Friday, July 28, 2023

Thoughts on Barbie Movie 2023!!


This won't be about a critique on the movie and I won't be giving out any spoilers, hopefully, but more so about my thoughts on what the movie represented to me and growing up playing with Barbie dolls as a child of the 70s. 

My daughters and I went to see Barbie the movie, 2023 at our local Regal Theaters yesterday. When, I first heard there was a movie coming out, I was like "Oh boy, great another Barbie movie!" So Yeah, I had little to no interest in seeing it. Then I heard that Margot Robbie was in it, and thought "Hmmm, really?" Well, in the end, after hearing from fellow collector friends on Instagram posting they saw it and that it was funny and a tear-jerker... I was like, "Okay, I will go see it." We did!

After seeing the movie, Taby, Sara and I had a discussion on it. We loved how funny it was and also the truth behind a lot of what a 'mans world' is like. Not to get political or anything. But our world is what it is sadly. I'll stop there. Taby remembers playing with her Barbies, and the memories of the toys shown in the movie. Sara on the other hand never played with Barbie. I remember some of the vintage Barbie's shown and talked about. 'Growing Up Skipper' being one I had as a little girl in the 70s. My mom bought her even though I always asked for a Barbie. She said it was because Skipper is a little sister, and I was a little sister was her explanation for me getting her instead. Ugh, was my thoughts, but I did love my Skipper doll. Just glad my sister gave me her Barbies to play with. Ha!

I was telling Sara on the ride home afterwards, that I noticed that Taby played with her Barbies and she didn't get any type of complex or worry about body shaming from playing with them, at least I thought. Instead it was quite the opposite effect, Tabytha is very proud of her body and dresses the way she wants and is very independent and has a drive or passion for what she does at work and as an adult. Sara played with cars and the only doll she really had was "Jessie" from "Toy Story". So even with Sara, she doesn't have any issues with body image or felt less as a person. In fact, she has her own sense of style and is very proud of what she can accomplish when she sets her mind to it.

So what am I talking about? Well, I grew up with Barbies and the stereotype that came with her. I wanted to look like my doll growing up, and noticed what men expected us women to look like. My sister and I had those dreaded complexes that psychiatrist talked about when you allowed a girl or boy to play with Barbie. We had the body shaming complex, and what we thought an ideal woman was supposed to be or look like in a mans world. 

What is difference here... 

Well, my guess is that Mothers of the later generations of the 90s and so on, allowed their daughters or sons play with Barbie, but told them the positive aspects of playing with them and not the old adage of the some 50s Moms, where you had to be or look like this when you grew up. Later generation Moms allowed their children to imagine and take from Barbie what they wanted to become versus them being forced to become this ideal image of a woman.

Barbie dolls can be what you want them to be, not what we expect little girls or boys to become. So I guess it just depends on the Moms or Dads who get them for their children and what they instill in their child from the dolls. Either way, it is just plain dolly fun and maybe I am being to critical of Barbie and children. Haha!

If you haven't seen Barbie 2023 Movie, go see it and let me know what you think?

I loved this song most from the movie!!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Interview with Amanitarium

 Interview with a Collector - A ggsdolls blog Series

    A monthly series on my blog where I feature some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and content creators that have become really good friends of mine and what they collect and why? Read on to learn more...

    For the month of July, my blog interview is with the amazing and talented artist, designer and seller, Anna of Amaniterium on Instagram. On Tiktok you can find her under the name amanitarium_arts, and her shop on Etsy! Anna resides in England for the last 8 years. 

How did you encounter Kitsch and do you collect anything else?  

Anna:   I used to collect different kinds of dolls such as BJDs, Monster High, Licca and bisque dolls. I often came across some pictures online of how various arts were changing their make-up, hair and even body parts and this is something I got really into, which eventually led me to creating my own dolls and accessories with doll parts. I discovered vintage kitsch later on as there has often been an overlap with doll collectors community and it has become one of my biggest sources of inspiration for up until today.

How do you describe your relationship with your art and what keep you interested or inspired by it?

Anna:   In my work, I combine nostalgia, retro, childhood memories, as well as references to Shoujo and Kawaii culture with all it's dreaminess and charm! The quality of materials I use is very important to me and I spend a tremendous amount of time looking through fabric stores and online shops to find the softest and fluffiest fur fabrics which are nice to the touch, making my plushies not just decorative pieces of art but also comfort items.

 What is it about the vintage cute kitsch aesthetic that distinguishes it from other toys/novelties of the same time? 

Anna:   It's the combination of cute whimsical features and sometimes a tiny drop of uncanniness, which I absolutely love. Mary Rushton's toys especially, since they are particularly different and tend to stand out a lot from other mass produced toys with their expressive sentimental faces, making them so special and darling.

Tell me a bit about your art, how it started, and how it has evolved?

Anna:   I've always enjoyed drawing, painting and decorative crafts, however my passion for dolls has really pushed me to take my art to the sculpture medium. At first, my dolls and accessories were only human-like but later on, as I evolved as an artist and started learning more about vintage kitsch, I started making work inspired by vintage toys, too.

 What has been the reaction of your family, friends or colleagues to your passion for cute kitsch?

Anna:   At first, they were pretty confused. The reaction wasn't negative, but perhaps not as supporting as I'd hope. My parents just couldn't take this idea seriously and insisted that I should find a job in the industry I got my degree in. The concept of managing your own small business as an artist, especially in a pretty unconventional niche, seemed like a strange idea to them. Perhaps because of the culture as well as the times they grew in. Over the time, however they became very open to it and now they feel so happy about me. Seeing how well this is going and how thriving our community is! When I get to see my Mom, she even helps me sometimes with things like tack stitching and fabric cutting.

Tell me about your favorite project and why is it so special to you?

Anna:   There isn't one, as I put lots of love into every piece I make. As an artist, it's very important to do it for the process and not just the outcome. This is why I don't get attached to any particular pieces and feel really happy when my little creations find their loving homes. There are some aspects of my work which are my favorite, such as adding shine/gloss and assembling the plush parts together seeing them come to life!

As a seller, how do you describe your items to someone who doesn't shop online?

Anna:    Dolls and accessories inspired by vintage kitsch, childhood memories, as well as 'kawaii' and other alternative styles.

Tell me about the most unique item you have made?

Anna:    Most of my plushies are bunnies, bears, and lambs. However I've had some pretty unusual custom orders too, such as monkeys and even a caterpillar!

 Have you noticed an increase in demand for the vintage kitsch in the last few years, why do you think that is so?

Anna:   The raise of different aesthetics on social media has definitely played a big part in their popularity. Especially among the younger people. I've also noticed a particular increase during COVID outbreak. Since collecting is a perfect hobby if you stay home a lot.

Is there anything else about your experience that you'd like to add?

Anna:   I'm very happy to be a part of such a wonderful community of plush artists and collectors who truly appreciate items that are rare, unique or custom made, and I'm forever grateful to my friends and customers for the opportunity to do what I truly love doing most!

Watch on TikTok

A beautiful segue into concluding this lovely interview with a beautiful person and artist! We love you Anna! Until next month when we head back to USA with another dear collector!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, July 15, 2023

News on Bloop Update!!

 If you recall back on July 18, 2022 post here. I was commission to make a character from the TV show "Lost in Space"!! Sadly, the convention my customer Robert M. was supposed to attend fell through. So, after some time he has just been enjoying "Debbie's" presence amongst his collection. Until recently...

Robert messaged me and shared that he attended a collector's show and guess who he has photographed Debbie with?! Actor Butch Patrick/Eddie Munster!! Read his message to me below...

Robert: "Hello Gigi! I want to share this picture with you from a collector’s Show I attended today. Your Bloop is being held by Butch Patrick (Eddie Munster) from the 1960’s show, "The Munsters". He was remembered for having a little doll in the show he carried everywhere called, 'Woof Woof'. This sort of recreates that moment. Actual fact one episode of this show had the Munsters' grandfather think he used magic to accidentally change Eddie's friend into a chimp. The friend was played by Billy Mumy (Lost in Space) the chimp was played by 'Judy the chimp' actor who played 'the Bloop'. So it made perfect sense to set this photo up today. That’s me with the Frankenstein shirt, my brother is on the other side of Butch. You made this moment happen and I wanted you to know how much I still appreciate what you brought to the world. Happy Fourth! Best to you and family" 

He went on to add, "The moment I put Bloop on Butch’s autograph table, he told about that episode and it being the same chimp in both shows. As we set up for a picture I told him I had intended it for a "Lost in Space" actor to pose for this and he said “ Well, I guess the Munsters’ have to step in!" That gave us a nice laugh as his wife took the picture."

I'm so very happy to hear that Bloop made an impression on Butch and I hope that Robert in the future is able to get her photographed with one of the Lost in Space actors. It was a true pleasure to work with Robert and to know that Bloop has and will touch other peoples lives!

Thank you again to Robert M. for keeping in touch and sharing his adventures with Debbie!! It means a lot to me dear friend!!

Until next time guys!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Slowly But Surely...

 It has been almost 2 months since the typhoon and life for me has been a bit surreal honestly. Mostly because of moving and waiting. We applied for typhoon relief in most aspects that were offered. It has truly been a lot of help. Now, we hope to have what we need to move forward as far as our home is concerned. Yay.

Whilst, all this is going on, I have been able to settle into our temporary home, well somewhat. The bedroom I'm in is a lot smaller then my old bedroom. So I will have to make due. I am glad for it so that I don't have to move my entire collection for now at least. So, I will show you my new accommodations soon. But I have been adopting a few finds here and there. So here's what came in...

This in pristine condition Gund Bunny with her box. I actually got before the storm but never shared her. She came with her original box, tag, price tag, and receipt!! She will be treasured and a part of my collection. I also won a lot from Yahoo Japan with a cute bunka doll made by a famous doll artist in Japan. She even added a cute stationary sheet. Aww!

I also found these adorable Yoshi Plush Pet dogs. I couldn't resist and got a yellow and blue one. There was a red one, but I had to resist! LOL They came all the way from Australia too! I love their corduroy jumpers and fluffy faces. These are made in Japan and I believe from the 60s. I also bought this lot of Chocoholic kitchen tins and bowls. I have most listed in my shop already. Lovely retro style. I will need to list the bowls soon!

This adorable Picolet brand bag tag just reminded me to Kanebo brand felt made dolls. Just adorable. I bought this one and the Cherub below. Too cute to resist for sure!! Notice my photos are using mostly natural light. Sadly, these were taken when my home had no power, so bare with me! Haha!

I also found this adorable Dream Pet's crab. I couldn't resist. He has a cute white sailor hat and that face! He will be perfect as a prop for my toy photos! I also won this lot of ceramics a few months back and a rare Unicorn coin bank in it. I've since sold. I didn't know Fancyland also made unicorn banks. So cool!! Most of the items have since sold, but a few items are still in my shop so check it out!!

A closer shot of the adorable coin bank. I also won this beautiful Macoto Takahashi calendar from 1967!! I was waiting for the right time to find a frame for it and did. Now, she adorns my temporary bedroom wall. I just love her to bits, especially because she is a little girl holding a doll!! I also found this adorable Phomemo on tiktok. You can print and stick your photos on your memo or journals. It's great for students and using them for studying. I got it for sticking my cute stickers on things!! Not in color but it is still cute nonetheless!

I found a pink Chubby Tubby bear and made him into a Cherub cub. His face mold is somewhat different from my other Chubby Cherubs found. Perhaps an older face mold or as discussed with Kewtkitsch perhaps an earlier version? Below, I restored this adorable clown bunny, who sadly was missing an ear. So instead I added a party hat. He is already listed in my Etsy shop!

The last two items are Sebino's Metti doll keychains. Which I found via Italy. I love Metti dolls and used to collect them, now I can keep the keychains as a remembrance. Lovely in blue, yellow, and red. Finally, I found the infamous Susie postcard with cute rattle head bun! Two in one day too! Both are a part of my collection! Love them so much!

Well, that's all for now. I hope to show my current bedroom soon!

Until then, Happy collecting!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls