Here are some amazing vintage goodies that came in today!
I found these amazing artwork pieces on Etsy. A seller there had both up for grabs, without frames, but, look at how minty each of them are!! Vintage Art prints by Goddard, 1960s. One is Susie and the other is Candy. Susie looks like a younger version of Candy. I'm on the hunt for Goddard's Brunette art works, now. I'm so happy to have these two, now to find frames for them!
Annnd, my various finds through Yahoo Japan and IG...
First, my ultimate fave... Back story, a fellow collector and friend, Blaire via IG, "
ComicKitsch", asked me about this large doll. She wanted some information on her to be able to sell her. I of course obliged, and after sharing photos with me, I told she had an Oike Co. doll named, "Vicki". She is a friend of Sun Chan also by Oike. You see in the late 70s and early 80s, Sun Chan heads were used to create a new doll, Vicki. She was hip and with the times, that were the 70s and 80s. She is made mostly like a plush or stuffed animal, with a soft plushy body, and vinyl head, and hands. She stands about 23 1/2 inches tall.
After giving her the info. and what she is generally priced at. I asked her if I could adopt her? Blaire, said, "Yes." and she arrived to me in a large box along with all these amazing gifts!!!
Aside from adopting this cutie, she gave me vintage ephemera, cute cards, tags, a little photo frame, a wood deer, a craft doll head with hands, these were called, "Ice Cream Cone", dolls. I believe, because they had every shade of the rainbow for yarn hair, so 80s! Not to forget to mention a cute fluffy squeak baby chick! My favorite of all her gifts to me, is Blaire's hand painted in water color artwork of a vintage Japan bear squeak toy! I have been wanting to buy one of her artworks since seeing them sell via IG. She has the most amazing eye for painting vintage rare squeak toys, dolls, and figurines, that many of our fellow collector friends otherwise can't afford or find. So, next best thing is an art piece to remember their beauty and cuteness!!

Just adorable, even the wood frame it is in, is painted cute! I will hang this cutie up on my wall!! Thank you sweet Blaire/ComicKitsch for an amazing trans! I love everything dear! Now, to try my luck and buy more of your cute artworks!! The other thing I almost forgot to share, Vicki, has writing on her back after I washed her hair... Here's what is written, "Mika Takemasa", dated 03/16/1985, her previous owner, perhaps named her, "Shizun"? Also, stamped, "F0284". No other tags. Just love her long legs and she fits right in too!
Next, I was able to win this lovely vintage pink cabinet, probably about 1/12 scale, with accessories, 3 plates, 2 spoons, a coffee, a milk containers, and glass. I hope to use it in a dollhouse scene someday soon. LOL
I also won these lovely retro puppy containers, in yellow and pink. I have a red one, so winning this set was a bit of a shocker. LOL You can place trinkets and other cute things inside of them. They both need some cleaning, but otherwise in good to great condition. Here they are all together on my cabinet. Just love em'!
Last of today's find, these amazing vintage deer couple figurines in brown. I love their eyes. I have seen them once before, but lost out on adopting them. This time winning them was a bit of a surprise, but, I plan on adding them to my shop soon! So, be on the look out!
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls