
Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Beauty of a Place I Call Home...

Enjoy this amazing capture of my little island of Guam's beauty! Video credits below video.

Thank you for watching! ~ ggsdolls

Guam from maiography on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Taking Our Guests Around Island!

We are truly blessed, it started 2 years ago, we had guest tenants from Japan, The Nakamura family. This is their 3rd year now staying at our guest house! Mind you, we often get many guests from Japan, Russia, Korea, Stateside and even right here on Guam!

But it is rare we are able to bond with them, as most of our guests have their own plans of what they want to see on our island, and that is perfectly fine with us. We are just glad that they want to stay all the way down south at our little cottage!

Sara my youngest has become close friends with their daughters Honoka and Yuina. They have sent airmail letters to each other and while in Japan for one of our day visits they took us to a mall. So, our families now have become close and good friends.

This year we decided to take them around to see the Christmas lights display, as we did with them last year, and then to an area hike that even we, have not gone too?!

 The girls above stopping to take a quick pic by Santa. This was at the Tumon Outdoor Lights display.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year is almost Here!

Whoa, time flies when you are having fun, eh?! LOL 2016 is just a few days away... The Christmas weekend was good, very busy with all the family gatherings, but I'm glad that's one holiday down and one more to go... Whew!

In other news, I posted thru flickr my dessert plate pic remember? from my last post here. Well, during the Christmas weekend, I got a few likes and then, IIia, asked for me to share my pic in a group called, "In Explore", and then even commented, "Superb Capture"! I was very flattered and thought it was so sweet of her!

A day or so later... my inbox was blowing up from all the faves! I am quite in shock... 10,749views already, 104 likes?! I wasn't even trying to be artistic, I just wanted to remember the sweets I was eating, Whoa! I am very flattered that many liked the photo, a heart-felt 'Thank you', and much love to you all for viewing it as well!

On to the usual stuff I blog about... LOL! Today's mail! A small packet from yahoo Japan...
 A lovely anime girl case filled with a Lot of Girly Glico goodies!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Partying...

Enjoying a Christmas Dinner with family...

Sorry I forgot to take pics of the dinner itself, ugh! But, boy was it so delish! Here is a pic of some of the sweets though?! LOL

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, December 21, 2015

Wishes for All of You...

I just wanted to say, "Thank you very much/ Si Yu'us Ma'ase!" 
For reading my blog and keeping up with me.
Sending much love and many blessings to all of you.
May your Christmas be filled 
with love, joy, and peace...
through out the New Year as well!
~ ggsdolls


Saturday, December 19, 2015


I fell in love with a flickr friend's cute dolly figure here! I commented, and asked where she got her cutie? Sure enough with the information she shared I was able to locate the very same Medicom Peynet figure set thru a website here. I messaged them and the set was still available! Yay!

It arrived to me from Singapore!

A very cute couple too. They're a nice addition to my collection too!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

An Ohmu from Nausicaa!

Today, I received a much anticipated goody from Amiami!! A special little pull toy of the character animal Ohmu from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind! It was supposed to come in with my Studio Ghibli puzzles from this post. But Sadly, they weren't released yet, until recently! Yay!

A Song Dedicated to The Love of My Life...

I rarely like to show pics of myself, only because I feel its not about me, and I want my friends to focus on, what I love to do... Collecting.

But, recently a song I heard on the radio(video below), made me think of someone very special to me... My soulmate, my husband, the man who still stands by me in more ways then I can ever realize. The irony is that we dated back in High School! Believe it or not?! But, I wasn't ready to be serious at 17years old. So, let him go.

He fell in love, got married, and had a baby girl. Where as, I did the same, got engaged, had a baby boy and moved off-island. Years later... He was divorced and I moved back to Guam with my son, and single. He was always close to my brother's and still came around my family. Then, one day we found each other, talking again and...

Fast forward to the present, the point is we found each other again. Fell in love and have two beautiful daughters, our two older children are adults and on their own. Taby's in High School and Sara's in Elementary, not to forget to mention, we have a grandchild. It's been an amazing journey and I can only hope many more memories to come... This song Asaguahu/my love, is for you, for us, and always...
The song is by Nathan Sykes, "Over and Over Again." For all of you, still in love, after all these years. Thanks for reading a bit, into my personal life. ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My December Oyatsu Box is in!!

If you would like to read about my first box, the post is here...

December's box is filled with so many goodies, I just had to post about it asap!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finder's Service Items, Etc!

I received a two items the past week on commission, and they each range from the hard to find to the more common... You can visit my Finder's Service page here for details on how I can help you find that dream item you've been wanting for your collection!

 an older photo above... to see more you gotta click to...

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Yahoo Japan Mail!

Here's what came in today! I've been requesting that my items ship in small packets, instead of one large box with all the goods I win thru Yahoo Japan. It's actually about the same cost, and at least it won't take the items a month later, to get to me!

 I found this IWAI Industries, Soft Vinyl Rubber Squeak toy mint in package above, and Bookmarks: Yamato-Kun miniature Books and Figure set, both will be a part of my collection...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

My New Moo Business Cards Are In!!

I have been using since 2011. I love the quality and being able to create unique business cards just makes my business card all the more special. I was actually introduced to Moo via a good friend SuperJunk! She posted her good experience with them, and her business cards were just beautifully done, I had to try them out!!

So far, they've done my postcards, and two sets of business cards, this new set will be my third set with them! If you like the freedom of being creative and making a unique impression with your business card?! They are a must try!

I choose a square set of cards this time around... I love that I can send my personalized card with each shop purchase! For me its like a little hug from me all the way from Guam! And also, its a big thank you to my customers, for making ggsdolls shop a success! "From my collection to yours" - ggsdolls

 Square business cards with vintage dollies pics from my collection...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Guam's Patron Saint, and Mail!

Today is a Holiday of sorts for my little island of Guam, "Santa Marian Kamalen" or "Saint Maria of Camarin". She is Guam's Patron Saint, you can read more about her, here. So while, most government offices and public schools are off, the USPS mail staff aren't... The girls and I drove up to the village and I got a small packet in the mail today!

 I am also using my early Christmas gift from my son, Tevin. He gave me a Nikon Coolpix L840. Still learning how it works...

From Yahoo Japan, a Sunstar organizer.
 It will be added to my shop soon. Lovely anime artwork on the cover and inside below.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Reveal of Updated Les Maison de Tadie Muz!

Here are pics of the big reveal and all the additions and fixes within Tadie's home.

Should you want to see how I got to this point? My earlier post is here!

Front door, to Tadie's house...

 Tadie: "Please come in..."

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Working on Les Maison de Tadie Muz!

Since I got Tadie's house back in July 2015, here. I've been trying to find furniture pieces to complete or at least replace some of the items the house is missing, and also finding ways to make the blinds, carpets, and curtains you see in Tadie's booklet.

I did replace the small coffee table, and small drawer set here.

...and so, here are some of the items I have been working on!

Fixing the mirror on the double vanity. I found a shop here via etsy that makes these lovely plastic mirror sheets that you can cut with scissors, perfect for replacing missing mirrors on doll size vanity, or closets, etc. I actually got a sample from them and used just the sample to fix the mirror below! Awesome and FREE! Hehe!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Great Stuff in the Mail!

We recently inherited Sam's grandmother's HCR address, and it was great timing too! We found out that with HCR boxes you can avoid the annual Postal fee that comes with renting a PO box, Yup, it's FREE. So, we checked into it and changed over, now, when our PO box fee comes around we will cancel the PO box! Yay! Anything, to help us save on moolah! Ha! Sadly, Guam is not hip, in this day and age, some villages don't have delivery at home mail. Yup, still in the dark ages folks. Ugh.
Sorry, just thought I'd share that little tidbit. Because, we were not schooled by USPS that HCR's are free?!

... an onto the goodies we go!
 I received, a cute vintage pose dolly pin found thru Hui-shan's shop here on etsy! So cute too! She will be a part of my collection.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

An Awesome Stay-cation Guam! Part Dos

Part One here! On Saturday, there were so many things going on, that not everything we had originally planned to do panned out. Tabytha went to hang out at a friend's house. So, I dropped her off, and Sam was headed to take photos of the Car Show that was happening at 11am. Sadly, he came back sooner, and said, the event was practically dead, and came back to the apartment.

So, the new plan was for me to get Taby. Then, we'd head out to the "Autumn Festival" that happens only once a year! I picked up Taby. But then, we got a text to meet up with Nana at Caprisiosa's Restaurant.

We decided to go to her first then, hopefully we'd still make the Festival? Below, we went over to the "Christmas in Hagatna" miniature display, in the same area as the restaurant!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Our Awesome Stay-cation Guam! Part Uno

After Thanksgiving, my husband and I decided to spend the weekend at our friend's condo with the girls. We left Inarajan late Friday afternoon and made our trek north. We asked the girls where did they want to eat dinner at?

The usual silence was given... So, I made the suggestion, Jack in the Box? All the yes's had it! So, we went there first. We only have one on island, and Sam rarely wants to go there. So, it was a treat for the girls when we did...

 Sam bringing our dinner over, and Sara enjoying her nuggets meal!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Mohair Wig for German Tadie and New Info!

I decided to try a mohair wig this time, on Tadie or maybe I need to change her name to "Rita"?! Not only did I get a wig in the mail today, but a good friend, "criscrash13" via flickr found a publication from Spain of a company that made similar dolls to the one from Germany?! Wild!

Tadie clone below with the mohair wig, made for Lati Yellow, but I wanted a fuller hair style for her with curls, I may just get her a red-haired mohair wig next time? There is just something about mohair that I love, the natural look of the hair and how you can easily style them too!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Oyatsu Box Is In!

As I mentioned before in a post here, I got hip to subscription boxes for this month, and my Oyatsu or Japanese snacks box is in from!

I actually learned about them from a friend's blog here! She was showcasing each of her yummy Japanese snacks from Oyatsu as well, and I decided that it would be interesting to try out a box for myself. Mind you, we do get some Japan-made snacks here on Guam already, but some of the one's shown on the website, I have yet to try out?!
 I got the premium box above, which give about 10 - 14 full size snacks! Yup, a lot of goodies. There are 3 types of subscriptions too! Which is nice if you just want to send a small box as a gift to a friend or your child! The price is nice too and includes s/h already! Yay!

Inside, a pamphlet in English of all the yummy snacks! Nice! Ohh, is that a gashapon  I spy? Yippee!

The box has so many Japanese goodies, Caramel Dipped Pocky, my fave, Yum!  Rice crackers in the shape of noodles, pear flavored gummies, chocolate panda-shaped cookies, and fish gummies too?! Yup, I said fish!
 The pamphlet below, tells you what each Japanese snack is and what to expect! I think subscription boxes are going to kill me, especially these from Japan!! aaaaahhhh!
 I decided to keep a few and most give to the girls, and to my relatives to enjoy! The Gacha below, is a cute rubber strap of ? I tried to search it up, but it must be reaaaally new?! Because, it doesn't even show up on Amiami?! Whoa! He's cute, nerdy and from Japan!

In conclusion, I will definitely be subscribing to more of the Oyatsu boxes! I love trying new snacks from Japan. So, this one is a keeper! If you want to get a box, place your order for December's Box Today! The site shows how many more days you have to place an order for the next month's release! I know December will be awesome! Oh, and they are easier to cancel should you decide you just want to try out one box for now!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tadie Muz Clone Doll, Not!

Updates on German Tadie Clone Doll information! I recently won a rare doll thru ebay and she has arrived to me all the way from Germany! So, many questions plagued this particular doll for some of us who enjoy collecting weird, awkward or unique dolls... Now, I have at least uncovered what we all thought or at least I thought was a Tadie Muz clone...

From my previous posts here of my first German Tadie Clone, and later here, talking about the company that makes these similar face painted dolls. This German Bendable Doll has quite a story to tell us!

She arrived to me Yesterday, and since I was taking my husband to his Physical Therapy appointment, I decided to take the doll with me, to inspect. As I sat in the car waiting for him, I took these initial shots below:
 Box opening...
  I immediately, opened the box of course... the head to the doll was all wobbly, and I had to hold it carefully. When I took her out of the baggie, Her body and clothing along with the head was all nice and mint! But, whoa, very different from what I expected?!
 The doll inside her baggie. Her head wobble to and fro. Oh no!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Yoshitomo Nara Gummi Girls!

I have seen Yoshitomo Nara's works at the Narita Airport, whenever we took our day trips to Japan! I only recently fell in love with the Gummi Girl cases that were released. They are quite pricey online, which made me wish I had looked for them while we were in the Narita Airport?! Ugh! Oh well...

I was however, able to find one thru Yahoo Japan, but, with no gummi candies and got the colored head case I wanted.
 This cute red head girl below! Above, the box she came in above. She is supposed to come with gummi candies, but none here. I really just wanted her for her cute looking container anyhow! (Please note: your screen is not acting up, my iphoto is acting up as of late. So, coloring is a bit off...)

 She is quite large, and flat, and would be great as a candy dish or keeper of sorts. I love the design and wish I collect a few more, if it weren't for the price! Eek...
 I am happy to have the one. She will sit by my bedside to greet me with my other fave things I can easily clean off from dust.

There are a total of 6 head styles! I would love to get the blue haired one, or maybe the brunette?!

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Thursday, November 19, 2015

My First Gatcha Crate IS IN!!!

Oh my Gosh! I went to do talk to the Lady that delivers the slips to my PO and she had a slip for me today?! I was a bit confused and wasn't sure what it was for, but the slip said, I had two boxes to pick up today! So, since I had to take Taby to the Ortho, I stopped by the PO and picked up the boxes, to my surprise it was from Gatcha Crate!!  I was a bit confused, because they sent a letter saying they would mail out our Gacha Crates by November 15th... But instead they shipped since November 11th. No matter, I got them! (November Release, 2015.)

Rewind a bit... You see, I recently decided to subscribe to Oyatsu or Japanese snacks subscription, which is basically, a random variety of snacks that will be shipped to you monthly from Japan. Snacks from Japan, you say? Ohh, why not? So, I subscribed. The night after I subscribed, I had an idea to do Gashapon toy set as a box set and that is why you see the listing of my Gacha box sets in my shop... The idea woke me up at 3am! I decided to do an online search to see if anyone else had already done it... Sure enough there was a website already! Darn!  Gacha Crate! Sigh... But, it was okay, I could still sell some of the extra box sets I have, as my version of Gashapon... Fast forward to the present... I did end up subscribing to Gacha Crate for one month, just to see if I would like someone else choosing the type of gashapon toys that I might find... It's actually a bit pricey, when you know you can spend just 200 to 500yen a Gashapon toy in Japan!

The box opening... I will show you most of the Kawaii Crate box that I opened.
 The Gacha Crate box is smaller than I expected, but they did say only 5 to 6 toys inside. Sometimes they will add extra things, like Japanese snacks or candies. I subscribed to both style of boxes for this month, Kawaii and Kakkoii meaning Cute and Cool. Further info. is on the website.
 I would like to consider myself more into cute stuff, but sometimes the cool stuff has some cute things in it too?! Inside, they use felt material to keep the Gacha's safe. The box included 5 gachas this time two cards, one with info, and one an ad, lastly, a box of Morinaga strawberry choco. More below.

 It's really nice that they create an information card of what each blind toy gacha is about and what you can expect... This helps us understand better what the item is about, and not just guessing from the booklets each toy comes with.
 The yummy Morinaga Strawberry Choco-Balls with Rice Puffs! A nice addition!

My first, Gashapon, that I didn't take from a machine myself! LOL
Doraemon Series:
 I wanted to open Doraemon first, he is my fave and his head is the Gacha container! Kawaii desu! Inside, are his body parts to create this large figure when you place the Gacha back on its body!

The second one, was from Toy Story, your very own miniature Buzz Lightyear Gashapon vending machine! Awesome and so cute. I let Sara have a go at putting this baby together, of course, she loved it and kept it for herself! Ha!
Toy Story Mini Capsule Machine Series:

 We even had to put tiny stickers onto the toy that goes inside the tiny Gacha balls!
 Definitely kawaii for sure!

A snout toy?! How is this Kawaii? 'Only on Japan', as we say, 'Only on Guam', here! Haha. Yup, a sticker soft spongey pig snout to stick onto your cell phone or notebook!
Animal Nose Series:
 Maybe if I had gotten the dog or cat snout, I'd be okay with it?!

This cute tiny Gacha ball, I am keeping just because its so tiny! Inside, is a lovely Maid anime girl. Very Kawaii, and a cell charm too! Nice!
 Maid Cafe Collection Series:

Lastly, a cute roly poly boy!! I thought Taby might like him and let her open and keep him, she did! You can try to knock him down, but he keeps bouncing back up! Fun!
 Haikyuu!! Tumbler Doll Series:

All the Kawaii cuties for this month below:
Though it was truly fun and exciting to open each of the Gacha's, I must admit, having someone else choose from what vending machines I want to get a blind toy from, may not be for everyone. Especially, if you are picky like me! Ha! But, if you love all the goodies no matter what, and you can't get to a toy vending machine in Japan anytime soon, then Gacha Crate is for you!

A quick look at the Kakkoii box below:
 Included 5 items as well, and the Choco-ball candy too! I decided not to open all the Gacha's as a few will become Christmas gifts... ssshhhh^_~

Listing of the Kakkoii toys below:  Yup, that's a tempura bug key chain!
 Still, the two, that caught my eye below...
Persona4 Mascot Series:

and the cute squid looking key chain below!
Splatoon Squid Mascot Series:

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls