! Still she is a lovely doll and Tabytha's been wanting a Momoko for a long time now!!
 She even came with clear flats to wear! Tabytha already has her Momoko dressed and on display on top of her dresser!

...and of course I was having fun with Shiori!! So more spammage below...

 a scarf made from ribbon...

Then, I remembered I had this clear large heart pendant shown below and I wanted to see if Shiori could fit?! She did!!
 This kinda reminds me of a Volks 27cm doll, from the early 2000's. I vaguely remember something about them being in a heart shape case or clear case, when I used to own one...hmmm. I will have to do research to find out!!?

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls