Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Instagram Goods...

Sometimes you can find some amazing things fellow collectors decide to sell. This particular one, was a broken mermaid. I saw my fellow collector friend, Carrie, decide to sell via IG, and I immediately claimed it. When you look closely, you can see why...
 A bit scary, "hi Honey", card from Carrie for adopting her sweet Lefton mermaid. She is one of three in a set. This one is the smallest and she holds a gold dish or is it a mirror? Sadly, her arm holding the mirror, broke off. Not too bad, I was able to fix it. Lefton mermaids are very expensive, so when you spot a cheap one, you jump! LOL She arrived safely to me today in the mail. If you look at her carefully, doesn't she look a lot like "Marina"? Yup, from the Japanese version of 'The Little Mermaid' by Toei animations. She does to me! Thank you Carrie, I will treasure her!!

 Love, love, love her! I will either put her up on my wall or maybe put her into a shadow box first, and then safely up on my wall... Haha. Next, I also received this adopted cutie from Australia, that I quickly purchased on Etsy. I love her color and her pose is a lot different from the usual stance the Iwai squeak dolls have, the crawling ones. For now she will be in my collection.

 Last, I decided to update my vintage terrarium pedestal ashtray from Japan. Last year, I added some fake flowers to replace the one's that were all broken and in pieces when I first bought it. After that, I knew that there should be something else I could add to it to give it a bit of life... But what?

 ...Then, I remembered I had some gifted craft mushroom, bee, and ladybugs from past purchases, that I thought would be perfect. Sure enough, I added the red mushroom to the original grass for the terrarium, I finally cut the excess wire that held the bouquet of flowers. Then, placed, the cute bee on the flower petal, to make it seem like he is there to get nectar. I then, added a large Ladybug to a leaf, and last a smaller Ladybug on another flower. That one is not shown. I think it looks better. Don't you? I may try to get some butterflies next... Maybe?

Be sure to visit my shop, I've added a few rare items from my special collection to sell!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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