Thursday, March 20, 2025

Finds From Early March

 Here's finds from earlier this month...

Found this lovely vintage Princess Music Jewelry box. I love the gold tone design along with the filigree lace style design. The mirror can even swivel or be removed! Inside lovely red velvet and sectioned drawers for your rings, brooches or necklaces. I will be adding this one to my collection for now.
Below, some vintage 1940s children's blocks with decals. I've always wanted a set, but they can be very pricey depending on the style of the decals and the number of blocks. This set is simple and the decals are just too cute. My fave being the yellow triangle and the two green blocks with bunnies on it.

While at Donki earlier this week, Sara and I saw hair color packages with "Blythe" on them!! Just check out the rack! All with adorable Blythe dolls on the front of the hair color boxes, and in different styles too! How cool, some colors named, Cream Chiffon, Macaroon, and Bleach.

Below, two cute Flower Knows brand items. The first, is a lip gloss in the shape of a strawberry cake. There are three styles, a white cake, a red cake and this one below a pink cake. I love the design and cuteness for sure. It makes for great props in photos too! I also got myself a new second hand iphone and bought this furry case. Mostly just for fun! I don't plan on using it exclusively, because it isn't very good quality-wise for protection from dropping your phone. Haha!

Below, the cute compact from the Gatcha machine I got at Aeon Mall. I was hoping to find Flower Knows gatchas and sure enough found one machine with them. I only got the one, a number two named, "Daffodil Lily". I also found, while searching the aisles at Daiso Aeon, this adorable bear applique!

I saw it sitting on the shelf as someone just left it in the sticker aisle. I tried to look for more but couldn't find any more. This applique is big too, I will have to decide if I will apply it onto something or just keep it for display... Sweetest bear for sure!

I caved and got this lovely wall plaque of a taxidermy style plush bunny. It is so cute and I love the way this shop owner makes them,  and they sell fast too! She often upcycles vintage plushies and toys. Last, I found these crane prize set of Swimmer Flannel Pillows. They are already listed in my Etsy shop. The blue bear sold out already.

I hope you are having a decent March? Keep hunting for treasures you love and mostly the things you find affordable.

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, March 17, 2025

Don't Give Up...

 ..."Before the miracle can happen." ~ Fannie Flag

     We went on another Japan quick trip this past weekend. Since January we've been trying to get to Japan for just a weekend so Taby and her partner along with my grandson can get away. So finally after time off planned and flights looking a lot more decent. We made it out last Friday early morning and got into Narita, Japan for a three days and two nights getaway!

Gate waiting for shuttle bus.

My son in-law has never gotten a chance to see Japan except through the airport, so it was a first time for him and my grand baby. We made it to our hotel and then took the shuttle bus to get lunch at the mall. Of course I had to stop by my favorite shop, Patty's. Lots of new Swimmer items too! But I decided not to get anything, because my bedroom is small. My excuse! LMAO But just look at all those cute items!! Haha!

Patty's selection of cuteness!

We ate lunch at the mall and got our usual. Bought some supermarket snacks and food items. Went immediately to the claw machine room and Taby and Brenavin tried their luck. They did win a Micky and Donald Plush for baby! Yay! Sara and I just frequented the Gatcha machines and I got a few items there...

Sunset from hotel room.
As the sun set on Friday our first day in Narita. The next morning Sara, Taby and family were ready for breakfast. We had the buffet style breakfast always given at our hotel and enjoyed the views of the Koi pond. Then, we were ready for the Temple!!
Breakfast before the adventures...

 We caught a taxi to the Narita-san Temple. Brenavin and baby have never seen. So we made it there and it wasn't to busy just yet since we got there around 8am. We went to our fave spot where the Sakura trees were and in early bloom...
Brenavin, Taby and TJ.

Taby and my boy!

Kitties, Ohayo Gozaimasu!

We were even greeted by the local cats there!! The flowers were so beautiful. I had to take a shot with my little travel buddy!! Mostly the white Sakura trees throughout, but there were some dark pink Sakura trees as well, though not as many.

Small Puppy CC and Sakura blossoms.

Beautiful blooming Sakura!

This tree above has some little green birds picking at the cherry blossoms and making it fall onto us. It was so sweet and just the sight and sounds were so meditative. One of my favorite places to be for sure!!

a panoramic view of where I sat while waiting for the kids to come back to me...

After leaving the Temple, one of Brenavin's spots to see was this store called, "Up Garage". I think it's more like a Proline or NAPA store like on Guam! Lots of car stuff!! Just glad we made it there for him and he got a chance to enjoy it. Taby found this for me to look at, a resin gear knob with flowers inside. Too bad my little gear on the Prius may not be able to hold this one. Haha!
Gear knob, so cute!

Just a peek at the selection there.
After this shop, we caught a taxi to the mall for lunch and more shopping. We found a little eatery in the supermarket and got ourselves some freshly made candied apples and strawberries a Japan version of 'Tanghulu' called, 'Furitsu Ame', which are basically, 'candied fruits' like this strawberry one. So yummy!!
Candied apples.

Candied Strawberries.
Brenavin wanted to try this place he saw by Mcdonalds and he got this Indian dish of cheese bread and dipping sauces of veggie curry and I forgot the other curry flavor?! It was yummy too! We just relaxed and enjoyed our time checking out more shops.
Chapati above with curry sauces.

Gatcha Swimmer hair ties!

Fueki Kun Gatcha!!

We finally made it to the Gatcha room that they had in the mall that I went to last time. I wanted to see all the machines they had there for March. So many cute things too! I opted for just one item from the shop (I will share in separate post). Haha!! Sara got something as well.

bag from Mister Donut.
After a long day of walking around, we decided to get some dinner and head back to the hotel for the day. Taby and Brenavin decided to have a date night and Sara and I watched baby. They left later that evening, while Sara, baby and I watched some Japanese anime and ate our sweets from Mister Donut! Yummy! There was a Sakura mochi donut as well. Oh my goodness, Krispy Kreme ain't got nothing on these donuts!! LMAO!
Mister Donut choices, Sakura, Strawberry Mochi, and Chocolate dipped.

By Sunday morning, we did our usual start of breakfast and then planning our adventures for the day. We decided to check out by 11am and leave our bags at the hotel. We took our shuttle to the mall and spent the last day, just enjoying the sights of the mall and Brenavin getting stuff for his family. Sadly, the rain finally came by Sunday, though we had beautiful weather on Friday and Saturday, thank goodness! Sunday was gloomy, cold and wet. I kept saying lucky thing we went to the temple on Saturday and not waited until Sunday to go!!

Fujiya Peko Chan!!

 We checked out Book Off this time and Daiso there. Yes, still Daiso. Though we have a Daiso on Guam there are more things at Japan's Daiso and its way cheaper. Haha! So we enjoyed seeing the vast selection and enjoying the dollar versus yen goodness!

Book Off views.

More Book Off views.

By 1pm we were ready to eat lunch. Taby and Brenavin wanted Sara and I to try out the place they ate at the night before, Bronco Billy's Steakhouse. We took a taxi to the restaurant. Lots of rain and traffic too. Oh my goodness, it was very good and the beef steak had so much flavor to it! Definitely something Sam might enjoy!

Bronco Billy's Steakhouse Restaurant.

Grandbaby and Sara.

By 2pm, we decided to get back to the hotel get our bags, and head out to Terminal 1 for departure. We caught the shuttle bus to the airport and made it safely to the airport for some last minute shopping for Brenavin and Taby. Then onto our gate to wait for departure. It was an overall great time and definitely one of our memorable trips for sure, most especially for B and TJ!! Now, we got back safely home by around 2am. We are happy everyone enjoyed the trip! Yay!

Until next time Japan!! Live, enjoy the little things and take family along for the experiences!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, February 24, 2025

"The Unexamined Life..."

 ..."is not worth living." ~ Socrates

 February is on its way out! Here are my recent vintage finds, etc. for the past few weeks...

Below, I found this adorable vintage music box tower with ballerina. It was up for auction via Yahoo Japan with no takers. My guess is because of the lime green lid. Definitely not desirable. So I bidded on it and won it for a good price. As soon as I got it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do to upcycle it and get it more desirable as a collectible!

Auction pic of the tower before.

So, I took the lid off and spray painted it in pink! After a day of drying, I decided to find my miniature vines from my dollhouse supplies and added that to one side. I then, decided to add some pink satin bows and sure enough, I fell in love with this adorable and unique music box tower.

The upcycled tower!

The wind up key is underneath still in lime green and it also serves as a turn table, so that when the music plays the tower turns. While inside the lovely ballerina turns and dancing in a circle inside the tower. The top is lined with red velvet and is where you would put your rings and other simple jewelry. I love how the additions turned out.

Adorable blue stand ballerina, that matches better!

It definitely gave a more sweet and pink coquettish vibe to the music box. I will keep it for now. Onto other upcycled finds... Haha! Below, I took this adorable Swimmer white magnet board and instead made it into a Brooch or Pin board. I love the blue rosette ribbon I found at Michaels last summer and used it and then felt patches along with my Junichi Pin collection to decorate it with. Definitely turned out what I had hoped for and a lovely way to display brooches too!

These sweet vintage Japan dolly lot of 2, I got from Japan. They were each wearing Scarlet and Tammy doll clothing that was way to big for them. So, I changed it out to some vintage dolly fashions I had on hand. These fashions fit them just perfectly. So I listed them in my shop. I love there faces!!

Next, the lot of doll fashions that was worn by the little dollies above. They are selling in a lot in my Etsy shop. The fashions fit Tammy, Scarlet and Sindy dolls. Below, I got this lot of sweet Sylvanian Family kitty babies and they are also listed in my shop! Just look at there sweet furry faces!!

The adorable vintage teddy plush below is almost minty, with tag by Trudy Toys! A lovely beige and off white coloring. This cute vintage bear is also in my shop and available!
I brought my vintage ceramic Anart tall deer fawns here to the Village house. Lovely and they make me smile. I decided to let go of the blue fawn and the recasted pink fawn. I will keep just one, my tall pink one. I think it was time for me to let them go. The blue fawn was adopted right away to a lady in California. I also am sharing a lot of Kabaya Jewel box jewelry toys. So many cute pieces I kept and a few to add to a new listing in my shop selling blind box gatchas. If you check my shop I have a lot that will give you five different blind box gatcha toys with extras at a decent price too!!

Above, I got this adorable Takara Mascot box of an I love you doll for a fellow collector, but he didn't buy it, so instead it sold fast to someone else. Oh well. I'm just glad there are always other people that may be interested should some of my customers change there mind on a purchase. No harm, no foul! LMAO!

Last November I decided to preorder the adorable Sleepy Biscuit Baby plush and they arrived to me in early February. Too cute. I love the Chocolate Chip men most! Baby Biscuit is definitely cute and in her pajama garb she is just too cute. I am finding myself not bond with her as much so I may list her in my shop. But she is quite unique for sure!

These adorable glass gatcha miniature trinket dishes in rainbow coloring are so cute! I got the lot and kept a few and added a few to my shop. So far, one sold! They are great to hold your wedding ring or your favorite rings. Quite unique too! I found a Fairytown Ribo collab Easter Boy bunny in box and he is also added to my shop! Still so sweet and adorable. I believe he is missing a candle! Still sweet!

Last but not least some items for my sweet small puppy cotton candy baby. I bought 2 sets of eyes to change out the original ones he had. Made by the lovely Roseden on X. These eyes are so cute!! And they change the look on him dramatically too!! I also bought some tiny fashions for him by Meisen Shop! I love the cute knitted fashions she sells just for these cuties!!

Top: Original Pink Eyes, Mid: Big Teal eyes, Bottom: Blue eyes.

A view of the eyes above. Subtle differences, but there are differences none the less and give my sweet puppy cc a new look every time!! Just in awe by this cutie for sure!!

Life in vintage thrifting often changes with the times. Though I've been mostly busy babysitting these days. I still do try to make it a point to find some things when I can. 

Happy Thrifting my friends!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls