I can't contain myself, this is like winning the Lotto for me and we don't even have lotteries here on Guam!! LOL
This has been a year of many blessings, even with some of the hardships, as of late. I can finally say, I'm done. Let's pack it up and call it a Lifetime! Haha. Maybe not. I have searched the internet for about 17 years for amazing and unique or rare dolls and toys, with about 5 years of searching via magazine and mail orders, prior to the internet. But, this one particular item has eluded me all these years, until last weekend!
What is the item already?! Right? Well, of course with all things we need to start at the beginning...
So, here we go, when, I started to search for vintage Japan dolls and toys back in 2000, while searching for a Mattel Francie doll made in Japan. I fell in love with many of the vintage dolls and toys showcased on Yu's Cuties, website. Then, later while bidding on Yahoo Japan auctions and finding many of those very same dolls and toys, I started to find manga doll and toy ads. Similar to the one below...
Just like many of the comic books for kids and teens, there had ads like these that showcased the latest toys an cool things you could buy through mail order via the manga you were reading. Same in the United States at the time. Sadly, on Guam, because we were considered outside of the Continental USA we couldn't order anything, darn. Oh well. Okay, back to the ad above, if you look closely, Yes, it showcases beautiful elaborate pose dolls, a ring and music box playing bells, etc. Wait, what is that? Look at that little television set in red...
Just like the Janica Television sets here, that I collected. I was determined to find this particular TV set. In all my years of collecting and searching for Japan made vintage dolls and toys, this one escapes me. I wondered if it was a music box or a real television set? Does it plug in or do you put batteries in, and watch your favorite cartoon when you turn it to your favorite channel? Did they only come with the Disney Bambi image or was there other Disney related movies on it? Did this thing actually exist or was it just one of those toys showcased, but never released. All these questions and still no physical evidence found...
The closest possible thing, was a photo on a Japanese collectors blog of a red TV set, with no picture on the front, but, it was such a small photo, and when I tried to enlarge it, it got too pixelated to even see any closer. Then, years later nothing else...Until last weekend, while doing my usual searches, this shows up for auction. Oh my gosh, yup, I was floored. Finally, after all this time. It did exist!! I tried to contain my elation, so I bidded on it, a 3 day auction. It was quite nerve racking, and I could have sworn, I'd lose. But, to my surprise, I won and was the lone bidder! What? No way?! Yup. I guess no one else was looking for this baby, like I was. Hehe. It's all good. Now onto this ultimate find for me...
It arrived to me Saturday, in a small box in my HC mail, no letters, etc. As soon as Taby came back to the car with it, I knew it was the TV. I waited until we got home and opened the box up. Inside, there it was... a lot smaller then I expected, but still amazing. After removing all the bubble wrap. Here it is, I took photos of the front, the back side, the top and even bottom. Ha.
The Bambi photo on the tube is a lenticular card, yes of Disney's Bambi move, a scene that is popular with Thumper looking at Bambi as a butterfly lands on his tail, Bambi in awe, of the world as he learns about his surroundings. A classic for sure! There are four knobs, from right to left, one large one made to look like the channel switch with numbers "1-12", a "Volume" knob, "ON-OFF" knob, and last, "Tuning" knob. The on-off switch seems to be in an awkward spot, at least to me. LOL
The top has a handle for easy carry, and on the back side, you see a worn type stopper, Yup, it's a coin bank too! Haha. Neat. It will be hard to open, but I'm sure I can try... At the top, is the slot for the coins. It still has its original sticker at the back.
Underneath, a bit of a scratch, but for its age, not bad and I'm glad it doesn't have any major damages on it. Sadly, the Bambi lenticular is faded. Still, amazing how it survived this long. Probably 1960s judging from the manga ad. Maybe even late 1950s.
As I inspected it, I wondered how the music plays as the seller mentioned it was a music box too. Hhm, I turned the on-off switch and sure enough the music began to play, sadly, not one that I recognize, maybe you will? Upon more inspection of the TV, the large channel knob winds, for the music box to play. The on-off knob allows the music to play or stop. The tuning and volume knobs are just decoys and don't really serve any purpose except to make the TV look like a TV.
A closer look at the Bambi lenticular. I did try to open up the back side to see if I could change out the lenticular, but couldn't do it without breaking plastic. Oh well. There is one long screw missing at the back, that I will have to try to find a replacement for, someday...
Just amazing. I will definitely be putting up the white Janica Jewelry box TV for sale in my shop later this week. I think its time for someone else to enjoy its beauty.
It's been great finding rare things and collecting, but, it may be time for me to let the young collectors take over now.
With that being said... Be sure to visit my shop. I will definitely be letting go a few of my treasured finds.
Oh my goodness! Was my reaction to a book I just received yesterday in the mail. Believe it or not, I stumbled upon a follower via IG last week, because as I was searching through other collectors photos and collections, I was naturally drawn to hers. I decided to message her because she had a photo of a book, I had not seen or knew about. When she replied to me via DM, it was a book she had written!? What, oh my goodness, how did I not know about this book... Ugh. So, politely, I told her she had an amazing collection and I made it my goal to find myself a copy.
Titled: "Colorful! American Junk Catalog" by Tomoko Nakamura, 2006. That same day I searched and with the amazing power of the internet, google translator and Amazon Japan, I did! Yeehaw!
I ordered the book and in less than a week it arrived! So over the rainbow happy!! A Precursor: Taby had found, back in April an app "Google Translator",
you could use to help translate, signs, paragraphs, etc. So, while we
were in Japan last April she used it. I needed it to see if I could use
it to translate the book. It works! Yesss! Just in case you'd like to
use it. Not great, but it will do. Available in the App store for free.
Now on to this amazing book...
Tomoko had written about her collection of American junk that she fell in love with. Mind you this was printed in Japan, and released back in 2006. I'm guessing probably a few of the reasons why Rement recreated many of the cute ceramic miniatures in its collections, as well. Like the duck cup you see in the photo! Tomoko noticed there is a whole nother world of collectors of what we call "Kitsch", in a nutshell, the cheap stuff sold back in the day, mostly cute adorable nursery and baby ceramics and things. She talks about her collection and more in detail to what American Mothers loved.
It's quite fitting that all this stuff that was geared towards Mom's of the 50's, 60's, and so on in America, yet is still, popular today in the age of 'all things cute'. In the book, you will see many lovely photos and in color too! All from Tomoko's collection. From Rubber made squeak dolls, to lovely vintage greeting cards, Rushton plushies, and my favorite, cute ceramic cups, like Miss Cutie Pie, Miss Priss, etc.!
Using the app, I hover over the page and google translates it. I am able to read what it says, sometimes the translation isn't perfect, but I get the gist of it.
I enjoyed reading some of my favorite parts of her collection she wrote about. Just like my dear friend, Pamela Klaffke with her book on kawaii things. Definitely a keeper for those of us who love kitsch.
Tomoko's book, when found is both a wealth of knowledge to all collectors around the world, and lovers of Kitsch alike!
Now, time to make breakfast and read some more of this book!
Today, I received a much anticipated box. Inside, three dolls created by the talented "Paper mate Doll" artists of Afrocat!
I was told by a dear sweet friend and fellow collector Marcelo of Brazil, about their release. He told me that Afrocat had just listed them for order! These amazing rubber made dolls similar to their artwork by the same name, from S. Korea. A bit of a foreword, back in 2013 or so, I had found these amazingly cute Paper Doll stickers and makeup case here. I fell in love with the cute dolls that were drawn. At the time, I had hoped, that they would make actual dolls. After some time, they had become very popular, so popular, they made cellphone cases, stationary, bags, etc. available.
Now, they've finally created and released rubber type dolls! What!! Yup! I couldn't help but order them all. Oh boy! Now, I'm so glad I did. They arrived safely to me from South Korea...
As I opened the box, look at the cute sticker tape along the bubble wrap too! Awe, just adorable. Inside, Julie in pink, Alice in blue, and Sally in green. They even added two gifts for my purchase, isn't that just so kind and sweet! Yay, thank you Afrocat!
Each doll has her own story to tell, with sweet faces and lots of love. Just read them!
I love Julie's sweet face, with her blonde hair tied and pink and white dress, she reminds me of many of those cute blonde little girls, I grew up reading about from America.
Alice wears a blue dress with a white apron, and her lovely auburn hair, just reminds me of a favorite doll long ago, with bows on her hair. I think she is the sweetest!
Sally is adorable in her green and white dress with apron, and wears a headband. She is just so sweet. Sadly, I don't know if my version has a defect, but a bit of her hair paint is off and judging by the box, it didn't rub off on the plastic... Something I will need to let Afrocat know.
Each doll is holding a sweet white sheep. Just adorable. The gifts, were two sticker and memo stationary sets. They will definitely be used!
I will have to think about which one, I will want to take out of the box. LOL, I know these dolls will become very popular fast! I've already seen a few shop owners in Japan, showcasing them on IG. Ha.
Which one do you like best? Which doll calls to you? All three called to me, but I'm finding myself drawn to Alice more. Hehe. Below, Sally and the makeup case I got back in 2013. Just so sweet. Just amazing to have this wish, come true! Yay for Afrocat!
Two quick pics, of Bitter Squeaks mini bear, in a vest I found that fits him, from Remco's Heidi dolls. Also, the plaid fashion that I got for Francine. She fits it nicely too!
Today, was one of those days that well... everything decided to happen all at once. Yesterday, I got a call from my postal person, because I had some boxes. I wasn't able to get them, until today and more boxes came in...Hehe. Christmas all over again!
Today's mail haul...
A Candy Candy tin tray, more miniature drink vending machines, a Macoto compact mirror, unicorn figurine and a unicorn toothpick holder, a little blue bear, chenille baby posedoll and carriage, Little Factory doll fashion, and a ceramic puppy coin bank.
A lovely vintage tin tray with the anime characters from Candy Candy. In lovely condition, and I was very surprised to win it too. It will be added to my shop later today.
This amazing adorable big eyed puppy inside a coffee bag, coin bank. Still has its original stopper too. Also, to be added to my shop. Can you believe no one wanted this cutie? I'm just as shock as you are!
This lovely Macoto T. compact mirror with "Cinderalla" anime art. To be added to my collection. Sorry, couldn't resist. Hehe.
This lovely Chenille pose doll bunka baby with pillow and stroller. I will add it to the shop soon too. In excellent condition.
A vintage Tommy and Tina jewelry accessories and shell case. I will have to think about whether to sell this one or not. I love the necklace and the rings most.
Yup, I caved and got more of these teeny tiny vending machines. The set to be exact. I will sell a few via IG, if anyone is interested, just DM me there!
Holy Moly Mother of all that is Unicorn Kitsch!! Yup, won this guy and will definitely try to decide if he will be listed in my shop. Excellent condition too!
I also got a baby one. Yippee! A keeper of course.
The whole family taking a portrait. Just adorable. I just noticed the toothpick holder is a bit larger than the vase. Ha.
I finally received my Bitter Squeaks Mini Bear in Blue. I didn't realize how small he was, until he arrived. I wish I could collect them all too, darn. Oh well.
Love the packaging and he is so articulate and cute. I will have to add a bow to him and take him with me everywhere, perhaps shopping?!
I could probably make him wear some dolly clothes too? Ohhh, more later!
I wanted to share this, I found it in one of my jewelry boxes. If I recall right, they were a set of clips, I bought at a Mom and Pop store locally, and only loved this pair. I probably gave away the others. But, kept these because of the anime galaxy eyed gals that look a lot like "Snow White" in them! Haha.
They're so glittery too, so you know they were made in the 90s!
Also, after picking up Taby from school, we went through the southern side of the island and found these amazing swells in Merizo at Billybay. Whoa. You can't tell from the video, but the waves, looked like a Tsunami coming in. They were very high!