It's been trying these days...Since arriving home, I've had a stack of boxes from the PO that have yet to be opened up! So, I finally had the gumption to do it today. Here are a few items I received in the mail...Above some YJA items to be added to the shop later...

I also received my long anticipated German Crailsheimer Living Room Set #2! This one has similar chairs to my first set but with a dark blue one, and the shelves are quite different from the first set and this one came with a bunch of extras too!

Also, this lovely almost lost Crailsheimer Kitchen set. It came with a lot of plastic items and the whole lot was sold to me for just under $6, but it took a whole month and a half to get to me-_-; I thought it had been lost in the mail for sure. But when I got home it was one of the boxes I received. I just need to do some TLC and clean up a bit more and the set will look amazing! Only thing missing is the Stove!

Below, I also won this lovely Hafner and Krullman vintage bed, and nite stands. I just love the color and style! Thanks for reading... - ggsdolls
wonderful, also see
HI there! and thanks for the link to my flickr stream. I'm blushing that you enjoyed it. Many dolly hugs, ggsdolls