Sunday, April 29, 2012
More details about some of the items I got...
The wonderful Madeline notebook, besides it having a beautiful front cover, inside is a lovely shoujo anime paper doll with clothes. Just too cute! Most of the pages are white blank sheets like a sketch book, but it's for painting!
This lovely Rose of Versailles kinder shoe bag is just too cute. Similar to my dear friend Xoxo's this one was lovingly used, but I am happy to have found one for myself to keep^_~ I may put the one pair of cute anime girl slippers in it!?
This lovely scarlet pencil case I got from an online shop via japan. I love the sweet girl on front, but mostly what drew me to this case is that it is a double-sided case. I do not have any of those in my collection!
While stateside, I found some silver metallic paint at Walmart and I plan to use it to touch up the dark Janica TV. I am awaiting a new shipment from Japan next week, and looking at my collection and slowly downsizing many things. These days, my love for galaxy-eyed goodies have taken over, my dolly wants. So, I am looking into what needs to be re-homed...
Thanks so much for reading! - ggsdolls
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I'm Back on Island!!
My new items from Japan. Mostly for me though...from left to right: Yukiko Tani makeup container, cost me a lot for this one...eek! A cute Rose of Versailles Shoe bag, Dolly dresser for the shop, Himeko pendant, pink music box, Cute Notebook, and a vintage apron!
Went through a bidding war for this one. Quite expensive for my taste, but so lovely to look at. Yukiko Tani's artwork just amazes me...she makes her anime girls look so realistic!
Lovely Madeline Painting Notebook on the bottom. I just couldn't pass up. I love the large face and eyes, a very unique style notebook I must say. Then, I also found another Himeko style jewelry this one is a pendant in silver. I will have to take pics of both side by side later on.
It feels nice to be home and back to the swing of things too! Thanks for reading. - ggsdolls
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Vintage Blossoming Water Flower and More...

Above the cupcake by Hostess, very cute container for secret stuff, etc. and The lovely blossoming water plant. We just couldn't wait to try out!!
Here's the description: This is an all time Japan classic. Japan exported several styles of water flower novelties. It was one of the first Penny Toys that they made after the war. Several versions were made right up into the early 1960’s. This is a version made in the early 1950’s. You remove the wax paper envelope and drop it into a glass of water. Over a short period of time, usually about 5 minutes, they expand and blossom right before your eyes into a beautiful, colorful bouquet of flowers. Fun to watch!
Water flowers are delicately hand made from sea sponge and rice paper and wire. They are compressed between glass and dried in the sun. They are squeezed down to about 10% of their fully developed size. When they are immersed in water, they slowly swell up and open into large vivid multicolored flowers. It is intriguing to observe the slow, expanding growing action. These flowers are made around a fine vertical wire embedded in a small stone pot. They are 4 ½ inches high. When they bloom, they fill a glass of water with a stunning bush of green foliage with spectacular flowers. Perfect Condition.

We tried to find a clear container, so we could make it last forever, no such this glass was all we could find. Still we loved the colors and the way the air bubbles just sat on each of the flowers as it soaked up the water!

So dreamy to look at! You can see the air bubbles sitting on the blue carnation. This reminds me of those flower decor sealed in acrylic glass that you could look at as a paper weight or light bulb from the 60's and 70's!

Also, my sweet Jenny wearing a Crissy vintage mod copycat fashion I won thru ebay. Looks really nice on her!
Thanks for reading this post! - ggsdolls
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
This Week's Arrivals from Japan!
Many lovely anime bags! This shipment, had a Lot of bags. Seriously, a Lot...Hehe! I won two separate lots of one set of 3 bags, and one set of 5 bags. Some of the bags I've had before in my shop, like the pink mylene bag, and the Masako W. bags. My fave is the cream colored with red Scarlet Sketch bag with amazing artwork on it. Truly dreamy and I love the combination of cream and red! I also won a vintage colored pencils tin with "Ashita no Joe" or "Tomorrow's Joe" anime manga on it. The guy is a cutie! Most have been listed in my shop, two items are for my collection!
New addition to my pencil tin collection. Lovely anime artwork of the boxer, Joe, above!
The anime girl above is lovely with her green scarf and pink blouse. I was lucky to win this one^_~ Definitely a keeper!!
I am slowly downsizing my doll collection...just keeping a small few if that is even possible^_~ Thanks for reading as always! - ggsdolls
Friday, April 6, 2012
More on the Janica Colored Television Jewelry Box...

I learned that there are four colored versions, ivory, black, rose, and brown. So far, I have seen 3 of the 4. There is also 4 different songs each of the tv's play. To my surprise, there is a drawer at the bottom, where you see the ruby diamond and gold embellishment, is a pull out drawer! Here I thought there was only a limited space for your jewelry, but there's a whole draw.

Above both tv's with the bottom drawers open, more storage space for your lovely keepsakes and jewelry!
I've always wanted to get one of the stereo's also by Janica, but sadly, they go for a lot more than the tvs-_-; Still amazing these little pieces of art!
Thanks for checking this post out! - ggsdolls
Thursday, April 5, 2012
What's in this week!

Then, I also received today some items from Japan!

This lovely large Macoto style art bag, another shoe bag with artwork by Cheiko Hosokawa, a shitajiki or overlay card with a retro stewardess on it. Another Janica TV music box in dark wood look, a Lot of 3 boots, a retro cute panda, and a Lot of miniature Glico dresser, lunch box, and desk! Most will be added to the shop, and some will not be for sale.

Tiny little Glico candy toys above. I love the dresser with the tiny brush. My daughter already claimed the other two items-_-;

This amazing art bag, with art work that looks very much like Macoto's but there is no signature, instead it says Sanjuki Designs and the tag says Nissan. So I am guessing it is a copycat? Still a lovely bag!

This lovely Janica TV I found a week after receiving the white one. I figured I would lose out, but instead I won it. I love the flower on this one, but sadly the silver needs repainting, and the knob is a bit loose. This one plays "Swan Lake".

Finally, I received this amazing felt cake jewelry box made on etsy by Fiordineve. This lovely felt cake looks delicious in every way with its decadent chocolates, strawberries, kiwi, berries, bananas, and cookies. But it's all made of felt! I just fell in love with one I had seen on Atomaru's blog. I found Yuki's shop and had her custom make this one for me to have 2 tiers! Still these cakes are quite amazing and so cute too!
The little slice you see next to the cake is a miniature chocolate cake Yuki sent me as a gift!! Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls