Sunday, February 2, 2025

"To Bring About Change..."

 "...You must not be afraid to make the first step." ~ Rosa Parks

It's February!! I am just excited for life and most especially for this month! Life has been really busy caring for a 4 month old grandchild, but I don't mind it. He helps me change and grow. Gosh how time flies! I notice more things around me, like the feel of a January cool breeze, the trees, and the sounds in the village. I see his wonder at the world around him and the love in his eyes for his mother and father.

Life seems a bit sweeter having him in it for sure. So here's what I found late January thrifting online...

I found another set of Lotte Pretty Lady cards, and sold 2 recently and the ones you see above, I kept for my collection. I now have 3 types of paper dolls. I am trying to remember as a kid how many types of paper dolls were represented. Always a treat to find them when I do. Below, Sara and I went to Donki to get our snack fix and look what I saw?!
These Doraemon Chocolates shaped in an umbrella, I remember the style of chocolates we used to buy as kids in the last 80s. Nice to see them on Guam and easily accessible. Though I didn't buy any. Haha! Still nice to see them here.

We also went to the Daiso store. I needed a few things and got these cute bag charms from Sanrio, and key chains with Boba tea cups that you can put things in! Love Hello Kitty and My Melody. I caved and even got myself one of the Moonlight Wand's! There was a Heartlight wand as well. But the moonlight one is just very Sailormoon style and one could not resist!

Very simple design, you just need to add 2 AAA batteries. It has four sounds when you press the gold heart just below the gem. Great for cosplay too!! Below, this adorable Konpeito with Dust Bunnies coin purse. While searching for a coin purse, that's how I came across this one. Definitely a keeper for sure!

These retro Tulip Lamps are gatchas of the vintage versions, and they light up too!! There are 5 in total. But I only want the blue and pink ones of course!! Haha! You just push down to turn off or turn on the lamp.

Lastly, this adorable plastic head bunny I won from an auction. I just added his pink satin bow and he is already listed in my shop. Love his cute face!! A great addition to any Easter decor display too!

I'm ready to enjoy my birthday month! Happy Hunting!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Rare Rushtons!!

     I haven't posted these 2 Rushtons at all since getting them for many reasons. So I figured I would share them now, since I don't own them. LMAo!!

I actually won this adorable minty kitty by Rushton in a Lot of 6 plushies a few years ago. She was hiding amongst the larger plushies and my hope at the time was that no one noticed her!! Which worked and I won the lot! I decided not to share her mainly because of her being so rare and I've never seen her before. I wanted to see if she'd show up later, and one variation did.

Her body is very much like the sleepy kitty body type. This one came with a little bell attached to pink elastic and a white plastic ring. I believe she was meant to hang on a baby's crib. All of her bows are original and her Rushton tag is the 50s version that Mary used prior to the change later in blue and red. Her rubber face is just like that of the tiger and earlier faces with green instead of the white part of the eyes. If you look carefully, her fur is white on front and at the back side her fur is a very light gray.

I definitely loved her all these years and since I've decided to let go most of my Rushton collection. She was listed on the Bay just yesterday and she sold fast!! I could've asked for a lot, but I just wanted a bit more then what I paid for her and not trying to be greedy. I will miss her! The next Rushton below...

I adopted this cutie from another Rushton collector a few years back. This adorable side sleeping bear with pajama bag is just too cute. He has been restored and I found him a blue pajama bag that is also by Rushton. The bag has a toy rattle glued to it. I replaced the bear's collar and blue buttons. Sadly, he is missing some fur on the top of his head and one ear.

He has the cutest bottom and has a snap button to snap onto the pj bag to secure him. He is definitely one of my ISOs back then. Having him along with the gray kitty was a dream. But I believe as with any dream, times change and your idea of ISOs change as well. Partly, too much drama in that community and not wanting to be in it anymore is another reason. I release myself from toxicity. Never good for anyone's mental health. But there are a few Rushton I will keep that are not crazy rare and just the ones that I've originally wanted when I first started collecting them. I am now down to less then 9 Rushtons in my collection. Haha! To each his/her own!

It is nice to see Rushtons going down in price. So I hope more people are able to enjoy them!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, January 18, 2025

"Spread Love Everywhere You go..."

 ... "Let no one ever come without leaving happier." ~ Mother Teresa

Here are some amazing finds as of late...

Did some shopping at my local Goody store, and found these lovely anime girl sticker flakes!! They are so adorable and I can't wait to use them. The girl in front holding the teddy is just too cute!! There are 8 styles and 4 of each. Woohoo! Below, I found a lot of bunnies and these are the ones I listed in my shop! So cute and lovely to display! They are quite common for vintage, but still adorable.
Below, I simply fell in love with this Swan series eye shadow case by Flower Knows made in China. The compact is just dreamy and inside, the eye shadow and blush even have design imprinted on them. I probably won't use it at all except for display. Haha!

Next, this cutie pie! I found via an Etsy shop and it's a Bunny plush backpack/purse. She took some time to arrive, but so worth it. She reminds me of the bunny in the anime "Chobits". The alter ego of 'Chi'. So sweet and there are other colors too! I wanted a silver bun, but sadly that one was sold out at the time. Still this pink one is just as cute and she has little teardrops soo kawaii!!! EEeee!

I can't believe this, but I also found more variations of the Lotte Big Bubble Pretty Lady paper dolls and decals!! This one I don't have in my collection. So, they are a perfect addition to it! Unused and still in lovely for their age. Sadly, the decals can't transfer anymore, but still an awesome piece of confectionery history!!
This is a special gift from a fellow dear friend and collector, Joujoukawaii!! She had sent me an Xmas gift! I couldn't believe all the goodies inside. She knew me so well and sent a vintage Japan Children's Christmas record. I love the Pose doll graphics on it. I almost bought one from a website too around the same time. So to see it as a gift from was really special for sure. The card and wrapping was extra special as well. Featuring a sweet vintage Santa. Ahhh, Kitsch Christmas goodness for sure!! Thank you my dear sweet friend! ILY!

I hope your January is turning out fabulous! So many things to be thankful for, life, family and most of all friends. 

Praying for all the families affected by the fires in California. Be sure to donate!

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

New Beginnings... 2025

 ... Well, technically with every New Year, some may want to think we can start anew! So let's just go with that! Haha!

Oh my goodness, it's 2025! If I recall right as a kid probably around 10 years old, I remember I imagined 2025 to look very different. Back then, I pictured peace in the world, our planet with no pollution, and we all drove flying cars like in the cartoon 'The Jetsons'. I wondered if our homes and apartments would be in the sky and how that may happen. Haha! In reality, we are far from it. So now, in my Fifties, I wonder what 2055 may look like?! I won't be here, but one can still imagine.

We all can hope and look forward to a good year. I've been mostly busy being a doting grandmother to my youngest grandson! While his parents are at work, I babysit a few days out of the week. So it has been quite busy here with a baby.

First, here's a lovely tea bowl I got from Swimmer Japan. I love the design and the cute animals on them. The color combination along with the retro look of the animals and design is just so adorable! Reminds me of the good ole' days very kitschy cute for sure! I also got myself the bento tin Swimmer released with sweet retro animals on it! It even came with the elastic to keep the tin securely closed. I will more than likely use it for storage.

Below, I also found another Swimmer retro bear plush. I listed it and immediately it sold, thanks to a fellow collector and friend who also bought the first bear I listed! Thank you Linda!! She wanted a partner for her pink bear! Awww!

Lastly, just a quick snap of my Rushtons in a Basket! These are the plushies that I have displayed in my room. Mr. Monocle is just so dapper! I love seeing his creepy face! Haha!

I hope you all have a great start to your New Year! Let's strive for a great 2025! Happy Thrifting!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Day After Christmas...

 I hope you all had a great Christmas!! It was another simple one, but this year was my grandson's first Christmas, so it was extra special to have him with us.

This year I brought both my table top xmas trees to our village house and put them in my room for display. Our main Christmas tree, Sara and I rearranged the living room to accommodate it on a different spot from last year. So this year it was really nice to set up and decorate. Packages still under the tree in this photo was taken on Christmas eve. Now, it is empty. Haha!

Just a view of the two trees I set up in my room. I have a small pink one and a larger teal one. Both don't light up, but I like it simple. Just gives me the Christmas feels. I didn't really want anything special this year, except to have family close by and so it was really special.

Here are some items I found prior to the holiday...

I found this lovely vintage Chalkware 1920s style lady mirror. I had seen this one before via a fellow collectors page. So to find this one was awesome and truly a dream. Below, some Flower Knows, miniature gatcha Mermaid lip gloss and mirrors. I bought the set and have a few of them listed in my shop! The lip gloss is cute, mirror as well and great for BJD props!
Below, I have been smitten by this adorable Ninizee plush from China. I love the anime face and soft body. These are becoming popular to hang on your purse or bag. Well a lot of these bag tag plushies are becoming popular most especially Labubus from Pop Mart. I also got a Nommi 400 percent plush. She is much larger and you can still attach her to your bag or purse!

I love that I can change her eyes by simply pushing them upwards and there are three styles, one with hearts and one with a bear. I love the black style most, cause she looks so cute! She was a Christmas gift to myself. Last, I found some BJDs this one is called "Puppy Cotton Candy". There are three sizes, 20cm, 13cm, and 5cm. They have big heads, eyes, and chubby cute bodies. They are only purchased by a Japanese shop from China and the maker only sells them by lottery. I found one from an online Japan shop and she was already customized, and sold nude. The price was not as bad as I remembered BJDs to cost. The one on the left is a 3D printed 8cm version. I have already listed in my shop. Hair, eyes and dress come with her!

This customized version is truly adorable. I may list her in the shop! Below, a fellow collector and shop owner was selling this Rushton Lamb. I had to adopt her, gave her a good wash and added a few vintage touches to her. She is just missing her pajama bag.
Well that's all for now. May the holiday and New Year bring you all that you wish for!

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, December 16, 2024

"The Smells of Christmas..."

 "... Are the Smells of Childhood." ~ Richard Paul Evans.

Oh my goodness just 9 days until Christmas. I hope you are preparing for the holiday season and the reason for rejoicing this year! Here are some cute things that came into my hands...

These lovely miniature Gatchas by Takara Tomy Blow up Mascots. These are versions of the vintage ones sold in Japan and perhaps we have a different variety sold Stateside. I don't really collect them, but miniatures, I will. I picked up two sets and sold one. They are just too cute and the deer is my favorite! Below, I found this lovely vintage 1950s Donkey Party Game or "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". I fell in love with the artwork of the Donkey if you look closely, he looks a lot like one of those Meyercord decal!!

Below, a lovely plastic festival Mask of a deer named, "Hummingmint" by Sanrio. I just had to add it to my collection. She is very sweet. Next, I was commissioned to find some dolls for a fellow collector and I found many! Haha! Just glad I was able to help her acquire them. They are dolls my Madamemoiselle Yako. Rag dolls you can redress like regular fashion dolls. I heard that she will no longer make them sadly. So glad she got these!!

Then, Sara and I went to our local Donki and Daiso just to look around and I found some great items. Just look at all these plushies. I even found the same sleeping bear I saw back in October when my sister and I went to Daiso at Takeshita Dori!! This post here. Now, they are here on Guam, yay! But just like last time I didn't buy it. Just looked around and it was nice to see it on island. I did get some Christmas craft decorations, and made this lovely Alice and Christmas tree door hanger.

The door hanger was just the Christmas tree, and I found some bits and bobs to decorate it with along with Alice in Wonderland stickers. I trimmed the sticker and it looks like She was always on there! Haha! It turned out lovely too! Now hanging in my room... If you notice my MCM shelf from Germany is finally up on my wall again, Yay! Thanks to Taby! We went to Ross and saw some lovely Sanrio Hello Kitty and My Melody mugs too!

Last for now, are these adorable Swimmer Brand vintage plushies that remind me of Rushtons from the 70s with their plastic googly eyes!! I listed both in my shop and the bear sold out fast!!

Well, that is all for now and I hope you are feeling the holiday spirit! Until next time!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls