Thursday, January 31, 2013

Leaving for a short trip!

Well, I am off for a short trip. I will try to post, but knowing that I will be taking my ipad only, we will see if I am able to post as I go along...? Hope you all have a great weekend! - ggsdolls

Sunday, January 27, 2013

More fun with Irwin and Miners...

 I decided to add a few more rement to the room to decorate the space. But then, I wanted to redo the whole set up and took a lot of pics below!!

 I decided to use the red walls and added a wall separator to the space and make it seem like the dining area was separate from the living area.

 I love how the red walls allowed the art work to be the focus. I just love the end result, and how all the pieces fell into place!

 If only one could shrink for just a brief moment to be in that space!!

 The room came out nicely. If you look carefully at the cabinet on the dining side, I was able to find and use a Sylvanian miniature tea set to place inside the tiny wooden cabinets. It worked out nicely!

 More shots!
I think the blue panel on this side work out nicely also!

Thanks so much for reading and looking at the pics! Sorry for spamming this one, but I am really having fun with it!! - ggsdolls

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Interesting doll, and book arrive!!

Yesterday, along with my lovely Miners Rooms, I also received an interesting doll and book in the mail. For now, I'm having good mail days!!  Lately, I have been searching for dolls that are not as well-known or popular. Earlier this month, I found this cutie while searching the bay in Italy.

She is called, "Zizi" by Sebino and she is doll bank. She stands about 10 inches tall, with her mod green suit and a red cap. Some may think she is scary, with her glaring eyes, but I think she is quite unique. There is also a Regal Co. version and she wears a yellow outfit instead of green. Her hair is a curly blonde and 2 long braided ponytails.

 Though I have to admit that version, I probably won't get, but this Italian version I love! I was happy to know that the seller allowed me to bid and I was able to her. She seems other-worldly and with that cap, maybe she is meant to be a space cadet or astronaut...LOL! I will have to translate a recent ad of her to find out?! She is a great addition to my growing plastic/rubber doll collection!

I also found this lovely children's board book by Whitman. "In The Teeny Tiny Land." I learned about the book from a fellow collectors stream of many books with toys! But I was able to acquire this one from an online vintage children's book store here!

 The book has many vintage Japan made dollies as seen above! I've always wanted to try to find these cute closed eye gals. They are mascot dolls for a teen or child's room. I see many thru Yahoo Japan, but even there, they are quite expensive!

 On another page is this lovely gal is made by Oike! I have to try to remember her name, but she is a hard doll to find also. I've only seen them thru Japan auctions as well.

 This little guy I've seen often thru the bay, or even thru etsy!! Mostly, just a head for crafting ideas or as a doll. Often he comes up as a search under 'weird' or 'silly faced' dolls!! This book along with a few others I would like to find. It is amazing how so many vintage dollies were used in these types of board books!

Then, of course I have to share with you that I rearranged the Miners furniture room again and added some decorations to complete the look!

Thanks so much for reading! - ggsdolls

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wish List Item Arrives...

A continuation from my January 16th post...

Today, one of my wish list items came in and I was so happy it got here fast, but also sad, because a few of the items in it was not included-_-;

Part II of my Miners Room by Room miniatures arrived today. A box that says Dining room set, but also included some bed room pieces too! I found it while searching thru etsy for other things, and to my surprise, this popped up!! Something I had been wanting, since seeing them back in 2011!

 Box on the right, showing all 3 rooms, but this set was only supposed to be the dining room set.
Inside a card from the seller!

 The initial checking of what was in the box. The seller wasn't sure if everything was included, and had only mentioned that the lighting and other decorations weren't in the box. So, even though as you can see below, it included some extra pieces from the bedroom set...

 It did not include the bed. The set did however come with an extra dresser/as seen above, an extra picture frame/not shown, extra mirror also not shown. I did have to glue together the desk chair and part of the chaise as it came apart during shipment. You can see on the bottom right of the top photo that the bed pillows were included!

 The dining room set furniture above, is complete minus the lighting and decorations. Even the dining table had the extra wood piece to make it longer! After I had fixed the pieces that were broken. I started to work on the walls and room itself, but to my surprise the walls, and carpets were not in the box-_-; Yup, the only things I found in the instructions envelope, were the clear acrylic windows! So, unfortunately, I was not able to put them into their own rooms. Instead, I used the Irwin room space below to sort of display the pieces...

 Above, the bed room pieces, with out the bed. I was surprise that the pegs were able to fit into the Irwin wall panels. A bit farther apart then the pegs are supposed to be, but it worked out for a quick shot of the set.
Here you can see the dining room set. I used only a few pieces. But still it looked decent. Now, all I have to do is find some replacement walls and floors for the rooms. The set does have the top and bottom frame for both rooms, along with the vertical supports and brackets, but it will be a challenge for me to find replacement walls and carpets.

Still I am glad to have found this set of 2 rooms. At least, I am able to say this is one item off my wish list!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

From Japan...

Over the holidays, I had won a lot of 2 dolls from Japan. They finally arrived to me today and I just had to share with you their cute faces!!

 They are cute tan dolls for crafting, I suppose. Similar to the Asari-chan dolls I have. But these two girls look more like Sekiguchi's Poppo-chan dolls!

Sadly, I was unable to find them something to wear. Their bodies are a bit more wider than my other girls and their feet make it hard for pants to fit them. Still, their cute tan bodies and faces are just too adorable to resist. Just like Seki's Poppo-chan, they have kissy faces and body stance, but the eyes are quite different.

Above, my growing collection of mini dollies. The Poppo-chan dolls have big feet and wider bodies. Still, they are a lovely addition to my growing Asari-chan doll collection!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Something New Today!

I received a small box in the mail today from the States. I won these two cute made in Korea dollies from the 70s on the bay last week. I read they are similar to Roth greeting cards artwork from the same period.

 The girl on the left has barely any hair when I found her, and the one on the right I wanted more. I cleaned both girls up and washed their hair. Sadly, most of it came out in the wash and their hair was not secured or glued in well. Still, they are quite unique and I love their closed eyes! Something different for sure!

Then, I was inspired to take some wood flooring I had and cut them into wall panels for the Irwin Decorator set.
The new walls gave me inspiration to redecorate the room! It was so much fun to do!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another item arrives, on my wish list!!

Well part of it! LOL! Since summer of 2011, my collecting style changed to doll houses and doll furniture. But there were moments in 2012 where, I just about gave up on collecting many of the harder to find items that were on my wish list, til' recently...

As christmas passed on and the new year came into play, I was amazed that, in 2 consecutive days, I accidentally come upon some treasures I had been wanting, besides the Irwin set...yup, more!! I won't divulge all of the things on my wish list as there are many, but as the items come in, I will share with you the wonderment of it all and finding them to say the least!!

Today, I received parts of a set of living room furniture from a coveted kit by Miners Rooms in Miniatures. I found out about them thru a few collectors who own them and one in particular, "Call of the Small". I saw her complete kit posted on her blog and had been wanting one ever since!

Doing my usual searches on the bay, I found a seller, had up for auction, the sofa, coffee table and chair. I decided to bid and won it. Though it may not be the whole kit, it was still lovely to find these pieces!

Below you can see the sofa, chair, and coffee table added into the Irwin room set. I added a few other items to decorate with. It is a bit smaller in scale to the Irwin set, but I just love the wall panels of this room!

If only we could shrink ourselves for a short visit!? The set and furniture is so much fun!

I find myself amazed, that no matter how hard something is to find, it will, and does come into play later on, when you least expect it...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Vintage Interior Decorator Set!!

Since getting some Christmas money, I have been searching for a few things on my wish list and to my surprise, I found one of them!!

On the bay I found this lovely NRFB Irwin Interior Decorator Set/Bathroom! I was able to make and offer and sure enough the seller took it and the set arrived safely to me today!!

I just couldn't wait to open it up and check it out!!

 NRFB, this is just one of the rooms of the set. Above the box has some crushed areas, but otherwise good. Inside, the sealed bath room set below.

 Just a shot of the instruction booklet of the bath room. I read the booklet and it is amazing the variations one can come up with! I wish I had purchased all the rooms!?

 The two boxes inside the main box. On the left holds the bathroom furniture and chrome fixtures. On the right are the walls, cabinetry, and panels.

 Above the wall connectors, etc. Along with some parts for the rooms decor.

 Paneling above. I love the wood panels most and the blue one as well. So many choices too!

 The bathroom furnishings were fairly simple to put together along with the chrome fixtures. Sadly, one side of the sink is missing its faucet-_-; I looked an looked and even though the box was NRFB, that particular fixture is not in the box!? hmm...

 The finished room. So, amazing and I had so much fun putting it together! The panels are very delicate, but it works well, and the walls design makes it easy to just push the pegs in to secure. I did however, add the rug and the girl! LOL.

 She doesn't look to happy, cause she found out she has to clean the bathroom as her chore!!

Even the panels for the curtain is quite unique! Now, I wish I had all the rooms!! Lovely vintage 1960's styling too! See the fish wall plaques!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

It's been some time...right?!

LOL, sorry I haven't posted in a few...shocking even for me! But so much has gone on, and I just haven't been as inspired to take pics and the like these days...

I did, however, try to get back into the swing of below are some pics I took over the weekend of some tiny friends from rement and yuijin gashapon toys!

 Look at all the tiny friends that came to play with Koeda-chan and friend!

 Even Mirai wanted to visit!

The tiny Koeda-chan treehouse set is from rement, the 2 weebles also from a set from rement, and the wobbly roly poly doll is from Yuijin a gashapon toy from Glico.

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Off to a slow start for 2013...

LOL, not much going on these days. Mail is still slow and since having 2 items going to customers lost, and one item coming to me, also lost. It kinda makes you not want to deal with anything that is buying or selling online...ugh! I've notified the various people thru, and sellers, or buyers, but well, we'll see if anything gets figured out...

Anyhow, today, I did try something new and delicious I just had to share with you!!

 I found this, Meiji Galbo Almond Cubes at our local 100yen store. Boy are they yummy! It's like a chocolate cookie crunch with oozing chocolatey goodness! Sweet, but not too sweet! So, if you ever see em' at your local Asian or Japanese food store try em'! I ended up buying one more for later!!

 On another note: I received this wee guy late last week, to be added to my ornament collection for my tree. Poor guy is missing a drum stick, but he's wanted...

Today, I got this lot of 2 clown/raggedy ann type ornaments, both Japan, and their eyes are cute, along with their look! So, I didn't want to pass em' up. To be added to my collection as well.

So far, January has been nice and slow, maybe that's a good thing!? LOL.
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Additions to my Felt Ornament Collection!

I was thrilled to finally get these in! More vintage Japan Christmas ornaments added to my growing collection!

 I found these mice in a Lot of 3, on ebay and sold pretty cheap too! They have rather flat bodies, but their heads are round. Then, I also lucked out and found 2 cute squirrel ornaments. They needed a bit of glue, but otherwise lovely to add to my collection.

 Before opening all the mail that came in. I took my daughters uptown to spend their Christmas money on stuff they wanted. We went to our local Toy store called, "Twinkles" and to my surprise, I found this little critter below! Remember these! I do, as a child they were advertised as life-like creatures that could crawl on your hand, and around a pencil, etc. But little did we know it was possible by a tiny black thread!

 As you can see the price of $5.99, but at 20% off, it was a steal!! All colors too! Sara fell in love with it more and she ended up keeping it!

So, I had to take one last shot of it, before she took him! Ahhhh, the memories!

On a disappointing note, lately, I've been very upset with I've had 2 items lost in the mail thus far in less than 2 months. One back in November, and now, one that was just shipped in mid-December! I can understand, delays in the mail due to the holidays, storms, etc., but for an item to be lost when delivery confirmation is on the package, does not make sense at all-_-; I've had an item lost only one other time in all of my years of buying, bidding online or selling...what is happening to the mail system...I am losing all faith in;

Sorry for the rant. But thank you for reading! - ggsdolls