Thursday, December 15, 2022

Rare Blue Mini Chubby Tubby Cherub Cub!!

 Oh my gawd guys!! He's here!! Just look at this freakin' chubby cutie pie!!

 I gifted myself this cutie that popped up on the fave site for finding vintage plushies, and when he listed, it took only one second, to know, what I was seeing and that I needed him in my life!! If you recall my post here about Chubby Tubbies from a 50s ad, and here about the Chubby Tubby I restored. Last, my ultimate love this small white Chubster here! I have been wanting a blue chubby cherub since seeing the ad! But, to have one in person is a whole nother' level guys!! I'm shaking with excitement here!!

This adorable Chubby Cherub is the mini version standing at only 9.5 inches tall!! What?! Yup, he's even smaller than my white Chubby! In the standing position, this Cub, has rubber wings and vinyl paws and feet. He came with his original bow as well. To find one is next to none these days!! So I'm just thrilled he is mine! Squee!

Above and below the blue version in the advertisement.

Just look at his chubby behind, and in a lovely blue color too! Sadly, he no longer has his tag, but that doesn't take away from his rarity. Many of us know how hard it is to be able to afford a Rushton these days and to find a Rushton like this one and not in the thousands?!! What no way dude?! Was definitely a blessing in disguise! My Christmas is complete with him in it for sure!

Here he is with my white Chubby. Sadly, he does have a darker face, but who cares! I will get to enjoy him for a long time or at least until I am ready to let him move on and be enjoyed by someone else...

I hope your Christmas dreams come true this Christmas... Sending positive vibes out there to all of you!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

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