I recently, found a lot of 2 adorn dolls through yahoo Japan auctions. There were no bids, and it was ending within about 30 minutes. I bidded and won! I received them Saturday, and with the dolls cleaned up, I just couldn't wait to take pics and talk more about the unique things I found on them!
The one above is wearing a sheer lavender skirt with ruffles, a beautifully made crochet top, and lovely baby blue sequins on the bodice. Underneath the dress she is wearing a long camisole in silk. I had to add snaps to the camisole, and elastic to the skirt. This doll came with a beaded necklace, and two beaded bracelets.

This one is my fave of the two. Her dress is very similar to our native costume. Underneath this lovely sheer green gown, is a beautiful crochet fitted camisole. I decided to cut the hair of this one and make her hair a long bob, which ended up being a "shag" instead. Both girls have dark brown heels.

The unique thing about the first doll is that she has a part at the back side of her head. Which is why I gave her two ponytails. These two amazing finds are lovely addition to my growing Adorn doll collection! - ggsdolls