Thursday, May 23, 2024

Trip?! Super Quick Pls!

 On Mother's Day weekend, I decided to go for a quick trip to Narita, Japan, and Sara joined me. I was on a mission to find a doll. So, here's what we did...

I picked up Sara early from school Friday and we had our bags packed and our flight was not until 5pm. We got to the airport early. The flight was fast and made it into Narita, Japan by 8pm. We took the shuttle bus to our hotel and checked in. By then, we were exhausted. I just made a quick stop at the convenience store within the hotel and went to bed. This time we stayed at the Narita Tobu Hotel. Not our usual place, but still lovely and a lot more roomy as compared to Narita Gateway.
My breakfast above. I decided in order for us to get to where we needed to go we had to take a taxi to Aeon Mall since the hotel's shuttle service didn't run until after 11am. We got to the mall, and it had just opened. We went to Patty's first, as Sara wanted to check if there was a plush kitty she saw from our last trip still there, and it was!! I saw some new Swimmer items on the shelves and simply just looked around. We made our way to the music store to take photos of drum sets for Sam, which was one of his wishes for us to do. Then, we were by the gatcha machines and got some gatchas for family. Finally, to the store I needed to check out for the doll I was searching for...

I went around the store once and saw nothing. So I figured I'd ask the clerk and sadly, he said that particular doll had sold out! NOOOOO! Ugh. We left the store and decided to go eat lunch. Especially because we had to make our way back to the airport within a few hours. 

Welp, I did remind myself, that even though I didn't get to buy the little squeak doll I was searching for, that I did go somewhere for Mother's Day and it was Japan for a day! Who can say they can do that?! Not many, Haha! In the end, I got Taby her stickers she wanted, Sara got her plush Kitty, Sam saw the drum sets available and I got to get off the rock for a bit. All in all, it was good and I did enjoy myself. We made it back to the airport and caught this bus above, to get there on time. We were back on the island of Guam by 11pm that Saturday night. It was nice and though I didn't accomplish the mission, I did experience a little getaway! Yay!

Since I could not find this particular doll online or on my quick Narita trip. I decided to reach out to my friend in Japan. I asked her if she could help me locate the dolls... AND... Reiko went above and beyond and found the dolls!!! Haha! They arrived to me yesterday! Yesss!! So here are the dolls below...

Iwai Co. made mini versions of the crawling baby squeak doll in red, blue, pink and yellow. These mini versions do not squeak. My friend was able to find me three of the colors.

I've had the vintage Iwai Co. pink squeak doll back in 2010. I had bought the regular sized one for Sara when she was a few months old. She played with it for a bit and then when she didn't want it anymore. I sold it in my shop. My friend Feerique on IG found a mini version from her travels to Japan. So I've been on the hunt since then. Reiko helped me to get a few extra and will add them to my shop soon!

Next, I got this adorable worn Rushton kitty in and worked on her the past 2 days. She is a lovely pale gray and white color. Just needed a bit of washing and refluffing and TADa!! She was good as new. I listed her this morning about 30 minutes ago and she sold fast!! Oh my!

She even had her original tag. I also got 2 Rushton hand puppets in. A Dutch girl and 'Cluny' Clown is the name of the other. Cluny has a squeaker inside him. I think the hand puppets are just as cool to own and they don't take up much space too! They are also listed in my shop and sold as a set.

Lastly, this adorable lipstick case with Holly Hobbie on the front. Made in Japan by Sunstar, it is similar to one I have with anime girl art on it. I may sell this one? Not sure. It will be summer starting tomorrow, Friday for the kids on Guam. So I hope you enjoy yours when yours begins!

May you make great memories this summer! Happy Thrifting!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Summer Daze in View!

 It's just a few days away to the start of Summer vacation! Sara and I did some fun things the past week an a half!!

First, Guam finally got their Don Don Donki Store opened back on April 25th! It was announced that they would have license plate numbers or letters days for the first 4 days that Donki was opened. It was crazy. I decided to wait a week later until the crowd died down and I'm so glad we did!!

Inside, the huge shopping center, was a first floor of all kinds of things made from Japan. I saw, items with "Guam" souvenirs catered towards the tourists that come to Guam. Then, plushies galore from Sanrio, Donki mascots, just to name a few. Toys, snacks, chips, cookies, and more. In the back was the fruit isles, and veggies, produce etc.. As we worked our way around the back, we found hot plate foods and street foods available to line up and pack for quick lunches.
So similar to a 7 Eleven store in Japan. There were other items you would find for your home as well. We decided to check out with the snacks and drinks we found and see what else Donki had to offer locals... Once we left the main Donki area and check out lanes, we walked out onto a food court area on the left side and right side was an elevator to the ground floor, where liquor, wines, etc. were sold. Also, part warehouse style Costco or Costuless with bulk items for sale. We worked out way towards the left side and saw, some fast food counters at the food court.
One we recognized was Auntie Anne's Pretzels, and a Japanese style conveyor sushi restaurant, which by the way had a long wait line. After the restaurant, we spotted a Make up shop, and then my dream store Daiso!! Yeeesss pleeease!! Sadly not opened yet til later this month!
As we left that side, we could see the exit of Donki and on the right side, were Gacha machines and Crane machines as well. Sara decided to try her hand at one. I was disappointed that the gacha machines were limited and somewhat costly to play. Even the crane machines were nothing too amazing. These were small ones that we've seen in Japan. No large ones with anime figures in boxes or large plushies and the like. But, it was here on Guam and that was nice all the same.

Our snack haul. Sara and I tried the fruit milk drinks and they were very flavorful and yummy!! Each one tasted just like the fruit. The waffle pastries were delish too! Sara was happy with the Pik-Nik chips! We didn't buy too much, but will definitely head back for some of the other Japanese cookie tins and maybe a plush Haha!!

I also got some vintage finds in as well... This adorable large posedoll I was able to fix, her hair was missing some flowers on one side of her ponytail and some areas on her that needed fixing. Below, this adorable child suitcase with lovely mod floral design. I could not resist getting it!!
Next, this vintage wood Goldilocks House with shapes. I've already added to my shop. Just too cute for words! I snagged the "Kitch Deluxe" book, I figured should be a good read to understand more about Kitsch.

Some more Medicom Twiggy mini figures. I've already added to my shop! I sold out last time! So these are available again. Below, I found another Ririyu miniature yellow plush bunny. I listed in my shop and it sold in less than thirty minutes. Just glad customers can enjoy something rare from Japan!

This adorable yellow oil cloth bunny with Easter basket is also available in my shop. He's just too cute and his face too. In lovely condition as well. Below, some commissioned Ayumi Uyama Yujin mini retro plushies for a customer. It was fun to locate the set for her.

It has been a busy weekend even with Mother's Day in the rear view now...

Happy Thrifting!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls