...What you make of it." And to that note, it is so true. If you choose to be bitter, then life, seems bitter. If you choose to be angry, well then, Life seems more angry. Just live and make the most of what you have, then life will be content. That is what we can all hope for... Right!
Enough of the boring stuff, here's what I've been up to the past week!
First, this absolutely amazing antique piece I found!! All the way from France, arrived to me safely. It is quite heavy and made of bronze, I believe. From the late 1800s to early 1900s, these gilded jewelry boxes have lovely silk tufted interiors with tiny buttons, and lovely accents to them. This one has a heart-shape. I first saw it while doing my usual searches, and was stunned by the pale pink silk. These amazing pieces are very much sought after, even in France. I will try my best not to begin a new collection, as they can run from $200 to $1000 even in the secondary markets. Darn! But, this will look so lovely atop my dresser. Shabby Chic ain't got nothing on this one!! Sadly, no key, but that is okay, and the back hinge will need fixing.

I'm amazed that the inside is still in this condition!! Whoa! A quick break, with this fun photo of my Chubby Cherub outside with Lulu playing with this adorable ring toss game! The game is already listed in my Etsy shop! Quite fun too, from what I can tell with Lulu and friend!! Haha. I found this lovely vtg dolly with bear brooch in gold tone. A great addition to my dolly pins. Next, I am in awe of this lovely Holiday Fair Ballerina Pose doll, I adopted from my soul sister, Blaire of ComicKitsch on IG. This swan princess even has a name, Monique!! Thank you Blaire and for the lovely gifts too, you spoil me!!

Another break, Happy with Chubby Cherub outside. I just love these two cuties!! They are always up to no good though!! LOL I found this Proctor & Gamble blue canister, with lovely mod apple design. There are two others in this series, a red apple, and yellow apple design. I am sure there are others. This canister will hold some of my toy jewelry which are overflowing at the moment. Ha! A Vtg Rushton plush Mouse, I rescued, gave a spa and touched up his cheeks. He is already listed in my shop! All original too! Then, these colorful mod resin flowers from IG, a fellow friend and collector in Florida makes these and I was able to snag a few bouquets. Now, her flowers are so popular, it's even harder to get any. LOL

This specialty kit for making an Easter Bunny basket, I may decide to add into my shop... It's hard because I am so tempted to make it into a plush instead! Haha! After seeing this Lovely Cragstan poodle from a fellow collector's stream. I had to get one. Creepy cute is what this poodle looks like, but when you wind her up, she plays a Lullaby and you can see her yawn and go to sleep! Just too cute for words! I picked up this lovely, red furry Frederick's of Hollywood style bedroom slipper ornament. It reminds me of Marilyn Monroe and similar actresses, in their nighties wearing these types of slippers and looking sexy...

This lovely Ice Follies 1957, bear pin. I recall a time when Ice Follies, was something many wanted to go see. This adorable bear pin, reminds me of that time. I have seen other animals, I believe there was a penguin, and an elephant. I wonder what other animals there were? Hmm. Some more millinery flowers for my Rushton collection and spa customers. I've been on the hunt for white daises with pink or hot pink centers to replace the one on Daisy cow... some day I will find the correct ones! The ring toss toy, by Koide. Is NOS in my shop!! I also got a lot of ceramics from Japan, most have been listed in my shop already. A few have sold. There are some rare ones in there still, so be sure to stop by!!

Then, I found this lovely My Toy bunny, she needed a good wash, and face touch up. Same face mold as my bear, now to decide which one to keep?!! I love them both so much! I also was able to find this lovely minty vtg Rushton sleeping baby pajama bag with rattle. She is so cute and in lovely condition, I didn't have to give her a spa. Yay!

I adopted this lovely vtg Rushton yellow sad bear from Japan. She was filthy... She smelled of gasoline, and I had to wash her twice. I repainted her face and added a purple satin ribbon to her. I may or may not keep her... A lot of 3 Sankyo music boxes, I bought to replace a music box in an old plush I am currently working on. Sadly, these play for only a few seconds, maybe not good for a plushie. I will have to see... The one song, "Memory", from "Cats" the Broadway musical, brings back a lot of memories for me. When I was in Jr High for Music Class, for try-outs to get into the Honor Choir, we had to sing this very song, and alone. I did it and was told by my Music teacher, I did a splendid job! I made it into Honor Choir of course, and it was one of my best school years too! I loved Honor Choir!

Last, for today, is this cute Woolikin plush baby duckie, I've already listed him in my shop. She just has the most surprised look on her face! I added the bib and daisy to her head. Sadly her original felt flower, was all gone, so the daisy was a good replacement.
Summer is here for most of the school kids on Guam. I hope you all have a relaxing week!
Thank you for taking a look at my blog! ~ ggsdolls