What an amazing Valentine's Gift to myself! Today, I received my much anticipated Mini DD. I've been searching and drooling over other owners gals, that mine arrived from LA, and so quickly too!
Here is the box opening...

Oh reading material and a membership card too!

I got the HDD-04 head with anime eyes. I figure it was much cheaper to buy the kit and try my hand at painting her and sealing her. It took me about 3 tries for the eyelashes, 2 unsuccessful tries at eyebrows, 1 try at blushing and lip color...But, I am satisfied with what I was able to do. She has that cute childish head with big anime eyes, but I might want to get a more mature head later on...

I still have some wigs from my Dollmore model dolls past-downs, and this lovely mohair wig from dollmore fits her nicely. Fashions by the lovely Wimukt on etsy! Made for Unoa's, these outfits fit her nicely as well. Poor baby needs shoes though!!

She's just so sweet and her eyes are huge!! Just the way I like em'...LOL! I was able to sell off my Leeke Ariana and got this MDD, and fashions!

I must say, I love the body and knowing that she is a softer vinyl makes me not worry so much about dropping her...oh boy! I may be hooked on Dollfie Dream. I'm already thinking of possibly getting at least one larger gal, maybe or just another head...oh goodness!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls