
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Real Talk About Club Foot...

I shared with you about my disability in a post back in 2016, here, 2 years ago. Last week something happened, that made the possibility of me not walking anymore more 'real'. It all started with Sam, Sara and I, heading out to meet Taby for dinner after she got off work. I was walking to the car and before I got in, I had stepped into a crab hole in the ground, not noticing it because of the grass growing. That hole has been there for years mind you, and I just wasn't paying any attention, and twisted my foot slightly. At the time, I didn't feel any pain and just shrugged it off as nothing. The next day, I got up from my bed to use the restroom that morning, and I literally could not step onto my right foot. I tried tip toeing into the bathroom. It was like that most of the morning, and every time I had stepped down trying to position my foot to fully step down instead of on my toes. I couldn't do it. I went through the day trying to stay off my feet as much as I could. I quite literally couldn't get my left foot to carry any weight. It was painful and I felt helpless. I was like what happened, and at the time, had forgotten I stepped into the crab hole and must have sprained my ankle in the process. It was very scary, I'm used to having limited mobility, but not be able to walk at all, was what really scared me...

Later, that night Taby was home from work and offered to massage my foot. She worked on my right foot, for about 20 minutes. It felt really good and I could feel her energy flowing from her hands as she massaged and touched around my ankle and heel. It was rather intoxicating. But, whatever it was, she did wonders, because by the next morning, my foot felt normal again and I could stand on it without much trouble as I did the day before. It was very healing and thank God too. I know at some point in my life I may not be able to walk anymore, but for now, I'm trying my best not to take for granted the moments, when I can be mobile. I've tried researching more about adult club foot and what to expect, but there's mostly information on children with club foot, diagnosis, treatment, etc. I will just have to do more research on it.

Thank you for reading my story, and don't take for granted the little things you can do physically, because imagine what that would be like if you couldn't do them as easily anymore...

Just food for thought.

Thank you for listening! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Day After Christmas...

Oh my goodness, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas?! Mine was simple, and very special too! I woke up early as usual and realized that I hadn't put the 'Santa' present under the tree?! What!!! Yup. It was already 6:17am. So, I didn't bother putting on my glasses and rushed out to tape the name tag on from Santa, and place it front and center. Then, I went back into my bedroom and the rest is history. We all started opening presents about 8:30am.

I had gotten some special gifts this year, Sam gave me a very special card, and it definitely made me realize he does know how much I do for him and the girls. Yesss. But, it is nice to be told thanked too! Ha. Taby, since having a job, has been truly giving this year. She got each of us gifts of things we could use, Sam a massage seat and replacement band for his watch, Sara her Bendy game, she's been wanting since a few years ago, and for me she gave a lovely wall art, that reminds me a lot of our vintage Waifs and Big eyed litho prints by Margaret Keane, she got me a chair!!

 Lovely print made in the USA, not vintage but definitely retro. I love her. She will be great on my wall along with all the other waifs. Just adorable too! The other was this lovely retro chair. You see a earlier last year, I had spotted a chair, I think I posted it here on my blog... I did, here! Well, we tried going back for it, it was long gone, and we've been back to Ross looking for that very same style, nothing. They never brought it back. So, Taby knew I had wanted a chair to place by my display cabinet so that I may sit, and admire my collection or just to relax and read a book or sew. She did! She basically bought a chair from Ross and modified it all by herself. She got some scrap wood from Home Depot, free, and bought parts, even borrowed her Father's tools to make this special chair just for me! I didn't know anything about it, until we went over to my Mother in-law's to open gifts there!!

I love it, and even took out my orange pillow, also bought at Ross, that I've been saving for this very chair!! Haha. A wonderful Christmas indeed and I'm so proud of Taby for being so creative all on her own. Also, today's mail yielded some anticipated boxes!! Yay! I got these two cute roly poly type coin banks for my shop. I've already listed it in my Etsy shop. Each will be sold separately.   Sadly, this box, that I was hoping to arrive on Christmas Eve, but didn't. Because, I guess my postal lady, scanned it before actually contacting me for pickup, until today. Even worse, the fawn was damaged inside. Noooo!!

 I was able to adopt this cutie from a dear friend, to go with my blue fawn. When she arrived, this was the state she was in. I was devastated. Her ear was shattered, and her neck line crack, but not all the way through, whew. I wasn't even sure I could fix her, with all those tiny little pieces. The box had not sustained any damage, but inside the fawn was loose, I don't know if someone else had opened up the box first, before I did. Maybe at customs perhaps? Who knows, ugh. I immediately took her into my room, and started to work on her. After about 2 hours later, I was able to get her to this point...

 A close up of her ear and base of the neck. It was the best I could do, and I still love her. The shocking part, was how big she was!! She is even larger then my blue deer. I didn't think there were various sizes for this style figurine!! LOL I guess she is a Mommy fawn to my blue fawn. Ha! Still lovely and a great addition to my fawn collection. She won't be able to fit into my display case. So, she will be on my dresser for now...
A wonderful Christmas indeed!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!

Love, ggsdolls

Monday, December 24, 2018

New Childrens Book For Pre Order!

Hello my fellow collectors! It's Christmas Eve here on Guam
and I just had to share...
 Pre-Order of my new children's book, hardcover!!

"Our Dearest Friends"


Cynthia Flores

Available through my Etsy shop, for $21.95 plus shipping
Limited Time Discount Price, regular price $39.99!

 Here is a children's book I wrote, and photographed, using vintage dolls and toys from my collection! If you enjoyed reading those Froebel Kan, Shiba childrens board books as a kid, from the 1960's or 1970's by Akihiko Tsutsumi, then you will love this book! I created this book with a retro style, modeled after Mr. Tsutsumi's work! A great book for those who love vintage dolls and toys or as a gift to your favorite little person. This book has over 10 full colored photos, and is easy reading for your little one!

Available only through my Etsy shop, link above! This is a pre-order for the book, and when purchased includes shipping. This means when the books arrive to me in January. I will ship them ASAP to you. Thank you so much for your pre-order! This book was made with love of vintage dolls and toys by me, and I truly appreciate your business. Thank you for shopping with a small business and a small author. 

Love, Cynthia/Gigi

Copyright:  Cynthia Flores
Edition:  First Edition
Published:  November, 27 2018
Language:  English
Pages:  22
Binding:  Hardcover Photobook
Interior Ink:  Full color
Dimensions (inches): 8.5 wide x 11 tall

Thank you for the love of reading! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, December 21, 2018

Rare Finds for My Etsy Shop and More!

I found some rare cuties, that I will add to my Etsy shop in a few minutes. But, just had to share with you first!

 I found this lovely rare Bunny planter with heart. She has eyes, like those Norcrest white deers I used to have in my collection. She is in lovely condition, wearing a hat with flower, and black bow. I will add her to my etsy shop in just a few minutes. Then, I also found this huge ceramic sweater cat. At first, I was thinking about making his body furry, but his sweater is not too bad. I did replace his fluffy tail, with a nice white fluffy one. You can see how tall he is standing next to my furry cat! The cat too will be added to my shop soon!

 I will also be adding some ornaments, I got in a lot the other day from ebay. Some, I have fixed and put them into smaller group lots. Flocked vintage ornament houses, Santa, etc. The blue house, dog, and drum, I will keep. So, be looking out for some of these ornaments in my etsy shop as well.

 I also was able to get butterflies from Hobby Lobby with wires and added two of them into my Terrarium. I had forgotten I had some mushrooms, from another shop and found them in my craft drawer. So, I added two more mushrooms into the terrarium as well. The post where I added the bee, and lady bug is here.  I also received my 'family book' from Snapfish. I loved how the book turned out and got them during the 'Black Friday' deals they had. So this was a lot cheaper then they usually go for! Great for keepsakes of your family tree, etc.

 Today, I wasn't home most of the day, because of Sara's class Christmas Program. This year she is at a public school close to home, and it has been awesome. I don't have to drive far to get her if she is sick, and she really loves her teacher, and the kids are nicer, she says. I'm just glad she is thriving. The program was really nice and I'm so proud of her too. Her class danced to BTS's song, Mic Drop. It was a blast to watch. Okay, off to get these goodies listed for you!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Ornament Finds, ETC!

Christmas is just around the corner! So, I decided to add a few vintage ornaments to my collection and here's what came in...
 I bought this lot of vintage kitsch 1960s flocked ornaments from Etsy. In the lot, was 'Little Red Riding Hood', 'Little Miss Muffet', and a cute girl, perhaps Gretel from 'Hansel and Gretel'? Not sure. I've always wanted to get these cute flocked Japan made ornaments for some time. Since a few were up for sale. I figured, these I could afford to buy, without going beyond my budget. They arrived safely and fast too, sadly Miss Muffet is missing her spider. All of the girls were in good to great condition. I love Red most! If you noticed, I used an IG sticker to create the spider on Muffet below. Haha.

 These character ornaments are just adorable. I remember similar ornaments as a child. But, not on our Christmas tree, but my Aunt's tree. You see, my mother quite often drove over to her sister's house in Piti, about 40 minutes from our village, to visit with her and we spent a lot of time with her and her family. I recall us kids helping her put up her Christmas tree. A lot of her decorations were from Japan. Ahhh, the memories! The next set, I got were these two felt Putz type house light ornaments, made in Japan. I love the coloring and the simple look of the house, besides the fact that they cost way less than actual vintage Putz houses. LOL I have red and blue in my collection and hope to get yellow too.

 You are supposed to place Christmas lights through the holes at the back side to allow light inside the house, so they look nice all lit up! Just adorable and kitsch. Last, I found these lovely vintage ceramic Ado Mizumori hairspray cover and wine bottle cap, perhaps from an online website, that sells directly from Japan. While searching up to find more of my vintage ceramic Mizumori girl figurines, these showed up instead. I will be adding them to my shop soon!

 The hairspray cover is found often even through Etsy or Ebay. I'm not sure with the small wine cap? Both are in lovely condition and maybe you could recover the cardboard tube with a different color to design? I hope to list them later today...

 Have a wonderful week and Happy Holidays!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls