Thursday, January 5, 2023

Another Chubby Tubby Cherub Found!!



Just as the video shows, I did. I have to tell you all a bit of a back story to finding this cutie... Since finding the blue Cherub here from this post... I gave an opportunity to a close friend to adopt the blue cherub. It was a few days of talking back and forth about it, and she did. While doing my regular daily searches, this adorable black and cream chubs just happened to be in a lot with another doll, and there was about only 12 hours left in the auction. I could not believe what I was looking at. Mind you the seller's photos did not do him justice. 

I patiently waited, the next day the auction was to end and because it was too end while I slept. All I could do was make a last bid in hopes that what that amount was, I may win him. It was definitely something I told myself, that if it was meant for me to have him, I would win. Plain and simple. Next morning, I woke up, checked my phone after and sure enough. I had won him with only 3 other bidders besides myself. It was meant to be, he was mine.
As with all things, him being mailed out for me wasn't fast enough because I was still pinching myself at even spotting the lot last minute and all the what if questions plagued my mind. He was sent a few days after the auction and via media mail, ugh. Yup, everyone knows that parcel select and media mail can take at least a month. But, all I could do was be patient. Too my surprise, he arrived to me only a week later! OMG! He just needed a wipe down, he had a lot of surface dirt and his face was dark from old dust and smudges. I wiped him down carefully. He still had his original wings and his original bow on him.

Surprisingly that was it. Yay! I am still freaking out, I won him. Thank you Mary Rushton and the Rushton Gods!! Haha! He will live with me for now, until I'm ready for him to be loved by someone else...

Now on to sharing other goodies I found! Above these adorable large furry Squirmles I found from Japan, they are already listed in my Etsy shop. What a cool memory from the past! I've never seen large ones, so these are definitely cool! I won this adorable rattle doll, she is another addition to my collection. I also found another Macoto T. free diary book, in poor condition, but still lovely and I will add it to my other Macoto treasures.

I also got some adorable gifts from my close friends on IG. This one, I bought from OldSoulVintageCa via Etsy! I fell in love with the adorable kitty framed Valentine's card. Savannah did such a great job of putting the card into a frame with adorable vintage wrapping paper in the back ground. She is so creative. I love them and thank you again so much for the extra gifts dear friend!!

I also found these adorable Arnart small animal figurines. I listed all of them in my shop! Then, Sara and I went this new shop called, "Neverland Guam". They had all kinds of cute things from China, Singapore and Japan. This adorable pink fawn was one of them. Just look at her eyelashes!! Haha! Finally, I was able to order from Cookiegirls Japan. Since EMS is back up and running. I just couldn't resist. I got myself 2 of her pillows, and a bear hanger! Cuteness overload!!

Yummy Japanese snacks from my brother Rich, Jona and family. He knows my taste well. Haha! Thanks bro!! These adorable Krueger rattle dolls are available too in my shop! A special Christmas gift from my dear friend Paula. Can you tell? It's just like the string holder Lapin Ficelle!! Hah! How cool is that?!

I've seen this adorable bunny with musical wind up wood carrot. He was sitting on Ebay for months, and I felt so bad for him, so I adopted him. He is like new, and works just find too. Just adorable, he will live with me for a time. I finally finished restoring this Rushton Puss N Boots. I could have made him the pink with green vest, but figured he looked better with red. He was adopted not too long after I had listed him. Yay!

Last for this today, this amazing mint unopened Christmas stocking with rattle toys I bought from a friend. Oh my goodness, how cute is this!! Inside, a rattle doll, rattle tags, telephone, plastic bath toys too. Definitely another amazing piece of toy history!

2022 was awesome, and so far 2023 is off to a great start! Happy collecting my friends!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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