I recently, bought via Comickitsch on IG. The cutest little trinket box and it arrived safely to me! Blaire was letting go many of her rare finds, and I just happened upon her sale and couldn't resist adopting this cutie! He is a white and blue dotted pony trinket box. I recall she bought him from Japan, and he's a Rune Naito design. Just to adorable too pass up. He arrived safely to me along with some cute vintage kitsch cards, a bear button, Ado M. art, etc.! Aww, thank you my lovely sis!!
Then, I finally received another two vintage angels from Ebay, that I wanted to upcycle. The first two I got are
here in this post. The next two girls were flocked in red and yellow. Yellow one is similar to the first yellow girl. But, this one had water damage to her flocked dress. Oh well, I had to figure out a way to change that or at least hide the water marks. Then, I decided to get felt in blue and glue the felt onto her yellow dress. Next, added some white with pink dotted ruffles and a pompom trim. Finally, a sheer pink bow. I kept her white angel hair. I think it matches well with her dress. Don't you?!

In the case of the red angel, I definitely wanted to keep her red flocking. So, I decided to just change out her hair to red and did them in braids. Next, I added vintage lace ruffles, I kept from a ceramic kitty that I upcycled, to the neckline. Finally, a black silk ribbon to the front of her dress. She looked mod and definitely the style for that time frame, I believe! Then, after looking at all of them together, I decided to change the blue haired angel to a different hair color. Though, I loved the blue hair, I didn't like the fact that it was just poofy and looked a bit unruly to me. Sadly, I didn't have the 3 inch pile fur, in blue. Darn it. Reluctantly, I went with the olive green, that I had a lot of. I believe she turned out nicely still. Yippee!! I even added a blue star clip too!

A look at each of the girls alone. They are quite unique and lovely to have displayed on a shelf or even during Christmas still. I have each of their wings, sadly the waterlogged angel's wings were broken and previous owner stuck them together with foam sticker tape. Ugh. I will see if I can remove it and fix the wing.
Finally, I also received this lovely retro Fawn plaque made by MerryBee in Japan. I couldn't resist getting one. Now, I have a bunny and this fawn. Now, if only I had room to put them both up on my wall. LOL
Have an awesome day!
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls