Sunday, September 25, 2022

Interview with Lovelyposey!!

 Interview with a Collector - ggsdolls blog Series

Here's my monthly series on my blog where I share some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and creatives, that have become friends of mine and what they collect and why?

    For the month of September, my blog interview is with the beautiful, kind and one of the sweetest persons I know,  Lovelyposey on Instagram or Isabella.

    Isabella was born and raised and currently lives in Queensland, Australia. She just recently celebrated her 22nd birthday this month and works as a TV News Editor for a popular news program in her state. I asked her when did she first encounter vintage rubber face plushies and if she collected anything else? 

    "As a child I took interest to things people would consider 'weird' I would say I've been drawn to things that are bizarre looking and not mainstream per say. I don't remember the exact moment I saw my very first Rushton toy but I do have a memory of coming across another fellow collector's Instagram by pure accident and recall just being in absolute awe of how wonderful her collection was, this person was bluusqueaks on Instagram!

    After seeing her wonderful collection I wanted to know more about the toys she owned and from there I recall searching for 'Rushton Toy' on Google and the first picture I saw was of the toy 'Queenie Quack'! I immediately fell in love with everything about that toy, from the details in her face to the detail of her accessories. I adored everything about how she looked and she looked so fragile! I never would have even imagined a child playing with a toy like her. Because she just looked like a decorative piece someone would have in their house. My mind couldn't fathom that toys like Rushton or rubber faced dolls even existed. They looked nothing like the typical toys that I grew up with & instantly I wanted to collect every single one I saw! The uniqueness of the toys designs was something that really drew me. Aside from rubber face dolls I also collect the rubber squeaky toys from the same 50s/60s era, and recently I branched out into the 1980s and took a liking into collecting My Little Ponies. Growing up, I had MLP of my own, but knew nothing of the first generation of ponies. I was drawn to the packaging of MLP at first. It gave off a very retro vibe. Which I liked a lot and from there I took an interest in collecting the ponies themselves too."

    How do you describe your relationship with your collection and what would you say is the magical thing that attracts you to it and keeps you interested? - "I adore them as decorative items. I can not wait for the day when I have my own apartment or house and display them in. However, I've recently in the last year or so really enjoyed taking them out places to be photographed. The magical aspect that draws me to them is just their uniqueness, but also the story behind each one. Each toy has already had a journey and although we may not know the history behind every single one of our collection pieces, sometimes it's just nice to look at them and just imagine what life they've had before they've come into our possession. It's also nice to give them a second chance at life instead of being thrown away or kept in a box forever. With my ponies I love to take ones that have been heavily played with and restore them to their former glory. A Rushton toy I recently purchased had been kept in a box all of its life and I can not wait to be able to take her places."

     What is it about the vintage cute aesthetic that distinguishes it from other toys/novelties of the same era? - "I'll skip this for now, because I'd really have to sit down and think about it." What was your first item in your collection? - "My very first item in my collection was this wonderful bunny right here!"

    I saw her on Ebay, and what drew me to her was she looked like the larger version of Molly rabbit who is all white and wears a cute little bonnet. I thought to myself I couldn't pass her up right? I'd never seen anyone else with this bunny before and she was in perfect condition. For a long time I thought I was the only one with her until earlier this year I did actually meet someone on Instagram who had the same bunny. There are quite a few of her out there but what makes her unique is her outfit. Not many bunnies have this outfit. In fact, I can't even find a picture her online! She was quite a lot of money to buy back then but it actually turned out to be a good deal in the end. Because, since then the prices have sky-rocketed again & if she were listed today she would probably sell for a lot more money than what I had paid. I still remember pulling her out of the box and seeing her for the first time. I was overwhelmed because it was much different than looking at the picture one. Personally I find that they are much larger in person than you originally imagine and it can really be overwhelming because you are trying to take in every detail all at once.

    Overall my bunny been there since the beginning and watched my collection grow and I don't think I could ever possibly part with her because of that sentimental value. My collection has grown quite a bit since my first bunny, I have quite a large collection of rubber faces and some I've not even shared on social media like 'Ricky Racoon', he doesn't make an appearance very often. I'm unsure about the exact number of rubber faces I own. I did attempt to count them once, but I received a few more since then. 

    I admire quite a bit of 50s and 60s kitsch, like ceramic planters and wall decals. However, I have opted not to collect them until I can move into my own apartment where I'll have space to display them. I am however always on the lookout for new Rushtons to add to my collection. They don't come around too often especially the rarer ones. You may only see a certain one appear once or twice in a year! So you always have to be on your A-game when it comes to collecting those. One toy I am always on the lookout for is 'Goldie Fish' he would complete my aquatic Rushton collection! But there is also a rubber faced pig out there that isn't made by Rushton Company who has a rubber tummy and I'm drawn to him because of his uniqueness of course.

    But he also reminds me of The Pig and Whistle Cafe that we would always pass by whenever my Mum would take me into the city when I was little.  There are other branded rubber faced pigs out there, but this one in particular looks exactly like the mascot and that's why I'm drawn to him in particular. He's quite common and can sell for a lot of money which is why I haven't been able to get him yet."

    What has been the reaction of your family, friends and coworkers, about your passion for collecting? - "I'm very grateful that my family are extremely supportive of my hobby/passion. They even help me to win auctions very occasionally and even get excited when one arrives. Several of my coworkers have taken an interest in my passion as well and follow my Instagram. I've brought two of my rubber faces into my workplace. One of my coworkers saying, 'I wish I had a unique hobby like yours.' It is very rewarding to be able to share these wonderful vintage toys with people." Tell me about your favorite item and why is it so special? - "It is difficult to pick a favorite, it would be like picking your favorite child. However, I do have my favorites. I recently acquired my dream toy and I would totally talk about her here but since she's not arrived yet and technically not in my collection just yet, I'll talk about my favorite toy that's in my collection... Which is...drumroll... 'Billy Butts the Goat'!

     "The reason why he's my favorite is simple, goats or specifically pygmy goats are my animals! Because they are such derpy animals! You look one in the eye and there wouldn't be a single thought behind those eyes. Not a care in the world! Just derp! Which is why I love the way Billy Butts the rubber faced toy is designed! Because he gives off those exact vibes! He originally belonged to a collector on Instagram. Who had sold it to someone on Ebay and I was very disappointed, but not more than a few months later that very same person has decided they didn't want it anymore and put it back on Ebay and I got my chance! Now, Billy Butts has a forever home, and he's quite unique because most of the Rushton goats have blue eyes yet mine has grey eyes and I'm yet to come across another one with this trait."

    Tell me about some of the unique items you may have come across? - "I can easily say that almost every vintage item I come across is very unique. But if I had to choose one thing I've come across that has stood out for me, the most is the chalkware pig owned by smug_pig_vintage. I cannot say exactly what aspect of this chalkware that makes it so unique to me. It could be its enormous size but also the 'smug' expression to me is just so unique. I've seen many other chalkware pigs before and none have quite the detailed expression as this one. Chloe the owner of smug_pig_vintage, informed me that she has never come across another. So the 'smug pig' could very well be one of a kind, making it even more special and unique. Gosh! I just love it!"

If any item could just land on your lap for free, what would it be and why? - "I would have answered Queenie Quack for this, but I will keep her secret for now!" Note: Isabella wrote this and a month later won her dream Queenie Quack!"
Have you noticed the increased popularity in rubber faces in the last few years, and why do you think that is so? - "Yes, I definitely have. I read an article on rubber faced toys online recently that was published in 2012 and the article featured screenshots of completed Rushton auctions and the prices were a lot cheaper but still in the hundred dollar zone, whereas today it's more common for these toys high hundred to thousand dollar range depending on the quality and type of the toy."
    "The toys definitely increased in popularity for a number of reasons, the most common reason I believe is because of exposure. These toys are being shown more and more in music videos, NFTs other kinds of media and photographs on all platforms on the internet. But why? I believe for the same reason I was drawn to them, because they are so unique. Pastel colors of some of the toys, the detailed facial expressions to the hand painted faces... what was originally just an American children's toy in the 1950s - 80s is now recognized by so many people around the world and I believe it's because the original creator, the woman behind it all, Mary Rushton was above it all an artist and she made something that was different and special to her.
    These toys were her vision and that's why I believe they are so appealing to a lot of us now. Because they don't blend in with other plush toys and you could easily pick them out from the crowd & and I truly believe they will be very well known and iconic children's toys from the 1950s and 60s in the future. (More than they are now)."

Thank you so much to Isabella for sharing her amazing collection and story with us! Until next month, be sure to check out my blog then. We head back to the States to meet a true Mary Rushton advocate!!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, September 23, 2022

Creating Cute Kitsch!!

 This past week, I've been on a roll with up cycling a few goodies, that have come into my possession... So yeah it has been a busy week! LOL I began with these vintage Meyercord decals and put them on some vintage Hazel Atlas milk glass jars. It was fun to do and I really am happy with the outcome. I have a few listed in my Etsy shop for sale!!

Watch on TikTok

 Next, I worked on this adorable vintage Krueger Kitty night light/lamp. She was in need of just a bit of touching up. Her paws were faded and worn, and her flower was so dull and drab. I replaced both with some vintage pompoms and a hot pink center daisy and TADA! She was looking fab! But, I felt like she needed a bit more oomph! Sooo, I added some vintage cream lace, blue and pink satin ribbons, and a chenille tail along with a large satin blue bow. Now, she's ready to be center of attention!!

Watch on TikTok


I also added some adorable Meyercord stickers I had, to this adorable pink milk glass jar, perfume bottle and vinyl purse... Just watch the video below!


Watch on TikTok


I enjoy finding other things I could up cycle and make more cute! Majority of the time I do them to sell and add to my shop, but I found that I end up falling in love with what I've created and end up not wanting to sell them at all. LOL! Oh my goodness, not a good thing for my pocket and the limited space I have! Haha! Off to convince myself I really don't need to keep them!!

Happy creating guys!

Thank you for reading and watching! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Sears Christmas Catalog Pages!!

 I've recently come across a website that has scans of the Sears, Montgomery Ward, and JCPenney catalogs for your viewing pleasure! I was so thrilled to come across this because, they can offer a lot of information on vintage dolls and toys that were released through the years. Sadly, only scans of the books from 1940 up until 2017 are available. So, here's what I found using the scans...

A foreword, Sears and Roebuck Stores released their first mail-order catalog in 1888, which sold jewelry and watches. Each year their catalogs added more and more products to them and it was easy to order from. You can read more here on how Sears catalogs became a household name.

While searching through and looking for rubber face plush toys... Sadly, they were not featured in the catalogs until about 1945 in a Sears Christmas Catalog. The first fabric face bear plush was named, "Windsome Bear". He was a 'lovable, huggable little fellow for little tots'. He stood about 15 inches tall, and made of rayon, and a mask face with hand painted features. He was sold at the time for about $1.96! How cool is that?! Though it would've been nice to find an earlier catalogs to see if there were other rubber face plushies. But because some catalog years are not listed, he will be considered first, at least in a Sears catalog. The other issue is that the listing doesn't show the company names who made them. So we can only guess or if we already know from what the plush or item is.

By about 1946, the catalog featured another fabric face plush, a bunny named, "Oswald the Rabbit". He stood about 19" tall, and had rayon fabric body with 'magic skin' synthetic hands. A first, to mention rubber features and not a fabric face. His original price was $3.89. Around 1950s, it was Ideal's musical bear and cat that are featured in the catalog that year, with its first, 'vinyl face' plush bear and cat. "Music Box Bear", was about 15" tall and cost about $5.89, whereas, the "Kitten with Squeaker Tail" was also 15" tall and priced at $2.79.

By 1952, the catalog finally featured a Rushton Toy Co. plush, "Buddy Bearkins" and "Sleeping-eye Bear". Buddy, is a happy two-some of a brother and little brother bears. Buddy being 15 1/2" tall, and sold at $4.79. The Sleep-eye bear was about 13 1/2" tall and cost only $3.69 each. It wasn't until the 1953 Sears Christmas catalog when Rushton's popular "Chubby Tubby" was introduced. See next catalog page after.

His, "Pert little face, shaped hands, feet are made of soft vinyl plastic. Chubby was about 12" tall, and about $4.79 back then. Others followed in 1956 and 1957's Sears Christmas catalogs. Daisy Bell at 10" tall, and priced at $5.49. In 1957, "Zippy the Chimp", "Social Skunk" instead of "Stinky Skunk" LOL, and "Puss in Boots" are seen along with a non-rubber face, "French Poodle" all by Rushton!

What I've also found is that Zippy, is a constant plush pal offered through out the years since his first print back in 1957. In fact, he is still offered in the catalogs all the way up until early 80s prior to Rushton Toy Company closing down by 1984. I've only seen him in the catalogs up until the 1980's Sears Christmas Catalog. It's no wonder you can find Zippy a lot when you search for Rushton plushies. It's because he was the plush they kept offering until the Rushton Co. closed it doors.

Yes, you will find colored catalog pages as well on the website!! Haha! It's really nice to see the toys in color too! Just look at the lovely Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme Rushton plushies offered!! It makes us collectors drool and wish it was 1964 again and selling at $4.97!! Oh my!!

By 1970, you can see the adorable "Caterpillar" plush and there's Zippy again too! By 1970 Sear's catalog, we see the very sought after "Happy Bear" and "Crying Bear" too! Each only $4.99!! Haha, so awesome!

By 1979, you can see the adorable "Mouse" with big ears in the Christmas Book. Called, "Novelty Mouse" here and sold at $9.99 back then. Well, that's it for now. I am sure there will be other things we can find out. But, those are the things that stood out for me. It is amazing that the website shared the books and each scanned page in detail for us to peruse drool over and enjoy for free too! 

Enjoy, while you can! These are amazing pieces of history and a wealth of information that we can get from these catalogs scans. Thanks to for sharing the catalogs! We truly do appreciate the site.

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Nod by Mary Rushton!!

 I've spoken about 'The Yawnies' by Rushton before in previous posts on my blog. The last time I did, I had the cat, called "Winkin". He is long gone and sold to a dear fellow collector friend of mine and I can enjoy seeing him being happy with her from her photos. This time, while doing my usual searches. I found a baby plush, that I thought looked familiar and so I bidded on him and won the auction. When he arrived to me. I immediately began to restore him.

I knew he looked familar, but I didn't want to convince myself that he was who I thought he might be until after I was done working on him. So, I began with removal of his stuffing, which by the way was similar to the other Yawnies, a sponge filler that had crusted and become hard. Which eventually would become sand and dust. So, I first began removing his pajamas...

As I began to cut and remove the tattered pink pajamas, I noticed a light blue cloth underneath. As I slowly removed the top layer, it dawned on me that I had exactly what I thought he was... Nod of the Yawnies! Yup, that's right Winkin, Blinkin & Nod!! I was so thrilled, but was his pajamas able to be salvaged?! That was the question I posed to myself. No tag was present, but he does have the Rushton Co. stamp on the back side of his neck, and his pajama buttons were sewn on the pink pjs. So, after removing all the stuffing and the pink pjs. I took Nod, and had him washed twice! Nod was okay, but sadly, all the washing had ripped his pajamas to shreds on both of his arms. Ugh.


I decided, I would try to sew him up and slowly, I began. It was a 2 day process. I ended up having to sew his right arm twice. Because the first time I did stitching on the outside and should've done it on the inside. I also had to sew some areas that the pajamas had holes in. His pjs were not as fresh as I would've liked them to be. But, it was better than nothing. I took the buttons and had them sewn onto his blue pjs. I just need to make him a collar. So for now, there is a white satin bow, until I can locate fabric to match his pjs. I repainted his face and hair. I may decide to darken, his blonde hair a bit. Only because it makes his face look like he has a tan.

Remnants of his Rushton tag above. Now Nod, is ready to be loved again. He will live with me for a bit longer. I just love his eyelashes and cute sweet yawning face. I also restored this adorable sleepy Rushton Co. rabbit. She arrived to me in poor shape and just like Nod here, she had the same sponge filler. I removed that and replaced it will cotton batting. Put back together, I touched up her face. She was adopted last week by the same collector friend who owns Winkin! She was just too cute! But, I am happy to make these otherwise thought of as 'trash' plushies, like somewhat new and to be enjoyed for more years to come!

Next, I received some merch for my shop over the past weekend. These adorable poodle Swimmer brand head or hat stands. One in pink and one in blue. Both are unused and still mint in box. They are already listed in my shop and great to display your hats, head phones, and other items. The base even has a place for your shades, glasses or jewelry!

This adorable Rushton Co. Caterpillar just needed a good wash! He too is already listed in my shop for adoption. Big plastic eyes and a green hat. He dings with all his bells along his body. I also bought this lot of Merry Maid sprinkler bottles. The red and white ones are already listed in my shop. All in lovely condition too! Some tote bags with cute adorable animals on them as well. Don't they remind you of Meyercord decals?! All listed in my shop. They make great totes to carry little friends along with you as you go about your day! I am so tempted to keep a few as well!!

And last, this lovely Vtg Crinolin Lady powder box. I added a puff pad in her. She came to me all faded with some surface wear as well and I was able to repaint her. They come in blue or pink. Sadly, they can be costly. But this one I found for a decent price! Yay me! Now, to find a spot for her. Ha!

Well, that's all for now and I hope you all had a decent week! Soon to be weekend!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls