I just had to add another pic of the Living room set from outside of the house! Continuing... Just like the lovely bungalow, I had to wait a bit longer for this lovely Crailsheimer bedroom set also to arrive from Germany! I was thinking that maybe I would not want to keep it, but seeing the set in my possession now, I wish my bungalow had another room to it!

Above, I found out
here in the second photo down, is the same set I have above! My set includes two twin beds, when put together becomes a large king size bed, two end tables, a closet, a vanity, and stool. And
here you can see that this is truly a Crailsheimer bedroom set from 1963 in the second to the last photo below. But notice that the set there shows one king size bed only and the closet has three doors on it instead of two. Still the set is very close to the one I have with slight differences.

Sadly, the vanity was missing its mirror, and the stool, well, it was just a sponge atop legs-_-; So, I added some felt material, and decided to take away one bed, and sure enough the set looked lovely in this one area as long as you did not see the main door, but as you can see in above pic that the room is more for a kitchen set. Still it is nice to imagine it as a bedroom for now, til' I can find myself a kitchen set to put in. All the extras are from rement, and the lamp is unknown. Thanks for reading... - ggsdolls
UHmmm...WOW?!?!? I've never heard of this brand before. I love them. So wonderfully mod, eames era-ish. Your collection is staggering. I've been wanting to buy vintage kawaii makoto style items from your store but I always miss them :-(