Sunday, July 14, 2024

Part 2 : Going Down Memory Lane!

     For Part 1!! Once we got back from North Carolina. We made sure to do some shopping while in Florida! Kalani had taken us to a shop at The Avenues Mall. Hi So I believe was the name. A lot of cute anime and cute everything in the shop. Just look at this kitty plush with a costume on. I was so very tempted!! Haha!

Sweet dragon kitty.

Adorable bunny kitty.

I wanted this Annabelle coin bank.

    There were our usual fave shops, like Hot Topic or Spencers that we had to check out. It was fun but oh my gosh, the mall was super crowded for a Sunday!! I don't recall my anxieties getting so bad. But it was pretty bad. Darn. So we left and made sure to stop by Five Guys burger joint for dinner! I got the little cheese burger and fries combo. They make their burgers so well. I even tried out the cajun fries! YUM!

Five Guys Burgers.

    Afterwards, we went to Bruster's Real Ice Cream! It was an outdoor location and I tried the Ube you see on the top left. We were definitely full afterwards and ended the night with relaxing. The next day, Kalani took us to the antique shops in her area! We made sure to get lunch first, so we ate at the Salsas Mexican Restaurant. I ordered myself a chicken burrito! We even tried their "Horchata" drink, it was so yummy. Its a drink made with rice, milk, vanilla and cinnamon. Kalani recommended it. The first Antique shop we went too was a bit overpriced on some items. But I saw a lot of great vintage items too! We ended up staying there a good hour at least! I did get the vintage rattle toy still in package there!

Salsas Mexican Restaurant.

    Some pics below of the first antique shop we went too! My full TikTok video below. It was fun and we each found something we recalled from our childhood. Along with some more modern handmade items as well and the ladies there were very friendly. Lots of vintage records, Pyrex, Corningware, a few dolls and toys. Mostly from Disney of course! It was really a treat for sure!
Not vintage but still adorable. Tempting to get for sure!

Barbie and other handmade items.

Unique mod clock.

Liked the look of this ceramic lady.

Look at these little metal painted chairs!

Watch on TikTok

    Afterwards we made our way to a larger antique mall. We found parking right in the front of the main entrance and we headed inside. I was amazed by how large it was. It was a whole complex with at least 3 or 4 isles of vintage!!! OH MY GAWD!! Boy was I in for a treat! Thank you Kalani!! This was the best one, I had seen in all of my antique adventures! Four isles! Sara and I started down the first isle...

    The video above showed one of the first plushies I found. A bit overpriced so I decided not to get it. Because the resell value may not give me much of any profit. Oh well. Still lovely though. I spotted some great ceramics and Fire King bowls. Even a Knickerbocker Bear Chime toy. I was about to get it, but decided not too in the end. It saw it had some issues on the body.

    There was a vintage toy stall in the middle third isle that I had found!! If you look at the video below, that's how I found it. I was walking towards the 2nd to the last stall in that isle, and saw from the top, peaking out a lot of plushies and I was like oh my goodness is that toys?! Finally! Haha! I immediately, turned the corner and it was Toy Heaven for sure!!

Knickerbocker chime toy bear.

I spy a Rushton Mouse!    
Watch on TikTok

    Yes, I spotted a Rushton! It was just a mouse but still it was nice to see. He was huge and the price was very reasonable, but resell may not be good. Because most collectors prefer the rubber face Rushtons and not so much this type of plush. So there he stayed. I did spy a Pouty brown bear, but sadly, he was high up on the shelf and I didn't even bother. I looked at that stall for at least a good 45 minutes. Sara was like are we done yet?! Haha! So much vintage goodness there too! Talk about a honey hole!

    I did find a lovely blue and pink toy rattle with Bambi from Disney on it. I made sure I took a photo of it and the number of the stall to ask for someone to get it. Because it was inside a glass secured case. We left the area to continue on our way down the third isle and go towards the center or front isle. Sara found a guitar section and a record stall. But of course lots of the vintage vinyls were expensive. It was fun to check it out though!

    There was a shop that had a large tiger plush on the shelf and I remembered there was a movie I had watched prior to our trip where the lead actress had a large plush tiger just like this one on her bed! When I looked at the other items inside the shelf, there I found a Alan Jay squeak girl and there behind a white owl figurine was a Knickerbocker Bunny plush!! A bit overpriced though. I still took some photos of her. She was adorable for sure! I was very tempted!

    In the end, of that adventure. We headed to a Goodwill just in case! It was fun and Sam found a luggage for us to pack the things we bought. He thought perhaps a box and this luggage we could easily check them in and not have to worry about carryons. By the end of the day we were all exhausted and had done at least four thousand or more steps that day! Whoo, my feet were on fire! It was an awesome time with Kalani and Max. Thank you guys so much for having us! It was time for us to head to our next destination... Next post soon! Part 3

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls 

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