Monday, February 24, 2025

"The Unexamined Life..."

 ..."is not worth living." ~ Socrates

 February is on its way out! Here are my recent vintage finds, etc. for the past few weeks...

Below, I found this adorable vintage music box tower with ballerina. It was up for auction via Yahoo Japan with no takers. My guess is because of the lime green lid. Definitely not desirable. So I bidded on it and won it for a good price. As soon as I got it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do to upcycle it and get it more desirable as a collectible!

Auction pic of the tower before.

So, I took the lid off and spray painted it in pink! After a day of drying, I decided to find my miniature vines from my dollhouse supplies and added that to one side. I then, decided to add some pink satin bows and sure enough, I fell in love with this adorable and unique music box tower.

The upcycled tower!

The wind up key is underneath still in lime green and it also serves as a turn table, so that when the music plays the tower turns. While inside the lovely ballerina turns and dancing in a circle inside the tower. The top is lined with red velvet and is where you would put your rings and other simple jewelry. I love how the additions turned out.

Adorable blue stand ballerina, that matches better!

It definitely gave a more sweet and pink coquettish vibe to the music box. I will keep it for now. Onto other upcycled finds... Haha! Below, I took this adorable Swimmer white magnet board and instead made it into a Brooch or Pin board. I love the blue rosette ribbon I found at Michaels last summer and used it and then felt patches along with my Junichi Pin collection to decorate it with. Definitely turned out what I had hoped for and a lovely way to display brooches too!

These sweet vintage Japan dolly lot of 2, I got from Japan. They were each wearing Scarlet and Tammy doll clothing that was way to big for them. So, I changed it out to some vintage dolly fashions I had on hand. These fashions fit them just perfectly. So I listed them in my shop. I love there faces!!

Next, the lot of doll fashions that was worn by the little dollies above. They are selling in a lot in my Etsy shop. The fashions fit Tammy, Scarlet and Sindy dolls. Below, I got this lot of sweet Sylvanian Family kitty babies and they are also listed in my shop! Just look at there sweet furry faces!!

The adorable vintage teddy plush below is almost minty, with tag by Trudy Toys! A lovely beige and off white coloring. This cute vintage bear is also in my shop and available!
I brought my vintage ceramic Anart tall deer fawns here to the Village house. Lovely and they make me smile. I decided to let go of the blue fawn and the recasted pink fawn. I will keep just one, my tall pink one. I think it was time for me to let them go. The blue fawn was adopted right away to a lady in California. I also am sharing a lot of Kabaya Jewel box jewelry toys. So many cute pieces I kept and a few to add to a new listing in my shop selling blind box gatchas. If you check my shop I have a lot that will give you five different blind box gatcha toys with extras at a decent price too!!

Above, I got this adorable Takara Mascot box of an I love you doll for a fellow collector, but he didn't buy it, so instead it sold fast to someone else. Oh well. I'm just glad there are always other people that may be interested should some of my customers change there mind on a purchase. No harm, no foul! LMAO!

Last November I decided to preorder the adorable Sleepy Biscuit Baby plush and they arrived to me in early February. Too cute. I love the Chocolate Chip men most! Baby Biscuit is definitely cute and in her pajama garb she is just too cute. I am finding myself not bond with her as much so I may list her in my shop. But she is quite unique for sure!

These adorable glass gatcha miniature trinket dishes in rainbow coloring are so cute! I got the lot and kept a few and added a few to my shop. So far, one sold! They are great to hold your wedding ring or your favorite rings. Quite unique too! I found a Fairytown Ribo collab Easter Boy bunny in box and he is also added to my shop! Still so sweet and adorable. I believe he is missing a candle! Still sweet!

Last but not least some items for my sweet small puppy cotton candy baby. I bought 2 sets of eyes to change out the original ones he had. Made by the lovely Roseden on X. These eyes are so cute!! And they change the look on him dramatically too!! I also bought some tiny fashions for him by Meisen Shop! I love the cute knitted fashions she sells just for these cuties!!

Top: Original Pink Eyes, Mid: Big Teal eyes, Bottom: Blue eyes.

A view of the eyes above. Subtle differences, but there are differences none the less and give my sweet puppy cc a new look every time!! Just in awe by this cutie for sure!!

Life in vintage thrifting often changes with the times. Though I've been mostly busy babysitting these days. I still do try to make it a point to find some things when I can. 

Happy Thrifting my friends!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Monday, February 17, 2025

Obsessed with Small Puppy Cotton Candy BJDs!!

Three sizes offered.

    Since last November, I discovered a doll while doing my usual searches. This ball jointed girl doll with wig sold nude, that was decently priced on an online Japanese shop site. I bought it and had to do more research to find out what the name of this bjd was... I ended up opening a whole can of worms. Back in the early 2000s, I was obsessed with Unoa Quluts, then Dollmore, then elfdolls, Secret dolls and so on. By around 2010, I stopped buying bjds mostly because it was just too expensive a hobby. The dolls went upwards of twelve hundred or so. Nope not for me. Funny because Rushtons are that way now for rare ones. Haha! At least I know myself and am able to stop or quit cold turkey when its something I can no longer convince myself to buy or afford. LMAO! 

The 1st PCC that started it all!

Anywho, I found out that this nude adorable chubby girl was called, "Puppy Cotton Candy" well at least by the seller who solely sells them via lottery to Japan bjd collectors. A ball jointed doll with a chubby cute look and feet with paws like that of a puppy. I saw that puppy ears can be bought separately if you want. The original makers are in China and are called, "Budda BJD" in English. There are two creators, one for the head and one for the body of this adorable doll. They are sold in China as well, and are slowly gaining popularity in Japan and to those who happen upon them sometimes being resold in the secondary markets, like I did.

There are three sizes that I know of, 1/3 or 20cm, 1/6 or 13cm and the smallest is 1/16 or 5cm version!! I was so in awe of the 1/16 scale version. There are only a few Japanese bjd collectors that own this size and you can see some on Instagram or X. Before long, I was on the hunt for a 1/16 version. I searched most of November last year, and beginning of December. I found a 6cm size twice and bought them hoping they were the same ones. But sadly, they weren't and the skin color is paler than the one I had seen from other collectors. Ugh. 

The 6cm size version I found on left.

By December 22nd, when I was doing my early morning searches... Low and behold, there was the 5cm listed randomly with its resin wig. Probably listed from the night before. I jumped on it and bought it! I waited a few days for my friend to get her/him and I immediately had her ship him to me and in less than a week for him to arrive. When he did, I was so in awe at how teeny tiny he was. He is fully ball jointed with an "S" hook inside his little head with little itty bitty eyes!! His face paint was not bad either he came with pink eyes and white  resin hair wig. The doll is a her/him as it is very androgynous to me and I love that it is. Hehe!

My sweet 5cm/1.968 inches small puppy cotton candy.

Wig can be removed.

Chubby body too! So cute!

So Kawaii!!! I immediately took photos and even saved photos of other collector's small puppy cotton candy. Trust me, you will also fall in love with these tiny babies. They are even smaller than Secret Doll Baby Fairies. The price of BJDs haven't change and are still expensive, depending on where and what you are buying. I try not to collect BJDs anymore, but I am absolutely obsessed with these small puppy cotton candy dolls. You can find them on Chinese shopping sites too. These small PCCs will have you wanting them!! I just saw a post by the Japan seller saying that many are asking him to allow more sales of the small pcc's. His answer was that the makers are a small company and can only make a small amount at one time. Darn!

Sadly, if you are hoping to buy right away you will have to wait for the only Japan seller, to post the sells of them and he will choose by lottery when you fill out a questionnaire to apply to buy one. The seller also has strict rules... You can't resell at high prices and can only resell at price you paid. This is one way of keeping the dolls from being costly. Which I understand. For a fully painted doll with eyes still nude sells for around just under two hundred US dollars, ones unpainted without eyes are cheaper at fifty US dollars. You can however find them on Chinese shopping sites if you look hard enough. They are sold more easily there without a lottery system, I believe.

Little blouse and skirt I made.

By the way they are tricky to make clothes for, but some Japanese artists have been able too. They are even tinier than Kewpie key chain dolls!! Haha! I've tried my hand at making tiny blouse and skirt for mine. She is so small you can take her around! I have yet to be brave enough to do that. But I definitely have a carrying case I modified just for him! Teehee! I've already bought some eyes to change out too from a seller in Japan who makes eyes for his size! I've also found a shop seller who makes tiny knitted bunny coat and dresses for them!

Knitted hoody top by Studio Meisen.

I took a lot of photos after getting mine! 

I am hoping to get myself at least one more with a tan body. We will see... Love to hear what you might think of these tiny cuties or if you own one already?

Thanks for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

"To Bring About Change..."

 "...You must not be afraid to make the first step." ~ Rosa Parks

It's February!! I am just excited for life and most especially for this month! Life has been really busy caring for a 4 month old grandchild, but I don't mind it. He helps me change and grow. Gosh how time flies! I notice more things around me, like the feel of a January cool breeze, the trees, and the sounds in the village. I see his wonder at the world around him and the love in his eyes for his mother and father.

Life seems a bit sweeter having him in it for sure. So here's what I found late January thrifting online...

I found another set of Lotte Pretty Lady cards, and sold 2 recently and the ones you see above, I kept for my collection. I now have 3 types of paper dolls. I am trying to remember as a kid how many types of paper dolls were represented. Always a treat to find them when I do. Below, Sara and I went to Donki to get our snack fix and look what I saw?!
These Doraemon Chocolates shaped in an umbrella, I remember the style of chocolates we used to buy as kids in the last 80s. Nice to see them on Guam and easily accessible. Though I didn't buy any. Haha! Still nice to see them here.

We also went to the Daiso store. I needed a few things and got these cute bag charms from Sanrio, and key chains with Boba tea cups that you can put things in! Love Hello Kitty and My Melody. I caved and even got myself one of the Moonlight Wand's! There was a Heartlight wand as well. But the moonlight one is just very Sailormoon style and one could not resist!

Very simple design, you just need to add 2 AAA batteries. It has four sounds when you press the gold heart just below the gem. Great for cosplay too!! Below, this adorable Konpeito with Dust Bunnies coin purse. While searching for a coin purse, that's how I came across this one. Definitely a keeper for sure!

These retro Tulip Lamps are gatchas of the vintage versions, and they light up too!! There are 5 in total. But I only want the blue and pink ones of course!! Haha! You just push down to turn off or turn on the lamp.

Lastly, this adorable plastic head bunny I won from an auction. I just added his pink satin bow and he is already listed in my shop. Love his cute face!! A great addition to any Easter decor display too!

I'm ready to enjoy my birthday month! Happy Hunting!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Rare Rushtons!!

     I haven't posted these 2 Rushtons at all since getting them for many reasons. So I figured I would share them now, since I don't own them. LMAo!!

I actually won this adorable minty kitty by Rushton in a Lot of 6 plushies a few years ago. She was hiding amongst the larger plushies and my hope at the time was that no one noticed her!! Which worked and I won the lot! I decided not to share her mainly because of her being so rare and I've never seen her before. I wanted to see if she'd show up later, and one variation did.

Her body is very much like the sleepy kitty body type. This one came with a little bell attached to pink elastic and a white plastic ring. I believe she was meant to hang on a baby's crib. All of her bows are original and her Rushton tag is the 50s version that Mary used prior to the change later in blue and red. Her rubber face is just like that of the tiger and earlier faces with green instead of the white part of the eyes. If you look carefully, her fur is white on front and at the back side her fur is a very light gray.

I definitely loved her all these years and since I've decided to let go most of my Rushton collection. She was listed on the Bay just yesterday and she sold fast!! I could've asked for a lot, but I just wanted a bit more then what I paid for her and not trying to be greedy. I will miss her! The next Rushton below...

I adopted this cutie from another Rushton collector a few years back. This adorable side sleeping bear with pajama bag is just too cute. He has been restored and I found him a blue pajama bag that is also by Rushton. The bag has a toy rattle glued to it. I replaced the bear's collar and blue buttons. Sadly, he is missing some fur on the top of his head and one ear.

He has the cutest bottom and has a snap button to snap onto the pj bag to secure him. He is definitely one of my ISOs back then. Having him along with the gray kitty was a dream. But I believe as with any dream, times change and your idea of ISOs change as well. Partly, too much drama in that community and not wanting to be in it anymore is another reason. I release myself from toxicity. Never good for anyone's mental health. But there are a few Rushton I will keep that are not crazy rare and just the ones that I've originally wanted when I first started collecting them. I am now down to less then 9 Rushtons in my collection. Haha! To each his/her own!

It is nice to see Rushtons going down in price. So I hope more people are able to enjoy them!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls