Saturday, January 20, 2024

New Year More New Old Finds...

 Hey guys! Some amazing finds arrived this month...

Lots of plushies too! I found this adorable Cuddle Plush Girl doll by Rushton and she's already in my Etsy shop!! She was all original, only thing I added was the pink satin bow on her neck. The bow on her hat is all original too! Love her chubby hands!! She's looking for a new Mommy!

I also found this adorable giraffe by Lovable Toys. As soon as I listed him in my shop. He sold fast!! Has similar fur print like that of Daisy May cow by Rushton. Definitely a unique cutie. I restored this lovely Knickerbocker Pinocchio for myself. I have seen him before and just love his face and style. He is like Pinocchio as a human boy! It was fun to try to bring him back to life!

I also restored this adorable My Toy Lion plush. He was filthy and needed a major washing, actually several washes to be exact. I removed his stuffing and gave him cotton batting. Now he is good as new and ready to be loved again! Below, I snagged this adorable Rushton blue pup from Kaylasunshine's live sale! Cleaned him up and now he is ready to be loved as well. So far, I have found a total of 3 laughing pups in my lifetime! Haha!

This rare sleep eyed cute is also by Rushton but and earlier release perhaps around the early 50s. Sadly, he has the dreaded "Plastic Degradation" on his face, but I think he is still cute. I also did a video on Tiktok talking about the issue once again. I don't believe the disease carries over to other plushies unless you place him into a container and close it with other normal rubber face plushies.

Watch on TikTok


Some goodies from Japan as well. I love these anime ladies above. I believe they are game pieces to a dating game from the 1950s or 60s. They remind me of the Lotte Gum paper dolls. I also found another Shoujo manga encyclopedia and this one is from 1975. I have it listed in my shop already too!

This cutie had a buy it now option and I snagged her. I've seen her before, but just can't place where. I believe on instagram, and from another fellow collector's page. She is the sweetest! I have always wanted a Kubrick Blythe doll pink haired figure. They are often very hard to find and can be quite expensive. So I found this one on an online shop and it was cheap!! Yay me. She is definitely a keeper! Haha!

This lovely Chalkware bear wall plaque and mod lady coin bank below are already listed in my shop. Just love finding things that may be something others are searching for!! Both in lovely condition too!

This adorable doll looks like a larger version of Takara's Chichan friends or Chika chan dolls. Her name is Ichigo chan and comes in her original box. I've already listed her as well in my shop. Below, my lovely huge posedoll was taken out of storage and I found out that I could redress her in other dolly fashions!! Yay! So here she is in a lovely Premier Doll 1950s pink dress. Just right for the Valentine Holiday season!!

I also found another Nottingham lace dresser box set, this time in white that I will use on my mid century dresser unit. I just love the style and nostalgic vibes it gives...

Thanks for stopping by and reading my little blog. Happy treasure hunting guys!! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Hopes for 2024...

     It's already the 2nd day into 2024 and I hope you all had a lovely New Year celebration! My family just stayed home and watched a movie, then called it a night early. For this year we are here in one of our rentals in the main village of our town. It wasn't as noisy as I thought it would be. Yay! Usually down at our house we are far enough away from the village/town that we don't hear too much noise. If any at all. Haha! It has been 6 months since living in our village rental. Things have pretty much been back to normal for us as a family since Mowar. Sara's in school, Sam's at work and I'm continuing to find vintage for my shop and sell them. I am proud of myself for selling off more from my collection and I hope to continue to do so this year. 

    I love collecting, but I think I am more ready to let others enjoy the things I have treasured. So if you've shopped with me thank you and I hope to bring more vintage goodness to you! Soon I'll be another year older too. Life sure goes by fast! Haha!

Here's some cute vintage goodies I found and didn't showcase yet. Above, some 1988 Bandai Silky Fashion dolls that are about 4 inches tall and adorable with anime eyes! They are listed in my shop sold separately. Below, this lovely antique plush bunny mask face dolly. She has the most amazing big eyes! In lovely condition too!
I was able to snag this adorable Morinaga posedolly tin. A part of my collection, that is slowly growing. I will use these to hold my vintage anime stationary, pencil cases, etc. Love the graphics on these types of tins! I also found a lovely vintage record book with selected music for teen girls. I hope to show more on this record soon!

Next, I found these adorable open and closed eye pose doll heads that I made into lovely satin petal flowers. Both are already listed in my shop! They have arms that pose too!! It was fun to try to create something with the heads and I've always wanted to make anthropomorphic flowers!

Below I won this lot of plushies which included a Rushton!! Two of the plushies were not bad and are already listed in my shop. Two of them I have to restore. The Rushton white and pink kitty below with before and after photos I couldn't wait to finish restoring. It was fun to see if I could get her all cleaned up and ready to be loved! First, a Knickerbocker hugger puppy, sadly missing her partner. But she is still in lovely condition. Then, a gingerbread boy plush. Also in good condition. Both are already listed.

Here's the kitty after restoring her. She mostly had really dirty fur. I had to wash her three times just to get most of the dirt off. She still had lovely long fur and needed brushing too. Her rubber face was all scratched up and mostly on her cheeks... ugh

After using Mr. Clean eraser, her cheeks mostly cleaned up, with the exception of her left side. But, I was definitely pleased with how she turned out. She still had her original Rushton tag too. Afterwards, I added the pink satin ribbon and some hot pink 'forget me not' flowers I had on hand. I did touch up her eyelashes, nose and added a bit of blush.

She definitely turned out adorable and ready to be loved again. I have her listed in my shop. I know I may regret selling her, but I know someone will love her! Original stuffing just fluffed up and put back in. I just need to get one more plush from the lot cleaned up. I hope to get him done soon!

Here's to another year of hopes ahead! Happy thrifting!!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls