I recently, found cheap well-made vintage magazines, comics, etc. on etsy! I wanted some more lovely magazines to add to the decor of the Vero, and sure enough, this amazing
seller (LDelaney) has many lovely miniatures that are beautifully made and nice to your pocketbook too!

She makes them by recycling old actual magazines, to make the thickness of the mags, and the front covers are printed out with lovely vintage magazines from the 50's, 60's, etc.!

A closeup of a few of the mags I got, vintage cosmo, seventeen, and vogue!
Then, I also, wanted to get these cute tiny school supplies! I found them via ebay, a bit expensive, but worth it! The seller has tiny spiral notebooks, composition books, and binders!

When I was little I used to sit in front of the TV watching my favorite shows, and coloring or doing my homework! I most especially did this over the summer days, when it was too hot to be outdoors! The funny thing though, is that nowadays, I tell my kids no TV til' their homework is done!! Ahhh, the memories... - ggsdolls
PS I forgot to add these lovely Lundby? photographs I won thru ebay. I love the photos in each of them and the way the frame is made! A lovely addition to my Vero, and more of the magazines!

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