Rita C. Flores
May 31, 1942 thru May 5, 2011
May 31, 1942 thru May 5, 2011
Today, my loving mother passed away. She had gone thru so much. She finally went to sleep peacefully. I will miss her dearly. It's never easy to lose any one we love, but she was my life...
- ggsdolls
(updated) When I arrived in WA, my brothers arrived the following day and we had to meet with the Head Doctor, who told us we had two options, either we keep Mom hanging on using the machines that were helping her live, or take her off the machines, and keep her on pain killers to allow her to go when she was ready... It was truly hard, but we chose what we felt she would've wanted...that choice sometimes haunts me still, because of the what if's... But I don't regret our choice at all...
Oh my gosh I am so sorry for your loss *hugs*
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear this Cynth'. I wish I could give you a big dolly hug!!!!!!! x
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry to read this. Your mother died on the day of my mother's funeral - my mother had died just after Easter, on the 27th April, after being diagnosed with liver cancer on the 1st April. I'm glad you were able to go and be with your mum before she died - it doesn't change the pain of not having her here any more, but I am so glad we were able to hug mum and tell her we loved her.
ReplyDeleteRA and Hemulen, thanks so much hugs back at you!
ReplyDeleteRebecca, whoa, that was truly so close...these days I am slowly recovering from it all, but two things come to mind, first, its nice to know both our Mom's are now at peace, second, it makes me wonder if the end is soon, and God is taking all the weak one's that won't be able to handle it? Sorry, just a bit of an epiphany, or maybe not... thanks for sharing this with me^_~