
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Weekend at the Condo!

We decided to spend the weekend at a friend's condo in Tamuning. It was really nice, but of course always goes fast when you are having fun! We took the girls to see "Hotel Transylvania 2" at the mall! They loved it, most especially Sara! It was a feel good movie, you might want to check it out if you haven't already?!

I hope your week and upcoming weekend is a good one?!

I did take Tadie with me...

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Vintage Kaken Shoji ADD Plastic Model House Unopened is Available!!

For those who have always wanted this model kit? It's up for sale in my shop! Don't miss the chance to own this rare house kit!! Want to read about it? click here! hugs, gg

 Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Today's Project and Goodies in the Mail!

I've been working on finding replacement furniture for Tadie's house, before I can put it back together and take some photos of Tadie in her home!! Here's what I've been working on and goodies that came in Today's mail!!

From Monday's post here... I got these amazing Vero or Modella kitchen furniture pieces that are 1/12 in scale.
So... I cleaned them up and refurbished them to look similar to Tadie's Kitchen sink and cabinet below.
(Not my photo above: from Catalog.)
 Slightly different, but it will do the job... Now, to find a fridge and stove...?

Below, I got these amazing Modella style Knoll inspired tulip chairs in orange thru etsy! (3 piece stackable cantilever chair by Steen Ostergaard. Helly Nr. 514. Panton era. VINTAGE 1970s)
It came pretty quickly from Germany too! I decided to use them in a shoot with the Penny Brite Kitchen piece below!

 Sadly, the Penny Brite set is a bit large to use as a kitchen set for Tadie's house! Even these lovely orange chairs are a bit big, more so for  probably 1/6 scale dolls like Blythe or Licca maybe?

 Still it was nice to put a little scene together and take some pics of Tadie in it!!

Then, I received some long awaited Vintage Tomy Smaller Home potted plants thru ebay! I've been wanting to get one for some time, just never really got around to it... I recently won 3! Yup, and will sell one or two of them, when the third comes in the mail! LOL

Lastly, these amazing Washi Tapes from Japan of Macoto Takahashi's Retro girls and Retro animals!! I saw them recently come up as I did my usual searches on Yahoo Japan, and wow! They are so kawaii!! I can't wait to use them and hopefully create some cute things too!! More on them soon!
 I got one with retro cute animals left, and one with retro cute ladies or girls on the right! They sold for 400yen each, and were a part of a special limited edition release back on September 20, 2015. According to the site they are sold out.
 Too cute, I may be a little apprehensive to use them?!... Naw! LOL

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, September 21, 2015

Recent Goodies!!

Here's what came in from Saturday's mail and Monday's!

 I received this lovely set of vintage bookmarks from etsy! Hui-shan even gave me a cute underlay too! So kind of her! I just love the cute cats and duckies! Such sweet vintage art!! For my collection!

These lovely Eico Hanamura vintage notebook and also vintage sketchbook with art by Youko Kitajima! Both from my friend!

 Eico's famous artwork that adorns her latest book too! At the backside, a cute paper doll too! These notebooks will be a part of my collection!

 The Youko K. sketchbook above, I love her retro girls eyes and below there are two pages with these three girls on it to color! The sketch book is smaller than the usual one's I find. So, it fits nicely into my container for storage! Yippee!

Lovely, vintage Vero? or Modella? Kitchen pieces. I got them for 'The Project Tadie's house", I'm still working on! More on them later...
 I will be using the cabinet that goes above the sink, the sink itself, and maybe the stove vent?! The closet and extra cabinet shelf, I may not use? We will see...

 I also won this lot of vintage posedoll calendars! From the 1970s, 80s, etc.! I will put all of them into my shop soon!
 Just gorgeous keepsakes of times gone by. These were probably used in a lady or girls room?! Each notebook attached has the month with dates for that year!

 Amazing vintage dolly graphics! Very unique!

 Lastly, this amazing reproduced vintage pink bike! I found thru etsy here! The seller, Sophie, shipped it fast and if you haven't noticed, this is the very same or similar bike that KukuClara used in the Marmalade Sky doll's product photos!! I was so thrilled to find it! I've been wanting a similar bike for my girls to ride on!! I originally wanted the blue, but she only had it in pink...

 Tadie below going for a ride...

 Great for small dolls like KukuClara, Aram or Tadie dolls, maybe even Kiraz dolls?!!
Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mail, Projects and Other Things...

It's been pretty busy the past two days! I didn't have a chance to post a goody that came in the other day! Then, a project that I finally finished working on! Lastly, my husband's 3rd shoulder surgery!!

 This vintage lovely pink acrylic Miyako Maki pencil case is too die for! I love the graphics on it. This one is quite different from others I've found. Seems cheaply made as far as the case itself, only because I am used to thicker plastic, vinyl, with a magnetic closure... The acrylic is soft in feel and inside the ruler, magnifier, divider is very flimsy and may break easily, if not careful. From age maybe?
 I love the case more for the artwork on it, of a Lovely retro girl! Still dreamy, so I shouldn't complain! Ha!
 This lovely gal, I haven't shared with you at all?! Until now! LOL... I was able to adopt her from the lovely Shoko of Milbee Toys website some time ago! She is quite expensive for my taste, but a tan mermaid, who can resist!! Hello not me! She came in a nude color, so I've been trying to get brave enough to paint her and I finally did!!
 I used light blue spray paint, acrylic pink paint, and then sealed her with Mr. Super Clear flat spray. I added a cute white flower hair clip and now she is just so cute! I could've left her nude in color, but I wanted her to be the mermaid she is meant to be!!

Finally, it has been in the cards as of late. Since my husband last two shoulder surgeries, it was inevitable, we had gotten a third opinion, and this doctor suggested another surgery... This time, we did this here on good ole' Guam soil! Not the Philippines, and not Stateside...

Basically, the doc went in, cleaned up some more scar tissue in hopes that it will help his muscle move more freely. We can only hope, right?! It was a 3 to 4 hour procedure, so I stayed close by and patiently waited for the call that he was done!
 While waiting, I listened to music caught up on emails and Tadie kept me company...
 It felt like we waited forever...
 So, when I left the condo to get lunch, I also stopped by my favorite 100yen store and picked up this below, Yum! Tohato Almond Caramel Corn puffs!! Never had them before?!
It tastes somewhat bitter because of the almond flavoring, I guess? Still it was different!
My husband's surgery was done by 3pm. We left for home and he is resting, we can only hope this works out a little better?!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ggsdolls Blog Giveaway!!

Hello my dear friends of blogdom! It's been awhile since I had a blog giveaway, one example here... So, 'Just Because', I am doing another!! The Winner, will receive some kawaii goodies from me!! More information below!
Winner gets all this!! A vintage pose dolly memo notebook, one of my ggsdolls kawaii Sootsprite/Dust bunny brooches, and an Otomate Series Metallic Plate Part 3: of No. 11!!

How to win the Kawaii Set of Goodies above?!
All you have to do is post a comment here on my blog or on my wordpress blog here, starting from Today's post and so on, I will be looking out for those that comment. Your name will go into a small basket, and by October 15th, one month from today!!, I will take those names, print them out, place them into a little basket and pull out a winner. The more you comment the more your name is printed and placed into the basket, giving you more chances of winning!!

Good Luck to you all and be sure to read my latest posts! Let's keep all that is vintage and kawaii alive!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, September 14, 2015

Updated For Sale Page and Added Items in My Shop on Etsy!

Hey all, I just updated my For Sale page! So check it out and I have added these goodies below if you are interested!! ~ hugs, gg

This one in my etsy shop!

Friday, September 11, 2015


I received a vintage Circuit 24 IDE FRANCE LES JOUETS MUZ Catalog from France today! Inside, it has a few of the popular Muz toys for girls and boys alike! I wanted the catalog mainly for the lovely Tadie Muz doll information in it!! More about Tadie Muz in my other posts here too!

 Front cover above and below!

Some of the pages from inside. There are a total of 8 pages. The last 4 are of Tadie Muz!

It showcases her Houses and the accessories that come with it. From my translations and reading, there are a total of four houses, Tadie Muz Residence, two styles of Tadie Muz House, and Tadie Muz Bungalow!
Also, Tadie doll and her fashions! I have translated and scanned the pages. Here is an example below!
It's amazing how so much effort and thought went into the design of the house and its furniture! I wonder what it was like as a child seeing this ad and trying to get their parents to buy it? I heard it was quite expensive even for that time! Eek! Definitely why it is rare to find nowadays...

I have seen, from my searches, mostly The Tadie Muz house, and also The Bungalow once. But, I have yet to see the other style Tadie House or her Residence?! The frame can be interchanged, so I will see if I can create a different look for the main doorway, when I put the house together again!?

If you are interested in getting a copy? I have translated and scanned the four pages, and they available for $5. Just email me!

 Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls